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Personaly vs. Personally — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 26, 2024
"Personaly" is incorrect, while "personally" is correct. "Personally" refers to a direct individual involvement or opinion.
Personaly vs. Personally — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Personaly or Personally

How to spell Personally?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Personaly" lacks an 'l,' just as "casualy" would lack an 'l' in comparison to "casually."
Associate “personally” with “directly,” both having two l’s.
Remember that "personally" has the same number of letters as "personality" minus the last "i."
Think of "person" and "ally" – combine them for "personally."
Visualize "personally" as a person with two legs (two 'l's).

How Do You Spell Personally Correctly?

Incorrect: I took it personaly when he didn't invite me to the party.
Correct: I took it personally when he didn't invite me to the party.
Incorrect: The manager will personaly review all the applications.
Correct: The manager will personally review all the applications.
Incorrect: They promised to personaly address each complaint.
Correct: They promised to personally address each complaint.
Incorrect: He believes personaly in the importance of community service.
Correct: He believes personally in the importance of community service.
Incorrect: She personaly delivered the message to ensure it was received.
Correct: She personally delivered the message to ensure it was received.

Personally Definitions

Personally: Directly by oneself, not via another.
I will personally handle the matter.
Personally: In a manner relating to the individual.
She took it personally when he didn't call.
Personally: Indicating presence or direct action by the person.
He personally delivered the package.
Personally: In a personal manner, intimately.
They know each other personally.
Personally: Based on one's own opinion or feelings.
Personally, I don't agree.
In the immediate presence of someone; in person
I thanked them personally.
Without anyone else being involved or considered
You will be held personally responsible if something goes wrong.
As far as oneself is concerned; in one's opinion
Personally, I don't mind.
As a person
I admire his skill but dislike him personally.
In a personal manner
Don't take the disparaging remarks personally.
In a personal manner.
In person.
Concerning oneself.
I'm really annoyed with her, personally.
As a person.
I like you personally, but as a colleague you have yet to do well.
In a personal manner; by bodily presence; in person; not by representative or substitute; as, to deliver a letter personally.
He, being cited, personally came not.
With respect to an individual; as regards the person; individually; particularly.
She bore a mortal hatred to the house of Lancaster, and personally to the king.
With respect to one's individuality; as regards one's self; as, personally I have no feeling in the matter.
As yourself;
Speaking personally, I would not want to go
As a person;
He is personally repulsive
In a personal way;
He took her comments personally
In the flesh; without involving anyone else;
I went there personally
He appeared in person
Concerning the speaker;
Personally, I find him stupid

Personally Meaning in a Sentence

I personally prefer homemade meals over eating out.
He personally ensures that all products meet quality standards.
Personally, I find early mornings to be the most productive time of day.
She personally signed each letter to her fans.
The CEO personally attends all major company events.
The artist personally thanked each attendee at the exhibition.
Personally, I'm not a fan of horror movies.
The teacher personally contacts parents to discuss their child's progress.
I will personally handle the negotiations with the supplier.
She personally oversees the preparation of every dish in her restaurant.
I prefer to personally verify all information before sharing it.
The author personally responds to fans' letters.
She takes her clients' feedback personally and strives to improve.
The coach personally trains each athlete for optimal performance.
The director personally selects the cast for each play.
Personally, I enjoy the simplicity and peace of rural life.
He personally apologized for the misunderstanding.
The guide personally escorted us through the museum, providing detailed explanations.
He personally refurbishes antique furniture as a hobby.
Personally, I believe that reading broadens the mind.
The mayor personally initiated the community clean-up program.
Personally, I think walking is the best way to explore a city.
She personally wraps each purchase in her boutique for a personal touch.
Personally, I value honesty above all else in a relationship.
The developer personally tests each new feature before release.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of personally?

There isn't a verb form of "personally." It is an adverb.

Why is it called personally?

It's called "personally" because it relates to or concerns an individual or their personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.

What is the plural form of personally?

"Personally" does not have a plural form.

Which vowel is used before personally?

The vowel "a" is used before personally in words like "a personally curated list."

Is personally an abstract noun?

No, "personally" is not an abstract noun.

What is the pronunciation of personally?

The pronunciation is /pɜr-sə-nə-lē/.

Which preposition is used with personally?

The choice of preposition varies based on context, but "by" (as in "done by me personally") is common.

What is the root word of personally?

The root word is "person."

What is the singular form of personally?

"Personally" is an adverb and does not have a singular or plural form.

Is personally a vowel or consonant?

"Personally" is a word, not a single letter, so it contains both vowels and consonants.

Which conjunction is used with personally?

No specific conjunction is tied to "personally," but "and" can be used (e.g., "I went, and personally, I enjoyed it").

Which article is used with personally?

"Personally" is an adverb, so it doesn't require an article. But in contexts where an article is used before a noun modified by "personally," both "a" and "the" can be used, depending on the sentence.

Is personally an adverb?

Yes, "personally" is an adverb.

How do we divide personally into syllables?


Is personally a noun or adjective?

"Personally" is neither a noun nor an adjective; it's an adverb.

Is personally a negative or positive word?

"Personally" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context in which it's used.

Is personally a countable noun?

No, "personally" is not a countable noun; it's an adverb.

How many syllables are in personally?

"Personally" has four syllables.

What is the stressed syllable in personally?

The second syllable, "son," is stressed.

What is the first form of personally?

"Personally" is an adverb and doesn't have verb forms.

Is personally a collective noun?

No, "personally" is not a collective noun.

Is the personally term a metaphor?

No, "personally" is not typically used as a metaphor.

What is another term for personally?

Another term for "personally" might be "individually."

What is the opposite of personally?

The opposite could be "impersonally" or "indirectly."

What is the second form of personally?

"Personally" doesn't have verb forms.

What is the third form of personally?

"Personally" doesn't have verb forms.

Is the word personally imperative?

No, "personally" is not imperative; it's an adverb.

What part of speech is personally?

"Personally" is an adverb.

Which determiner is used with personally?

Determiners aren't typically used directly with "personally" since it's an adverb.

How is personally used in a sentence?

Example: "Personally, I believe we made the right decision."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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