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Occassionaly vs. Occasionally — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 27, 2024
"Occassionaly" is an incorrect spelling, while "Occasionally" is correct, denoting something that happens infrequently or at irregular intervals.
Occassionaly vs. Occasionally — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Occassionaly or Occasionally

How to spell Occasionally?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

The word "occasion" is the base, just add "ally" to it.
Remember, there's only one 's' and two 'c's in "occasion".
"Ally" is added to the word, not "aly".
Think of "ally" as a friend to help you spell it right.
If you recall the correct spelling of "occasion", just add an "ally".

How Do You Spell Occasionally Correctly?

Incorrect: He occassionaly writes poetry.
Correct: He occasionally writes poetry.
Incorrect: She occassionaly forgets her keys.
Correct: She occasionally forgets her keys.
Incorrect: They occassionaly visit the museum to see new exhibits.
Correct: They occasionally visit the museum to see new exhibits.
Incorrect: We occassionaly have movie nights on Fridays.
Correct: We occasionally have movie nights on Fridays.
Incorrect: I occassionaly go for a walk in the park.
Correct: I occasionally go for a walk in the park.

Occasionally Definitions

"Occasionally" means at infrequent or irregular intervals.
She visits her hometown occasionally.
It suggests a periodic or sporadic frequency.
We meet for lunch occasionally.
"Occasionally" refers to something that is done or happens on rare occasions.
Occasionally, he would bring gifts for everyone.
The term is synonymous with "from time to time" or "now and then".
He checks his emails occasionally during holidays.
It can be used to indicate something that is not habitual but happens sometimes.
I drink coffee occasionally.
Now and then; from time to time.
(obsolete) On the occasion of something else happening; incidentally, by the way.
From time to time; sometimes; at relatively infrequent intervals.
(obsolete) By chance; accidentally.
In an occasional manner; on occasion; at times, as convenience requires or opportunity offers; not regularly.
The one, Wolsey, directly his subject by birth; the other, his subject occasionally by his preferment.
Now and then or here and there;
He was arrogant and occasionally callous
Open areas are only occasionally interrupted by clumps of trees
They visit New York on occasion
Now and again she would take her favorite book from the shelf and read to us
As we drove along, the beautiful scenery now and then attracted his attention

Occasionally Meaning in a Sentence

My family occasionally goes camping in the mountains.
I occasionally play video games when I have some free time.
We occasionally have picnics in the local park.
She occasionally volunteers at the animal shelter.
The club occasionally hosts guest speakers.
My brother occasionally plays guitar at a local cafe.
I occasionally write letters to my grandparents.
Our teacher occasionally brings her dog to school.
I occasionally try new recipes for dinner.
We occasionally watch old movies together as a family.
I occasionally go for a run early in the morning.
I occasionally participate in community clean-up events.
I occasionally rearrange my room for a change of scenery.
My parents occasionally tell us stories from their childhood.
I occasionally go to the library to find new books to read.
The museum occasionally offers free admission days.
I occasionally make handmade gifts for my friends.
The school occasionally organizes field trips to interesting places.
I occasionally indulge in a day of doing absolutely nothing.
Our neighbors occasionally invite us over for a barbecue.
I occasionally take a break from social media to relax.
Our cat occasionally catches birds or mice.
We occasionally have family game nights.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Occasionally?

The verb form related to "occasionally" is "occur" or "happen."

What is the root word of Occasionally?

The root word is "occasion."

Which vowel is used before Occasionally?

The word "occasionally" typically doesn't need a vowel before it.

Why is it called Occasionally?

The term "occasionally" is derived from "occasion" with the suffix "-ally," indicating frequency.

What is the plural form of Occasionally?

Adverbs don't have plural forms, so "occasionally" remains the same.

Is Occasionally a noun or adjective?

"Occasionally" is neither; it's an adverb.

Is Occasionally an abstract noun?

No, it is not an abstract noun.

What is the pronunciation of Occasionally?

It is pronounced as /əˈkeɪʒənəli/.

What is the singular form of Occasionally?

"Occasionally" is an adverb and does not have a singular form.

Which preposition is used with Occasionally?

Prepositions like "on" or "in" can be used, as in "on occasion" or "in occasional instances."

Is Occasionally a negative or positive word?

It is neutral; it describes frequency.

Is Occasionally an adverb?

Yes, "occasionally" is an adverb.

Is Occasionally a countable noun?

No, "occasionally" is an adverb and is not countable.

What is the stressed syllable in Occasionally?

The stressed syllable is "sion."

Which conjunction is used with Occasionally?

Any conjunction can be used depending on the sentence structure, such as "and" or "but."

Is Occasionally a collective noun?

No, it is not a collective noun.

What is the first form of Occasionally?

Being an adverb, it does not have verb forms.

Which article is used with Occasionally?

Being an adverb, "occasionally" doesn't require an article.

Is the word Occasionally a gerund?

No, it's not a gerund.

What is the opposite of Occasionally?

"Always" or "continuously."

Which determiner is used with Occasionally?

Adverbs do not typically require determiners.

What is the third form of Occasionally?

It does not have a third form.

How do we divide Occasionally into syllables?


What part of speech is Occasionally?

"Occasionally" is an adverb.

What is another term for Occasionally?

Another term is "from time to time."

What is the second form of Occasionally?

It does not have a second form.

How is Occasionally used in a sentence?

"I eat ice cream occasionally when I want a treat."

Is Occasionally a vowel or consonant?

"Occasionally" is a word, not a single letter. It contains both vowels and consonants.

Is the Occasionally term a metaphor?

No, "occasionally" is not a metaphor.

Is the word Occasionally imperative?

No, it's not imperative.

Is the word “Occasionally” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Occasionally" is an adverb and cannot function as a direct or indirect object.

How many syllables are in Occasionally?

There are five syllables.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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