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Nannie vs. Nanny — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 19, 2024
"Nannie" is an incorrect spelling. The right spelling is "nanny," which refers to a child's caregiver or a female goat.
Nannie vs. Nanny — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Nannie or Nanny

How to spell Nanny?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember: "Annie is a nanny"; both end with "anny."
Visualize a nanny with her "yarn" and kids.
Recall "y" in "young"; as nannies care for the young.
Connect "nanny" to "granny"; both end in "nny."
Think of "nanny" rhyming with "fanny."

How Do You Spell Nanny Correctly?

Incorrect: Finding a reliable nannie can be quite challenging.
Correct: Finding a reliable nanny can be quite challenging.
Incorrect: Their nannie is part of the family now.
Correct: Their nanny is part of the family now.
Incorrect: The nannie took the children to the park every afternoon.
Correct: The nanny took the children to the park every afternoon.
Incorrect: A good nannie should have experience and references.
Correct: A good nanny should have experience and references.
Incorrect: She hired a nannie to help with the kids during summer.
Correct: She hired a nanny to help with the kids during summer.

Nanny Definitions

Informally, a term for a government or authority seen as overprotective.
The nanny state imposed many regulations.
A person, often a woman, employed to care for a child.
The nanny took the child to the park.
A grandmother; an informal term.
We visited our nanny this weekend.
A nanny is a person who provides child care. Typically, this care is given within the children's family setting.
A person, typically a woman, employed to look after a child in its own home.
One's grandmother.
A female goat.
Work as a nanny
Nannying and au pair work are not well paid
Be overprotective towards
His well-intentioned nannying
A person, traditionally a woman, employed to take care of a child.
A child's nurse.
(colloquial) A grandmother.
A godmother.
To serve as a nanny.
To treat like a nanny's charges; to coddle.
A diminutive of Ann or Anne, the proper name.
A caretaker for a child; a child's nurse; a nursemaid.
Grandmother; - a child's word, used especially as a form of address. See also nana.
A woman who is the custodian of children
Female goat
A person offering unsolicited advice or meddling.
Don't be such a nanny about my choices.

Nanny Meaning in a Sentence

Hiring a nanny was the best decision for our busy family.
She has been working as a nanny for over ten years.
The nanny helped the children with their homework every day.
The nanny organized creative activities to keep the kids engaged.
A nanny cam helps parents keep an eye on things when they're not home.
The nanny shared her love of reading with the children.
The nanny made sure the children ate healthy meals.
The children's nanny also taught them to speak a second language.
The new nanny fit in with the family right away.
Finding a nanny who meshes well with your family's lifestyle is crucial.
The nanny keeps a daily log to communicate with the parents.
She found her passion for working with children through being a nanny.
She transitioned from a babysitter to a full-time nanny for the family.
A trustworthy nanny becomes an integral part of the family's daily life.
On her day off, the nanny likes to relax and catch up on her reading.
The family threw a birthday party for their beloved nanny.
Parents appreciate a nanny who is flexible and understanding of their schedules.
She is not just a nanny; she's a mentor and a friend to the kids.
Their nanny is very proactive about taking the kids outdoors.
A good nanny knows how to handle emergencies calmly.
The nanny coordinated playdates with other children in the neighborhood.
The nanny helped instill good manners and habits in the children.

Nanny Idioms & Phrases

Nanny share

An arrangement where two or more families hire one nanny to care for their children, often to reduce costs.
We entered into a nanny share with our neighbors, making childcare more affordable and social for our kids.

Nanny state

A government or authority that is overly protective and involves itself too much in the personal choices and freedoms of its citizens.
Some argue that excessive regulations on safety lead to a nanny state, where personal responsibility is undermined.

Nanny cam

A hidden camera used by parents to observe their nanny's interactions with their children when they're not home.
After installing a nanny cam, they felt more at ease leaving their baby with the nanny.

Nanny diary

A log or journal kept by a nanny to record the daily activities and any notable events concerning the children.
The nanny diary was filled with amusing anecdotes and milestones of the children's development.

Live-in nanny

A nanny who resides in the family's home and is often available to help with childcare beyond standard working hours.
Hiring a live-in nanny ensured that we had flexible support with our newborn twins.

Nanny dog

A term often used to describe dog breeds that are particularly good and protective with children.
Their Newfoundland is a true nanny dog, always gentle and watchful over the kids.

Nanny tax

Taxes that employers are required to pay and withhold for a nanny, treating them as a household employee.
We consulted with an accountant to ensure we correctly handled the nanny tax.

To nanny for

To work as a nanny for a family, taking care of their children.
She has been nannying for us for years and has become like family.

Nanny background check

A comprehensive screening process that parents perform before hiring a nanny, including criminal records, references, and employment history.
The nanny background check gave us peace of mind about our choice.

Nanny contract

A formal agreement outlining the duties, hours, salary, and expectations between a nanny and the employing family.
The nanny contract helped clarify expectations and responsibilities, making our relationship with the nanny smooth and professional.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of nanny?


What is the verb form of nanny?

There isn't a verb form for "nanny."

Which vowel is used before nanny?

The vowel "a."

Why is it called nanny?

It's derived from "nana," a child's word for grandmother or nurse.

Which preposition is used with nanny?

"For," as in "nanny for the children."

Which conjunction is used with nanny?

Conjunctions aren't specific to "nanny."

What is the root word of nanny?

"Nana," a child's term for a grandmother or nurse.

What is the singular form of nanny?


What is the plural form of nanny?


Is nanny a noun or adjective?


Is nanny a countable noun?


What is the opposite of nanny?

Depending on context, it might be "employer" or "parent."

What is the first form of nanny?

Nanny doesn't have verb forms as it's a noun.

Is nanny a negative or positive word?

Neutral, its connotation depends on context.

Is nanny a collective noun?


What is another term for nanny?


Is the nanny term a metaphor?

It can be when referring to overprotective governments or entities as "nanny states."

How many syllables are in nanny?


What is a stressed syllable in nanny?


Which determiner is used with nanny?

"That" as in "that nanny."

What is the second form of nanny?

Nanny doesn't have verb forms as it's a noun.

What is the third form of nanny?

Nanny doesn't have verb forms as it's a noun.

Is nanny an abstract noun?


Is nanny a vowel or consonant?

"Nanny" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

What part of speech is nanny?


How is nanny used in a sentence?

"The parents hired a new nanny to look after their twins."

Which article is used with nanny?

Both "a" and "the" can be used, depending on context.

Is nanny an adverb?


Is the word nanny imperative?


How do we divide nanny into syllables?


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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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