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Strech vs. Stretch — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on April 3, 2024
"Strech" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "stretch," which means to extend or expand.
Strech vs. Stretch — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Strech or Stretch

How to spell Stretch?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of the word "stretch" as combining "str" from "string" and "etch," implying drawing or extending something out long.
Remember "stretch" includes an extra "t" that stands for "tension," which you feel when you stretch.

How Do You Spell Stretch Correctly?

Incorrect: The new shirt seems to strech a bit after washing.
Correct: The new shirt seems to stretch a bit after washing.
Incorrect: I need to strech my budget to afford this trip.
Correct: I need to stretch my budget to afford this trip.
Incorrect: She tried to strech her arms above her head but felt a sharp pain.
Correct: She tried to stretch her arms above her head but felt a sharp pain.
Incorrect: The cat loves to strech in the sunlight by the window.
Correct: The cat loves to stretch in the sunlight by the window.

Stretch Definitions

To extend or expand beyond usual limits.
She likes to stretch her legs after sitting for too long.
A continuous area or expanse.
The road is a long stretch without any shops.
To last over a specified period.
The movie seemed to stretch for hours.
To make full use of something.
They tried to stretch their budget for the vacation.
The capacity for being elongated or expanded.
The fabric has a lot of stretch.
To lengthen, widen, or distend
Stretched the sweater out of shape.
To cause to extend from one place to another or across a given space
Stretched the banner between two poles.
To make taut; tighten
Stretched the tarpaulin until it ripped.
To reach or put forth; extend
Stretched out his hand.
To extend (oneself or one's limbs, for example) to full length
Stretched her calves before running.
To extend (oneself) when lying down
She stretched herself out on the couch.
To put to torture on the rack.
To wrench or strain (a muscle, for example).
To extend or enlarge beyond the usual or proper limits
Stretch the meaning of a word.
To subject to undue strain
To stretch one's patience.
To expand in order to fulfill a larger function
Stretch a budget.
Stretch a paycheck.
To increase the quantity of by admixture or dilution
Stretch a meal by thinning the stew.
To prolong
Stretch out an argument.
(Informal) To fell by a blow
Stretched his opponent in the first round.
To become lengthened, widened, or distended.
To extend or reach over a distance or area or in a given direction
"On both sides of us stretched the wet plain" (Ernest Hemingway).
To lie down at full length
Stretched out on the bed.
To extend one's muscles or limbs, as after prolonged sitting or on awakening.
To extend over a given period of time
"This story stretches over a whole generation" (William Golding).
The act of stretching or the state of being stretched.
The extent or scope to which something can be stretched; elasticity.
A continuous or unbroken length, area, or expanse
An empty stretch of highway.
A straight section of a racecourse or track, especially the section leading to the finish line.
A continuous period of time.
(Slang) A term of imprisonment
Served a two-year stretch.
(Informal) The last stage of an event, period, or process.
(Baseball) A series of movements in which a pitcher, standing with the glove side facing home plate, raises both hands to the height of the head and then lowers them to the chest or waist for a short pause before pitching the ball. It is used especially when runners are on base because it gives base runners less time to steal than they have during a full windup.
Made of an elastic material that stretches easily
Stretch pants.
Of, relating to, or being a vehicle, such as a limousine or passenger jet, having an extended seating area that provides extra space for more passengers, leg room, or amenities.
(transitive) To lengthen by pulling.
I stretched the rubber band until it almost broke.
(intransitive) To lengthen when pulled.
The rubber band stretched almost to the breaking point.
(transitive) To pull tight.
First, stretch the skin over the frame of the drum.
To get more use than expected from a limited resource.
I managed to stretch my coffee supply a few more days.
To make inaccurate by exaggeration.
To say crossing the street was brave is stretching the meaning of "brave" considerably.
To say he's been to this park a million times is stretching the numbers. The true number is around 30 or 40.
(intransitive) To extend physically, especially from limit point to limit point.
The beach stretches from Cresswell to Amble.
To extend one’s limbs or another part of the body in order to improve the elasticity of one's muscles
Cats stretch with equal ease and agility beyond the point that breaks a man on the rack.
I always stretch my muscles before exercising.
When the cat woke up, it yawned and stretched.
(intransitive) To extend to a limit point
His mustache stretched all the way to his sideburns.
(transitive) To increase.
To stretch the truth; to exaggerate.
A man apt to stretch in his report of facts
(nautical) To sail by the wind under press of canvas.
The ship stretched to the eastward.
To execute by hanging.
To make great demands on the capacity or resources of something.
An act of stretching.
I was right in the middle of a stretch when the phone rang.
The ability to lengthen when pulled.
That rubber band has quite a bit of stretch.
A course of thought which diverts from straightforward logic, or requires extraordinary belief or exaggeration.
To say crossing the street was brave was quite a stretch.
A segment of a journey or route.
It was an easy trip except for the last stretch, which took forever.
It's a tough stretch of road in the winter, especially without chains.
A segment or length of material.
A stretch of cloth
A walk.
(baseball) A quick pitching delivery used when runners are on base where the pitcher slides his leg instead of lifting it.
(baseball) A long reach in the direction of the ball with a foot remaining on the base by a first baseman in order to catch the ball sooner.
(informal) Term of address for a tall person.
(horse racing) The homestretch, the final straight section of the track leading to the finish.
A length of time.
(Ireland) Extended daylight hours, especially said of the evening in springtime when compared to the shorter winter days.
There is a grand stretch in the evenings.
(sports) The period of the season between the trade deadline and the beginning of the playoffs.
(slang) A jail or prison term.
He did a seven-year stretch in jail.
A single uninterrupted sitting; a turn.
A stretch limousine.
To reach out; to extend; to put forth.
And stretch forth his neck long and small.
I in conquest stretched mine arm.
To draw out to the full length; to cause to extend in a straight line; as, to stretch a cord or rope.
To cause to extend in breadth; to spread; to expand; as, to stretch cloth; to stretch the wings.
To make tense; to tighten; to distend forcibly.
The ox hath therefore stretched his yoke in vain.
To draw or pull out to greater length; to strain; as, to stretch a tendon or muscle.
Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve.
To exaggerate; to extend too far; as, to stretch the truth; to stretch one's credit.
They take up, one day, the most violent and stretched prerogative.
To be extended; to be drawn out in length or in breadth, or both; to spread; to reach; as, the iron road stretches across the continent; the lake stretches over fifty square miles.
As far as stretcheth any ground.
To extend or spread one's self, or one's limbs; as, the lazy man yawns and stretches.
To be extended, or to bear extension, without breaking, as elastic or ductile substances.
The inner membrane . . . because it would stretch and yield, remained umbroken.
To strain the truth; to exaggerate; as, a man apt to stretch in his report of facts.
To sail by the wind under press of canvas; as, the ship stretched to the eastward.
Act of stretching, or state of being stretched; reach; effort; struggle; strain; as, a stretch of the limbs; a stretch of the imagination.
By stretch of arms the distant shore to gain.
Those put a lawful authority upon the stretch, to the abuse of yower, under the color of prerogative.
A continuous line or surface; a continuous space of time; as, grassy stretches of land.
A great stretch of cultivated country.
But all of them left me a week at a stretch.
The extent to which anything may be stretched.
Quotations, in their utmost stretch, can signify no more than that Luther lay under severe agonies of mind.
This is the utmost stretch that nature can.
The reach or extent of a vessel's progress on one tack; a tack or board.
Course; direction; as, the stretch of seams of coal.
A large and unbroken expanse or distance;
A stretch of highway
A stretch of clear water
The act of physically reaching or thrusting out
A straightaway section of a racetrack
Exercise designed to extend the limbs and muscles to their full extent
Extension to or beyond the ordinary limit;
Running at full stretch
By no stretch of the imagination
Beyond any stretch of his understanding
An unbroken period of time during which you do something;
There were stretches of boredom
He did a stretch in the federal penitentiary
The capacity for being stretched
Occupy a large, elongated area;
The park stretched beneath the train line
Extend one's limbs or muscles, or the entire body;
Stretch your legs!
Extend your right arm above your head
Extend or stretch out to a greater or the full length;
Unfold the newspaper
Stretch out that piece of cloth
Extend the TV antenna
Become longer by being stretched and pulled;
The fabric stretches
Make long or longer by pulling and stretching;
Stretch the fabric
Lie down comfortably;
To enjoy the picnic, we stretched out on the grass
Pull in opposite directions;
During the Inquisition, the torturers would stretch their victims on a rack
Extend the scope or meaning of; often unduly;
Stretch the limits
Stretch my patience
Stretch the imagination
Corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones;
Adulterate liquor
Increase in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance;
Stretch the soup by adding some more cream
Extend the casserole with a little rice
Extend one's body or limbs;
Let's stretch for a minute--we've been sitting here for over 3 hours
Having an elongated seating area;
A stretch limousine
Easily stretched;
Stretch hosiery

Stretch Meaning in a Sentence

Can this fabric stretch enough to fit over the chair?
They had to stretch the resources they had to last through the week.
She found a nice spot on the grass to stretch out and relax.
It's important to stretch before you start any physical activity.
I'll need to stretch my arms higher to reach the top shelf.
He likes to stretch his legs after a long day at his desk.
Let's take a five-minute break to stretch and move around.
Sometimes, you need to stretch your imagination to solve a problem.
This yoga position is a good stretch for your back.
The sweater will stretch over time, so it's okay if it's a bit snug now.
We watched the sunset stretch its colors across the sky.
Stretch your understanding by reading different types of books.
It's a bit of a stretch to expect that much from a beginner.
The elastic band can stretch to twice its original length.
The fields stretch out as far as the eye can see.
I need to stretch my legs; I've been sitting for too long.
Let's stretch our minds with some challenging puzzles.

Stretch Idioms & Phrases

At a stretch

Continuously without taking a break.
He worked for six hours at a stretch to finish the project on time.

Stretch your legs

To take a short walk after sitting for a while.
After the long drive, we stopped by the lake to stretch our legs.

Stretch the truth

To exaggerate or lie about something.
He tends to stretch the truth about his adventures to seem more interesting.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Stretch?

The pronunciation is /strɛtʃ/.

What is the verb form of Stretch?

The verb form is "stretch."

Which vowel is used before Stretch?

It depends on context. An example could be "a" as in "a stretch."

What is the plural form of Stretch?

The plural form is "stretches."

What is the root word of Stretch?

The root word is the Old English word "streccan."

Which preposition is used with Stretch?

Various prepositions can be used, such as "over" in "stretch over" or "beyond" in "stretch beyond."

Which conjunction is used with Stretch?

Any conjunction can precede "stretch," such as "and" or "but," depending on sentence structure.

Is Stretch a noun or adjective?

"Stretch" can be both a noun and a verb. It can also function as an adjective in contexts like "stretch fabric."

Is Stretch an adverb?

No, "stretch" is not an adverb.

Is Stretch a negative or positive word?

Neutral. The connotation depends on context.

Why is it called Stretch?

The term "stretch" derives from Old English "streccan," meaning to extend or spread out.

Is Stretch a countable noun?

When referring to an expanse or area, it can be countable as in "stretches of land."

Is Stretch an abstract noun?

No, "stretch" is not an abstract noun.

Is Stretch a vowel or consonant?

"Stretch" is a word, not a single letter, so it's neither a vowel nor a consonant.

Is the word Stretch imperative?

In commands like "Stretch your arms," it's used in the imperative mood.

What is a stressed syllable in Stretch?

The entire word "stretch" is stressed as it's one syllable.

What is the second form of Stretch?

The second form is "stretched."

What is the singular form of Stretch?

The singular form is "stretch."

Which article is used with Stretch?

Both definite ("the") and indefinite ("a" or "an") articles can be used with "stretch."

Is Stretch a collective noun?

No, "stretch" is not a collective noun.

What is another term for Stretch?

Another term could be "extend."

What is the opposite of Stretch?

The opposite could be "contract" or "shrink."

Is the Stretch term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically, as in "a stretch of the imagination."

What part of speech is Stretch?

"Stretch" can be a verb, noun, or adjective.

How is Stretch used in a sentence?

"After a long day, it felt good to stretch and relax."

Which determiner is used with Stretch?

It depends on context. "This," "that," "my," etc., could all work.

What is the third form of Stretch?

The third form is "stretched."

How many syllables are in Stretch?

There is one syllable in "stretch."

How do we divide Stretch into syllables?

"Stretch" is one syllable and cannot be divided.

What is the first form of Stretch?

The first form is "stretch."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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