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Sculpturer vs. Sculptor — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Munazza Shafiq — By Urooj Arif — Updated on April 28, 2024
Sculpturer is the incorrect spelling of sculptor, which refers to an artist who creates sculptures.
Sculpturer vs. Sculptor — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Sculpturer or Sculptor

How to spell Sculptor?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

The "-or" suffix is common in words describing a person associated with an action, aligning with words like "creator."
Focus on the similarity to "sculpt," adding only "-or" to denote the person who sculpts.
Remember that "actor," "director," and "doctor" follow the same pattern, using "-or" not "-er" to indicate a person involved in a profession.

How Do You Spell Sculptor Correctly?

Incorrect: He is a famous sculpturer known for his innovative designs.
Correct: He is a famous sculptor known for his innovative designs.
Incorrect: The sculpturer worked tirelessly on the new statue for the park.
Correct: The sculptor worked tirelessly on the new statue for the park.
Incorrect: The sculpturer held a workshop to teach the basics of sculpting.
Correct: The sculptor held a workshop to teach the basics of sculpting.
Incorrect: She was trained as a sculpturer in Italy.
Correct: She was trained as a sculptor in Italy.
Incorrect: We visited a studio where a local sculpturer displayed his artworks.
Correct: We visited a studio where a local sculptor displayed his artworks.

Sculptor Definitions

A person whose profession is to make three-dimensional artistic works.
She is a sculptor who prefers working with clay and bronze.
An artist who specializes in creating sculptures.
The sculptor used marble for his latest piece.
Someone skilled in the art of carving or modeling figures.
A renowned sculptor was commissioned to create a monument for the city.
An individual who shapes materials like stone, metal, or wood into artistic forms.
The sculptor showcased his woodcarvings at the art exhibition.
A creator of sculptures as a form of expression or for aesthetic purposes.
The young sculptor won an award for his innovative design.
One who produces sculptural artwork.
One who shapes, molds, or fashions especially with artistry or precision.
Sculptor A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Cetus and Phoenix. Also called Sculptor's Workshop.
A person who sculpts; an artist who produces sculpture.
One who sculptures; one whose occupation is to carve statues, or works of sculpture.
Hence, an artist who designs works of sculpture, his first studies and his finished model being usually in a plastic material, from which model the marble is cut, or the bronze is cast.
An artist who creates sculptures
A faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near Phoenix and Cetus

Sculptor Meaning in a Sentence

He is a sculptor who uses recycled materials.
The sculptor is working on a new statue for the city square.
Her reputation as a sculptor grew with each exhibition.
She became a famous sculptor for her unique abstract sculptures.
The sculptor spent hours detailing the facial expressions of his figures.
The sculptor explained the process of casting bronze statues.
The sculptor often draws crowds to his outdoor working sessions.
The local sculptor donated one of his pieces to the school.
The sculptor uses both traditional and modern techniques in his work.
Young artists aspire to become as skilled as the master sculptor.
The sculptor collaborated with local artists for his new project.
The sculptor received a grant to create a series of public sculptures.
His journey from an apprentice to a celebrated sculptor is inspiring.
She teaches young artists the basics of becoming a successful sculptor.
An interview with the sculptor revealed his artistic inspirations.

Sculptor Idioms & Phrases

Life’s sculptor

A metaphor for experiences or time that shape a person’s character.
Adversity is often considered life’s sculptor, molding resilience.

To carve like a sculptor

To work with precision and artistic skill.
He carves each piece of furniture like a sculptor.

The hands of a sculptor

Refers to someone with skilled, precise, and careful hands.
He repairs antique watches with the hands of a sculptor.

Sculptor of fate

Someone who actively shapes their own destiny.
He views himself as a sculptor of fate, always taking bold decisions.

Molded by a sculptor

Shaped with skill and precision, often referring to abstract shaping.
His character was molded by a sculptor, shaped by his experiences and choices.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in sculptor?

The stressed syllable in sculptor is the first syllable: "sculp".

Why is it called sculptor?

It is called sculptor because it derives from the Latin "sculpere," meaning to carve.

How is sculptor used in a sentence?

Sculptor is used as a noun to describe someone who makes sculptures.

How do we divide sculptor into syllables?

Sculptor is divided into syllables as sculp-tor.

What is the pronunciation of sculptor?

Sculptor is pronounced as /ˈskʌlp.tər/.

What is the singular form of sculptor?

The singular form is sculptor.

What is the verb form of sculptor?

Sculptor is a noun; the related verb is "sculpt."

How many syllables are in sculptor?

There are two syllables in sculptor.

What part of speech is sculptor?

Sculptor is a noun.

What is the root word of sculptor?

The root word of sculptor is "sculpt," from the Latin "sculpere."

Is sculptor a negative or positive word?

Sculptor is a neutral word, neither inherently negative nor positive.

Is sculptor a countable noun?

Yes, sculptor is a countable noun.

Is sculptor a collective noun?

No, sculptor is not a collective noun.

Is the sculptor term a metaphor?

The term itself is not typically a metaphor, but it can be used metaphorically.

What is another term for sculptor?

Another term for sculptor is carver or statue maker.

What is the opposite of sculptor?

There isn’t a direct opposite for sculptor; however, one could consider a non-artist or a destroyer as conceptual opposites.

Is sculptor an abstract noun?

No, sculptor is a concrete noun, as it refers to a person.

Is sculptor a vowel or consonant?

The word sculptor starts with a consonant.

What is the plural form of sculptor?

The plural form of sculptor is sculptors.

Is the word “sculptor” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

The word "sculptor" can be used as a direct object, e.g., "I admire the sculptor."

Which vowel is used before sculptor?

The vowel used before sculptor depends on the previous word; it does not have a specific preceding vowel.

Which conjunction is used with sculptor?

Conjunctions such as "and," "or," and "but" can be used with sculptor.

Is sculptor an adverb?

No, sculptor is not an adverb.

Is the word sculptor imperative?

No, sculptor is not used in the imperative form; it is a noun.

Which article is used with sculptor?

Both "the" and "a" are used with sculptor, depending on whether the noun is being specified or mentioned for the first time.

Is sculptor a noun or adjective?

Sculptor is a noun.

Is the word sculptor a Gerund?

No, sculptor is not a gerund; it is a noun.

Which determiner is used with sculptor?

Determiners such as "the," "a," or "an" can be used with sculptor.

Which preposition is used with sculptor?

Prepositions like "by," "of," and "from" are commonly used with sculptor, depending on the context.

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Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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