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Relable vs. Reliable — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 4, 2024
Relable is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is Reliable, which refers to something or someone trustworthy and dependable.
Relable vs. Reliable — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Relable or Reliable

How to spell Reliable?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Associate "Reliable" with "Lie" in the middle, indicating truth and trustworthiness.
Visualize a person you can always rely on to remember "reliable."
Remember "able" at the end, emphasizing the capability of being depended upon.
Link "Reliable" with "Dependable" – both indicating trustworthiness.
Think of "Real" and then add "liable" - as in someone liable to be true and trustworthy.

How Do You Spell Reliable Correctly?

Incorrect: Her information is not always relable.
Correct: Her information is not always reliable.
Incorrect: Can you suggest a relable internet provider?
Correct: Can you suggest a reliable internet provider?
Incorrect: He's not the most relable person for the job.
Correct: He's not the most reliable person for the job.
Incorrect: I need a service that is more relable for my business.
Correct: I need a service that is more reliable for my business.
Incorrect: Finding a relable source can be challenging.
Correct: Finding a reliable source can be challenging.

Reliable Definitions

Consistently good in quality.
He is a reliable worker, always delivering quality work.
Able to produce the same results repeatedly.
The experiments produced reliable outcomes.
Worthy of trust or confidence.
She's a reliable source of information.
Dependable in achievement.
He's reliable in emergencies.
Able to be trusted or depended upon.
The watch is very reliable; it never stops working.
Capable of being relied on; dependable
A reliable assistant.
A reliable car.
Yielding the same or compatible results in different clinical experiments or statistical trials.
Suitable or fit to be relied on; worthy of dependence, reliance or trust; dependable, trustworthy
Such that either a sent packet will reach its destination, even if it requires retransmission, or the sender will be told that it didn't
Something or someone reliable or dependable
The old reliables
Suitable or fit to be relied on; worthy of dependance or reliance; trustworthy.
The best means, and most reliable pledge, of a higher object.
According to General Livingston's humorous account, his own village of Elizabethtown was not much more reliable, being peopled in those agitated times by "unknown, unrecommended strangers, guilty-looking Tories, and very knavish Whigs."
Worthy of reliance or trust;
A reliable source of information
A dependable worker
Conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief;
An authentic account by an eyewitness
Reliable information
Worthy of being depended on;
A dependable worker
An honest working stiff
A reliable source of information
He was true to his word
I would be true for there are those who trust me

Reliable Meaning in a Sentence

For accurate weather forecasts, you need a reliable service.
A reliable car is important for long commutes.
A reliable source of information makes learning much easier.
She is known for being a reliable and trustworthy friend.
It's crucial to have reliable data for the research project.
A reliable internet connection is essential for remote work.
Dependable and reliable, she was the team's go-to person for emergencies.
In critical situations, reliable communication tools are vital.
He built his reputation on being reliable and punctual.
A reliable partner in a business is invaluable.
Finding a reliable babysitter can give parents peace of mind.
Reliable customer service can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.
For gardening, having reliable tools makes all the difference.
Investors are always looking for reliable markets to invest in.
Choosing a reliable web hosting service is crucial for any online business.
The software has proven to be reliable over the years.
Having a reliable method for data backup can save you from disaster.
A reliable routine helps children feel secure and stable.
A reliable witness is important in building a strong case.
In the medical field, reliable equipment can save lives.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Reliable?

It's called "Reliable" because it refers to something or someone that can be "relied" upon.

What is the verb form of Reliable?

The verb form is "rely."

Which preposition is used with Reliable?

"On" can be used as in "rely on."

Which article is used with Reliable?

Both "a" and "the" can be used depending on the context.

What is the pronunciation of Reliable?

Reliable is pronounced as ri-lye-uh-buhl.

What is the root word of Reliable?

The root word is "rely."

Which vowel is used before Reliable?

The vowel "a" can be used as in "a reliable source."

What is the plural form of Reliable?

Adjectives like "reliable" don't have plural forms.

Which conjunction is used with Reliable?

Conjunctions aren't specific to adjectives, but "and" can be used as in "reliable and trustworthy."

Is Reliable an adverb?

No, reliable is not an adverb.

Is the Reliable term a metaphor?

No, reliable is not typically used as a metaphor.

What is the singular form of Reliable?

"Reliable" is an adjective and doesn't have a singular or plural form in the traditional sense.

Is Reliable a negative or positive word?

Reliable has a positive connotation.

Is Reliable a collective noun?

No, reliable is not a collective noun.

What is the opposite of Reliable?

The opposite could be "unreliable."

Is the word Reliable imperative?

No, reliable is not imperative.

Is the word Reliable a Gerund?

No, reliable is not a gerund.

What part of speech is Reliable?

Reliable is an adjective.

What is the first form of Reliable?

The base form of the verb "rely" is "rely."

Is Reliable a noun or adjective?

Reliable is an adjective.

Is Reliable a vowel or consonant?

Reliable is a word, not a letter. It contains both vowels and consonants.

Is Reliable a countable noun?

Reliable is not a noun; it's an adjective.

What is another term for Reliable?

Another term is "trustworthy."

What is the second form of Reliable?

The past simple form of "rely" is "relied."

How is Reliable used in a sentence?

"The information from that source is always reliable."

How many syllables are in Reliable?

Reliable has four syllables.

Is Reliable an abstract noun?

No, reliable is an adjective. However, "reliability" is an abstract noun.

Is the word “Reliable” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Reliable" is an adjective and does not function as a direct or indirect object.

How do we divide Reliable into syllables?


What is a stressed syllable in Reliable?

The second syllable, "li," is stressed.

Which determiner is used with Reliable?

"This" or "that" can precede the noun form "reliability."

What is the third form of Reliable?

The past participle of "rely" is "relied."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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