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Shreak vs. Shriek — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on April 4, 2024
"Shreak" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "Shriek," which means a high-pitched scream or cry.
Shreak vs. Shriek — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Shreak or Shriek

How to spell Shriek?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember "i before e" as in "shriek."
Think of a "shriek" as having "ie" like "pie," something you might shriek about if it falls.
Associate "shriek" with "freak," both have an "ie" and can be startling.
Think of "shriek" as a brief loud cry, emphasized by the brief "ie."
"Shreak" lacks an "i" for intensity; a "shriek" is intense.

How Do You Spell Shriek Correctly?

Incorrect: She let out a shreak when she saw the spider.
Correct: She let out a shriek when she saw the spider.
Incorrect: Shreak loudly as you run down the street.
Correct: Shriek loudly as you run down the street.
Incorrect: He could hear the shreak of the eagle from the valley.
Correct: He could hear the shriek of the eagle from the valley.
Incorrect: The movie's ghost scene made us all shreak.
Correct: The movie's ghost scene made us all shriek.

Shriek Definitions

As a verb, shriek means to utter a loud piercing scream.
The audience shrieked with laughter.
Shriek refers to a loud, sharp, piercing cry.
She let out a shriek of surprise.
Shriek can denote a sound resembling a loud cry.
The shriek of the train's brakes startled me.
Utter a high-pitched piercing sound or words, especially as an expression of terror, pain, or excitement
She was shrieking abuse at a taxi
The audience shrieked with laughter
‘There it is!’ she shrieked
A high-pitched piercing cry or sound; a scream
Shrieks of laughter
An exclamation mark.
A shrill, often frantic cry.
A sound suggestive of such a cry.
To utter a shriek.
To make a sound similar to a shriek.
To utter with a shriek.
A sharp, shrill outcry or scream; a shrill wild cry such as is caused by sudden or extreme terror, pain, or the like.
(intransitive) To utter a loud, sharp, shrill sound or cry, as do some birds and beasts; to scream, as in a sudden fright, in horror or anguish.
(transitive) To utter sharply and shrilly; to utter in or with a shriek or shrieks.
To utter a loud, sharp, shrill sound or cry, as do some birds and beasts; to scream, as in a sudden fright, in horror or anguish.
It was the owl that shrieked.
At this she shrieked aloud; the mournful trainEchoed her grief.
To utter sharply and shrilly; to utter in or with a shriek or shrieks.
On top whereof aye dwelt the ghostly owl,Shrieking his baleful note.
She shrieked his nameTo the dark woods.
Sharp piercing cry;
Her screaming attracted the neighbors
A high-pitched noise resembling a human cry;
He ducked at the screechings of shells
He heard the scream of the brakes
Utter a shrill cry
In literature, shriek might represent terror or excitement.
The novel described the shrieks of the haunted woods.
Shriek can symbolize sudden or shocking realization.
Her artwork was a visual shriek against conformity.

Shriek Meaning in a Sentence

Her shriek could be heard all the way from the other side of the park.
The sudden shriek of the alarm clock woke him up instantly.
The shriek of the whistle signaled the end of the game.
When he won the game, he couldn't help but shriek with joy.
The shriek from the kitchen was because of the burnt pie.
The shriek of the owl pierced the silent night.
She let out a shriek when she finally found her lost ring.
Her shriek of disbelief echoed when she heard the unbelievable news.
The fox's eerie shriek at night can be quite unsettling.
The sudden shriek from the old house made the passersby nervous.
At the sight of the mouse, her involuntary shriek surprised even her.
The audience let out a collective shriek during the movie's scariest scene.
The bird's shriek startled her as she walked through the forest.
The character's shriek in the play conveyed her terror effectively.
He tried to stifle his shriek when he saw the surprise party in his honor.
The shriek of the siren meant that the storm was getting closer.

Shriek Idioms & Phrases

Piercing shriek

A very loud and high-pitched sound that is often startling.
The piercing shriek of the fire alarm forced everyone to cover their ears.

Shriek of laughter

Laughter that is loud and high-pitched, often indicating amusement or surprise.
The room was filled with a shriek of laughter when the clown slipped on the banana peel.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of Shriek?

The root is Middle English "shriken."

What is the singular form of Shriek?

"Shriek" is already in its singular form.

Which preposition is used with Shriek?

Common prepositions include "of" or "with."

Which conjunction is used with Shriek?

No specific conjunction is uniquely associated with "shriek."

What is the verb form of Shriek?

"Shriek" (as in, "to shriek").

Why is it called Shriek?

"Shriek" comes from Middle English "shriken," which means to shout or cry out.

What is the pronunciation of Shriek?

It's pronounced as /ʃriːk/.

Which vowel is used before Shriek?

Context is required; it depends on the previous word in a sentence.

What is the plural form of Shriek?


Is Shriek an abstract noun?

No, it is a concrete noun, but can have abstract connotations in literature.

Is Shriek a negative or positive word?

Typically neutral, but contextually can be perceived as negative.

Is Shriek a noun or adjective?

"Shriek" is primarily a noun but can also be used as a verb.

Is the Shriek term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically, for instance, to describe a shocking color as "a shriek of pink."

How many syllables are in Shriek?

One syllable.

Which determiner is used with Shriek?

Determiners like "this," "that," "the," and "a" can be used.

Which article is used with Shriek?

Both "a" and "the" can be used, depending on the context.

Is Shriek a collective noun?

No, it's not a collective noun.

What part of speech is Shriek?

It's primarily a noun but can also be a verb.

What is another term for Shriek?

"Scream" or "screech."

What is the second form of Shriek?


What is the third form of Shriek?


Is Shriek a vowel or consonant?

"Shriek" is a word made up of both vowels and consonants.

Is Shriek an adverb?

No, "shriek" is not an adverb.

Is Shriek a countable noun?

Yes, for instance, "the shrieks of the owls."

Is the word Shriek imperative?

No, "shriek" is not imperative.

How do we divide Shriek into syllables?

"Shriek" is a one-syllable word.

How is Shriek used in a sentence?

"The sudden flash of lightning made her shriek in fear."

What is a stressed syllable in Shriek?

The whole word "shriek" is stressed, as it has only one syllable.

What is the opposite of Shriek?


What is the first form of Shriek?

"Shriek" (as in, "to shriek").

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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