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Pursite vs. Pursue — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 31, 2024
"Pursite" is an incorrect spelling, while "Pursue" is correct. "Pursue" means to follow or chase with determination.
Pursite vs. Pursue — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Pursite or Pursue

How to spell Pursue?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Associate "Pursite" with a red "X" and "Pursue" with a green checkmark.
Recall the word "pursuit" which has a similar meaning and spelling base.
Think of the phrase "pursue your dreams" to recall the correct spelling.
Remember "Pursue" has "sue" at the end, as in taking legal action.
Visualize "Pursue" as chasing something, with the "ue" indicating direction forward.

How Do You Spell Pursue Correctly?

Incorrect: She wanted to pursite her interests in art and music.
Correct: She wanted to pursue her interests in art and music.
Incorrect: He decided to pursite a career in medicine.
Correct: He decided to pursue a career in medicine.
Incorrect: They planned to pursite the thief until he was caught.
Correct: They planned to pursue the thief until he was caught.
Incorrect: The company aims to pursite new markets for expansion.
Correct: The company aims to pursue new markets for expansion.
Incorrect: It's important to not give up and to pursite your dreams.
Correct: It's important to not give up and to pursue your dreams.

Pursue Definitions

"Pursue" means to follow or chase after.
The detective decided to pursue the lead.
"Pursue" can mean to continue or proceed along a path or route.
The hikers decided to pursue the trail to the summit.
"Pursue" also means to seek to attain or accomplish a goal.
He relentlessly pursued perfection in his craft.
"Pursue" refers to engaging in or undertaking something, such as a hobby or course of action.
She decided to pursue a career in medicine.
To follow in an effort to overtake or capture; chase
A fox that was pursued by hounds.
To strive to gain or accomplish
Pursue lofty political goals.
To proceed along the course of; follow
A ship that pursued the southern course.
To carry further; advance
Let's not pursue this argument.
To take action regarding (something), especially with the intention of sustained effort
A detective who pursued each lead.
To engage in (a vocation or hobby, for example); practice.
To try to have a romantic relationship with
A lady who was pursued by many suitors.
To continue to torment or afflict; haunt
Was pursued by the demons of lust and greed.
To follow in an effort to overtake or capture; chase.
To take action regarding something or carry on an established activity or project.
(ambitransitive) To follow urgently, originally with intent to capture or harm; to chase.
Pursue one's dreams
(transitive) To follow, travel down (a particular way, course of action etc.).
Her rival pursued a quite different course.
(transitive) To aim for, go after (a specified objective, situation etc.).
(transitive) To participate in (an activity, business etc.); to practise, follow (a profession).
(intransitive) To act as a legal prosecutor.
To follow with a view to overtake; to follow eagerly, or with haste; to chase; as, to pursue a hare.
We happiness pursue; we fly from pain.
The happiness of men lies in purswing,Not in possessing.
To seek; to use or adopt measures to obtain; as, to pursue a remedy at law.
The fame of ancient matrons you pursue.
To proceed along, with a view to some and or object; to follow; to go in; as, Captain Cook pursued a new route; the administration pursued a wise course.
To prosecute; to be engaged in; to continue.
To follow as an example; to imitate.
To follow with enmity; to persecute; to call to account.
The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have pursued me, they shall pursue you also.
To go in pursuit; to follow.
The wicked flee when no man pursueth.
Men hotly pursued after the objects of their ambition.
To go on; to proceed, especially in argument or discourse; to continue.
I have, pursues Carneades, wondered chemists should not consider.
To follow a matter judicially, as a complaining party; to act as a prosecutor.
Carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in;
She pursued many activities
They engaged in a discussion
Follow in or as if in pursuit;
The police car pursued the suspected attacker
Her bad deed followed her and haunted her dreams all her life
Go in search of or hunt for;
Pursue a hobby
Carry further or advance;
Can you act on this matter soon?
"Pursue" signifies taking legal action against someone.
The company chose not to pursue the case further.

Pursue Meaning in a Sentence

The detective decided to pursue the lead that seemed most promising.
She plans to pursue a degree in environmental science.
He will pursue legal action to protect his intellectual property rights.
Scientists pursue research that can lead to important discoveries.
Many students pursue internships to gain practical experience.
To pursue happiness is a fundamental human desire.
Governments should pursue policies that promote sustainability.
She chose to pursue a career in journalism to tell impactful stories.
Athletes pursue excellence in their sports through rigorous training.
In his free time, he loves to pursue outdoor adventures.
He encourages his students to pursue their questions with curiosity.
Artists often move to cities where they can pursue their creative passions.
Entrepreneurs pursue their visions, often against significant obstacles.
To pursue mastery in a skill requires dedication and practice.
They continue to pursue a resolution to the ongoing conflict.
The organization aims to pursue innovative strategies to combat poverty.
They will pursue a partnership with the company to expand their business.
After graduation, she plans to pursue opportunities abroad.
Many pursue further education to advance their careers.
She's determined to pursue her goal of running a marathon.
Pursue hobbies that make you happy and fulfilled.
It's important to pursue activities that contribute to your well-being.
To pursue a dream, one must be willing to face challenges.
The team decided to pursue a different approach to solve the problem.
He plans to pursue studies in both science and the arts.

Pursue Idioms & Phrases

Pursue a passion

To actively follow something that you are very interested in or passionate about.
Despite the challenges, he continued to pursue his passion for painting.

Pursue an opportunity

To take action to seek or attain an opportunity.
She decided to pursue an opportunity to work abroad for a year.

Pursue your dreams

To actively follow or chase your dreams or goals.
He moved to New York to pursue his dreams of becoming an actor.

Pursue a course of action

To continue moving forward with a specific plan or decision.
After much deliberation, the committee decided to pursue a course of action that would benefit the community.

Pursue a lead

To follow up on a clue or piece of information.
The detective decided to pursue a lead that might solve the case.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Pursue?

"Pursue" derives from the Latin word "prosequi" meaning to "prosecute" or "chase after."

What is the verb form of Pursue?

The verb form is "Pursue."

What is the root word of Pursue?

The root word is the Latin "prosequi."

Which vowel is used before Pursue?

The vowel "u" is used.

What is the plural form of Pursue?

As a verb, "Pursue" does not have a plural form.

Is Pursue a noun or adjective?

"Pursue" is primarily a verb.

What is the pronunciation of Pursue?

It's pronounced as /pərˈsuː/.

Which conjunction is used with Pursue?

Any conjunction can be used depending on the context, e.g., "and", "or", "but".

Is Pursue a negative or positive word?

Neutral, but can carry both positive and negative connotations based on the context.

Is the Pursue term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically in literature.

Is the word Pursue imperative?

It can be used in the imperative form, e.g., "Pursue your dreams!"

Which preposition is used with Pursue?

Prepositions like "after", "for", or "with" can be used, depending on the context.

Which article is used with Pursue?

Generally, "Pursue" as a verb doesn't use articles. But if used in a noun form like "a pursue", then "a" or "the" can be used.

Is Pursue a vowel or consonant?

"Pursue" is a word, not a single letter, so it's neither.

What part of speech is Pursue?

It's a verb.

What is another term for Pursue?

"Chase" or "follow."

What is the first form of Pursue?


What is the singular form of Pursue?

"Pursue" is the singular form, as it's a verb.

Is the word Pursue a gerund?

No, the gerund form of "Pursue" is "pursuing."

Is the word “Pursue” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Pursue" is a verb and can take a direct object, e.g., "They pursue the goal."

How many syllables are in Pursue?

There are two syllables.

What is a stressed syllable in Pursue?

The second syllable, "sue."

What is the opposite of Pursue?

"Avoid" or "flee."

Is Pursue an adverb?

No, "Pursue" is not an adverb.

How do we divide Pursue into syllables?


Which determiner is used with Pursue?

Determiners like "this" or "that" can be used when referring to the act of pursuing, e.g., "this pursue."

What is the third form of Pursue?


Is Pursue an abstract noun?

No, "Pursue" is a verb.

Is Pursue a countable noun?

"Pursue" is primarily a verb, but if used as a noun, it is not countable.

What is the second form of Pursue?


How is Pursue used in a sentence?

"She decided to pursue her passion for painting."

Is Pursue a collective noun?

No, "Pursue" is not a collective noun.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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