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Metonomy vs. Metonymy — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on April 1, 2024
Metonomy is an incorrect spelling of Metonymy. Metonymy refers to substituting the name of one thing with the name of something closely associated.
Metonomy vs. Metonymy — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Metonomy or Metonymy

How to spell Metonymy?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think Association: As Metonymy is about association, associate the "y" with correctness.
"Nym" Means Name: Remember "nym" as in "synonym" or "antonym". Metonymy is about naming by association.
"Y not O": In Metonymy, use "y" instead of "o" at the end to get the right spelling.
Met-ON-ymy: Emphasizing the "ON" can help distinguish the correct spelling from the incorrect one.
Avoid the Extra 'o': No need to add an extra 'o' at the end. Stick with 'y'.

How Do You Spell Metonymy Correctly?

Incorrect: "Wall Street" is often used as a metonomy for the financial industry in the United States.
Correct: "Wall Street" is often used as a metonymy for the financial industry in the United States.

Metonymy Definitions

Using an attribute or adjunct to represent the whole thing.
The pen is mightier than the sword.
A rhetorical device where one term is substituted by another closely related term.
The White House announced a new policy.
Referring to something not by its own name but by the name of something intimately associated.
The kettle is boiling.
A figure of speech where the name of one thing stands in for something related.
Hollywood is known for filmmaking.
Substituting a word with another that has a close conceptual, spatial, or causal link.
The crown will find an heir.
Metonymy () is a figure of speech in which a thing or concept is referred to by the name of something closely associated with that thing or concept.
A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated, as in the use of Washington for the United States government or of the sword for military power.
(rhetoric) The use of a single characteristic or part of an object, concept or phenomenon to identify the entire object, concept, phenomenon or a related object.
(countable) A metonym.
A trope in which one word is put for another that suggests it; as, we say, a man keeps a good table instead of good provisions; we read Virgil, that is, his poems; a man has a warm heart, that is, warm affections; a city dweller has no wheels, that is, no automobile.
Substituting the name of an attribute or feature for the name of the thing itself (as in `they counted heads')

Metonymy Meaning in a Sentence

"The bottle" is sometimes used as a metonymy for alcoholic beverages or drinking.
Metonymy in advertising can subtly influence the audience's perception of a product or brand.
Using "the Oval Office" as a metonymy for the U.S. President's decisions or actions is common.
"The track" is a metonymy for the horse racing industry or the act of racing itself.
Metonymy can simplify complex ideas by focusing on a tangible object or concept associated with them.
Metonymy allows for concise expression in political and social commentary.
"The stage" as a metonymy can refer to the world of theater or performing arts.
In academic writing, metonymy can help articulate complex theories or ideas succinctly.
Metonymy can bridge the gap between the abstract and the concrete in communication.
Understanding the use of metonymy enriches one's interpretation of language and symbolism.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Metonymy?

It's called "Metonymy" from the Greek "metōnymía" meaning "change of name," due to its practice of substituting names.

What is the pronunciation of Metonymy?

Metonymy is pronounced as /mɪˈtɒnɪmi/.

What is the root word of Metonymy?

The root word is "metōnymía" from Greek, meaning "change of name."

What is the singular form of Metonymy?

The singular form is "Metonymy."

What is the plural form of Metonymy?

The plural form is "Metonymies."

Which vowel is used before Metonymy?

The letter 'e' is used before 'Metonymy.'

Which preposition is used with Metonymy?

"of" is commonly used, as in "metonymy of a place."

Is Metonymy an adverb?

No, "Metonymy" is not an adverb.

Is Metonymy a negative or positive word?

"Metonymy" is neutral. Its connotation depends on the context.

What is the verb form of Metonymy?

There isn't a widely recognized verb form of "Metonymy." However, "metonymize" can be used informally.

Is Metonymy a noun or adjective?

"Metonymy" is primarily a noun.

Which article is used with Metonymy?

Both "a" and "the" can be used, e.g., "a metonymy" or "the metonymy."

Is Metonymy an abstract noun?

Yes, "Metonymy" is an abstract noun as it represents an idea or concept.

Is the Metonymy term a metaphor?

No, "Metonymy" is a rhetorical device distinct from metaphor, though both involve figurative language.

What is another term for Metonymy?

Another term for "Metonymy" is "substitution by association."

What is the first form of Metonymy?

Metonymy is a noun and doesn't have verb forms.

What is the third form of Metonymy?

Same as above.

Which conjunction is used with Metonymy?

No specific conjunction is tied to "Metonymy." It depends on the sentence.

Is Metonymy a collective noun?

No, "Metonymy" is not a collective noun.

How do we divide Metonymy into syllables?


Is Metonymy a vowel or consonant?

"Metonymy" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

How many syllables are in Metonymy?

There are four syllables in "Metonymy."

Which determiner is used with Metonymy?

Determiners like "this", "that", "my", "a", and "the" can be used with "Metonymy."

What is the second form of Metonymy?

Same as above.

Is Metonymy a countable noun?

Yes, e.g., "several metonymies."

Is the word Metonymy imperative?

No, "Metonymy" is not in the imperative form.

What is the stressed syllable in Metonymy?

The second syllable, "to", is stressed.

What part of speech is Metonymy?

"Metonymy" is a noun.

What is the opposite of Metonymy?

While there isn't a direct opposite, "synecdoche," another figure of speech, is sometimes contrasted with metonymy.

How is Metonymy used in a sentence?

"In the phrase 'lend me your ears,' 'ears' is a metonymy representing attentive listening."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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