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Sieze vs. Size — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 24, 2024
"Sieze" is an incorrect spelling. "Size" is the correct form, referring to the magnitude or dimensions of something.
Sieze vs. Size — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Sieze or Size

How to spell Size?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "size" as the "sized" version without the "d".
"i before e except after c" rule can be applied, but be cautious as there are exceptions.
Visualize the word "prize"; just replace the "pr" with "s" to get "size".
"Size" rhymes with "wise" – and it's wise to spell it correctly!
Remember the common phrase "One size fits all."

How Do You Spell Size Correctly?

Incorrect: We need to sieze up the situation before making a decision.
Correct: We need to size up the situation before making a decision.
Incorrect: Can you tell me the sieze of that shirt?
Correct: Can you tell me the size of that shirt?
Incorrect: The sieze of the room is quite large.
Correct: The size of the room is quite large.

Size Definitions

Size can denote a particular group based on specific dimensions or quantities.
He wears a size 10 shoe.
Size in art refers to a type of adhesive used before gilding.
The craftsman applied size to the surface before gilding.
Size in general is the magnitude or dimensions of a thing. More specifically, geometrical size (or spatial size) can refer to linear dimensions (length, width, height, diameter, perimeter), area, or volume.
The relative extent of something; a thing's overall dimensions or magnitude; how big something is
A forest the size of Wales
Firms of all sizes
The schools varied in size
Each of the classes, typically numbered, into which garments or other articles are divided according to how large they are
I can never find anything in my size
A gelatinous solution used in glazing paper, stiffening textiles, and preparing plastered walls for decoration.
Alter or sort in terms of size or according to size
Twist drills are sized in millimetres
Estimate or measure something's dimensions
She was trying to size up a room with a tape measure
Treat with size to glaze or stiffen
Paper will adhere to sized walls better
Having a specified size; sized
Marble-size chunks of hail
The physical dimensions, proportions, magnitude, or extent of an object.
Any of a series of graduated categories of dimension whereby manufactured articles, such as shoes and clothing, are classified.
Considerable extent, amount, or dimensions
A debt of enormous size.
Relative amount or number, as of population or contents
What size is Cleveland?.
Character, value, or status with reference to relative importance or the capacity to meet given requirements
Try this proposal on for size.
The actual state of affairs
That's about the size of the situation.
Any of several gelatinous or glutinous substances usually made from glue, wax, or clay and used as a glaze or filler for porous materials such as paper, cloth, or wall surfaces.
To arrange, classify, or distribute according to size.
To make, cut, or shape to a required size.
To treat or coat with size or a similar substance.
Sized. Often used in combination
Bite-size appetizers.
An economy-size package.
An assize.
(obsolete) A regulation determining the amount of money paid in fees, taxes etc.
(obsolete) A fixed standard for the magnitude, quality, quantity etc. of goods, especially food and drink.
The dimensions or magnitude of a thing; how big something is.
The size of the building seemed to have increased since I was last there.
(obsolete) A regulation, piece of ordinance.
A specific set of dimensions for a manufactured article, especially clothing.
I don't think we have the red one in your size.
(graph theory) A number of edges in a graph.
Degree of rank, ability, character, etc.
An instrument consisting of a number of perforated gauges fastened together at one end by a rivet, used for measuring the size of pearls
A thin, weak glue used as primer for paper or canvas intended to be painted upon.
Wallpaper paste.
The thickened crust on coagulated blood.
Any viscous substance, such as gilder's varnish.
(transitive) To adjust the size of; to make a certain size.
(transitive) To classify or arrange by size.
(military) To take the height of men, in order to place them in the ranks according to their stature.
(mining) To sift (pieces of ore or metal) in order to separate the finer from the coarser parts.
To approximate the dimensions, estimate the size of.
(intransitive) To take a greater size; to increase in size.
To order food or drink from the buttery; hence, to enter a score, as upon the buttery book.
To swell; to increase the bulk of.
(transitive) To apply glue or other primer to a surface which is to be painted.
A thin, weak glue used in various trades, as in painting, bookbinding, paper making, etc.
Any viscous substance, as gilder's varnish.
A settled quantity or allowance. See Assize.
An allowance of food and drink from the buttery, aside from the regular dinner at commons; - corresponding to battel at Oxford.
Extent of superficies or volume; bulk; bigness; magnitude; as, the size of a tree or of a mast; the size of a ship or of a rock.
Figurative bulk; condition as to rank, ability, character, etc.; as, the office demands a man of larger size.
Men of a less size and quality.
The middling or lower size of people.
A conventional relative measure of dimension, as for shoes, gloves, and other articles made up for sale.
An instrument consisting of a number of perforated gauges fastened together at one end by a rivet, - used for ascertaining the size of pearls.
To cover with size; to prepare with size.
To fix the standard of.
To adjust or arrange according to size or bulk.
To bring or adjust anything exactly to a required dimension, as by cutting.
We had to size up our fellow legislators.
To take greater size; to increase in size.
Our desires give them fashion, and so,As they wax lesser, fall, as they size, grow.
The physical magnitude of something (how big it is);
A wolf is about the size of a large dog
The property resulting from being one of a series of graduated measurements (as of clothing);
He wears a size 13 shoe
Any glutinous material used to fill pores in surfaces or to stiffen fabrics;
Size gives body to a fabric
The actual state of affairs;
That's the size of the situation
She hates me, that's about the size of it
A large magnitude;
He blanched when he saw the size of the bill
The only city of any size in that area
Cover or stiffen or glaze a porous material with size or sizing (a glutinous substance)
Sort according to size
Make to a size; bring to a suitable size
(used in combination) sized;
The economy-size package
Average-size house
Size refers to how big or small something is.
The size of the room was impressive.
Size can indicate the measurement or dimensions of an object.
Please check the size before buying the shirt.
Size can mean the extent or degree of a situation.
The size of the problem was underestimated.

Size Meaning in a Sentence

The size of the elephant amazed the children at the zoo.
What size shoe do you wear?
They underestimated the size of the challenge.
She prefers a smaller size in clothes.
The company has grown in size over the past year.
The size of the cake was perfect for the party.
The size of the audience was impressive.
The size of the park makes it a perfect place for a day out.
The earthquake's magnitude was unprecedented in size.
He measured the size of the room to buy the right amount of paint.
He was surprised by the size of his birthday present.
Can you increase the font size in the document?
Adjusting the size of the image helped it fit the page better.
The size of the crowd at the concert was overwhelming.
The size of their loss was difficult to comprehend.
The budget's size will determine how much we can do.
To determine the ring size, the jeweler measured his finger.
He adjusted the mirror to the size of the frame.
The size of the investment indicates their confidence in the project.
The size of the galaxy is difficult to imagine.
The size of the territory controlled by the city expanded.
She had to check the size tag on the dress.

Size Idioms & Phrases

Size up

To evaluate or assess someone or something.
The coach sized up the other team before the game.

One size fits all

A product or solution that is suitable for a variety of situations or people.
This new policy is not a one-size-fits-all solution for our problems.

Cut down to size

To reduce someone's ego or make them realize they are not as important as they thought.
The final exam cut the overly confident student down to size.


To reduce in size, often referring to a company reducing the number of its employees.
The corporation announced plans to downsize its workforce by 10%.


Something that is the normal or largest size available.
She decided to buy a full-size car for more comfort during road trips.


To increase the size of something, especially in food portions.
Many fast-food chains offer to supersize meals for an extra charge.


Something that is the same size as it is in real life.
The museum featured a life-size statue of the ancient warrior.

Size matters

A phrase implying that the size of something is important or significant.
When buying a new home, size matters for growing families.


Something small enough to fit into a pocket; emphasizing minimal size.
The new pocket-size guidebook is perfect for travelers.


Unusually large.
The artist is known for creating outsize sculptures that dominate the landscape.


Twice as large as the standard or usual size.
They ordered a double-size mattress for their bedroom.


A larger quantity of a product sold at a lower price per unit, suggesting value.
Buying the economy-size pack of paper towels is more cost-effective.

Fit to size

To adjust something so that it is the correct size.
The tailor will fit the dress to size for the perfect look.


Larger than the usual size, especially referring to beds.
They upgraded their room to one with a king-size bed.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Size?

"Size" is pronounced as /saɪz/.

What is the root word of Size?

The root is "size" itself.

What is the verb form of Size?

"Size" can be a verb, as in "to size something up."

Which preposition is used with Size?

Prepositions like "of", "in", or "by" can be used with "size", depending on context.

Which conjunction is used with Size?

Any conjunction can be used with "size", depending on the sentence; e.g., "and", "but", "or".

Which article is used with Size?

Both "the" and "a" can be used with "size".

Why is it called Size?

The term "size" derives from Old French "sise", which originally meant "control, regulation."

What is the singular form of Size?

"Size" is singular.

Is Size a negative or positive word?

"Size" is neutral.

Which vowel is used before Size?

The letter "i" is the vowel before "size".

Is Size a noun or adjective?

"Size" can be both a noun and an adjective.

Is Size a collective noun?

No, "size" is not a collective noun.

Is the word Size is imperative?

Not typically, though it can be in specific contexts like "Size that up!"

Is the word “Size” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Size" can serve as a direct object, e.g., "I measured the size."

What is the opposite of Size?

There isn't a direct opposite, but "insignificance" can be an opposite in terms of importance or magnitude.

What is the plural form of Size?

The plural form can be "sizes".

Is the word Size is Gerund?

No, "sizing" would be the gerund form.

How many syllables are in Size?

"Size" has one syllable.

What is a stressed syllable in Size?

The entire word "size" is stressed since it's one syllable.

Is Size an abstract noun?

No, "size" is a concrete noun when referring to physical dimensions.

Is Size a vowel or consonant?

"Size" is a word, not a single letter. It contains both vowels and consonants.

Is Size a countable noun?

Yes, especially in contexts like different "sizes".

How do we divide Size into syllables?

"Size" cannot be divided as it's a single syllable.

Which determiner is used with Size?

Determiners like "the", "my", "their", and "a" can be used with "size".

How is Size used in a sentence?

"The size of the cake was perfect for the party."

Is Size an adverb?

No, "size" is not an adverb.

Is the Size term a metaphor?

"Size" can be used metaphorically, as in "size of his ambition".

What part of speech is Size?

"Size" can be both a noun and a verb.

What is another term for Size?

Another term for "size" could be "dimension" or "magnitude".

What is the second form of Size?

As a verb, the past tense of "size" is "sized".

What is the first form of Size?

The first form (base form) is "size".

What is the third form of Size?

The past participle of the verb "size" is "sized".

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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