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Marval vs. Marvel — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 3, 2024
Marval is an incorrect spelling, while Marvel refers to something that causes wonder or astonishment.
Marval vs. Marvel — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Marval or Marvel

How to spell Marvel?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Associate "Marvel" with the famous comic company; superheroes are marvelous wonders.
“Marvel at” is the right phrase, not “Marval at”.
Think of "el" in "Marvel" as standing for "extraordinary" or "exceptional."
"Marvel" contains the word "mar" as in "marking" a moment of wonder.
Remember, "a" doesn't appear twice in "Marvel."

How Do You Spell Marvel Correctly?

Incorrect: She collects comic books published by Marval.
Correct: She collects comic books published by Marvel.
Incorrect: Kids love the superheroes created by Marval.
Correct: Kids love the superheroes created by Marvel.
Incorrect: They're planning to visit the Marval theme park.
Correct: They're planning to visit the Marvel theme park.
Incorrect: He was a huge fan of the Marval Cinematic Universe.
Correct: He was a huge fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Incorrect: The new superhero movie is a Marval production.
Correct: The new superhero movie is a Marvel production.

Marvel Definitions

Marvel is something that causes great surprise or admiration.
The pyramids of Egypt are a marvel of ancient architecture.
Marvel can mean a wondrous spectacle or prodigy.
The child prodigy was a musical marvel.
Marvel signifies something exceptionally good.
The new technology was a marvel in efficiency.
Marvel can describe an amazing example of a particular quality.
Her patience with children is a marvel.
Marvel refers to feeling astonishment or wonder.
I marvel at your ability to solve problems.
One that evokes surprise, admiration, or wonder.
(Archaic) Strong surprise; astonishment.
To become filled with wonder or astonishment.
To feel amazement or bewilderment at or about
We marveled that they walked away unhurt from the car accident.
That which causes wonder; a prodigy; a miracle.
(archaic) wonder, astonishment.
To wonder at.
To cause to wonder or be surprised.
(intransitive) To become filled with wonderment or admiration; to be amazed at something.
To be struck with surprise, astonishment, or wonder; to wonder.
Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.
To marvel at.
To cause to marvel, or be surprised; - used impersonally.
But much now me marveleth.
Something that causes feelings of wonder;
The wonders of modern science
Be amazed at;
We marvelled at the child's linguistic abilities
Express astonishment or surprise about something

Marvel Meaning in a Sentence

The special effects in the latest Marvel movie are incredible.
Fans around the globe eagerly await the next Marvel Studios release.
Marvel Comics has created some of the world's most iconic superheroes.
Marvel's storytelling spans comics, movies, and television series.
The collaboration between Marvel and other studios has led to blockbuster hits.
Marvel characters like Spider-Man and Iron Man are beloved by people of all ages.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has become a major part of modern pop culture.
She dreams of working for Marvel and creating new superhero characters.
The success of Marvel movies has revolutionized the film industry.
Attending a Marvel movie premiere is a dream come true for many fans.
The extensive Marvel Universe offers a rich tapestry of stories and characters.

Marvel Idioms & Phrases

A marvel of engineering

Something that is admired for its complexity and efficiency.
The Golden Gate Bridge is considered a marvel of engineering.

To marvel at someone's skill

To be extremely impressed by someone's ability or talent.
Fans marvel at the athlete's skill on the court.

Marvel at the wonders

To be filled with wonder or astonishment.
Visitors often marvel at the wonders of the natural world.

A technological marvel

A piece of technology that is admired for its innovation and effectiveness.
The latest smartphone is a technological marvel with its advanced features.

A marvel of nature

A natural phenomenon that is particularly impressive or surprising.
The Grand Canyon is a marvel of nature that attracts tourists from all over the globe.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Marvel?

The word "marvel" is derived from Latin "mirabilis", meaning "wonderful" or "admirable."

What is the verb form of Marvel?

The verb form is "to marvel."

Which preposition is used with Marvel?

Commonly, "at" as in "marvel at something."

Which conjunction is used with Marvel?

Any conjunction can be used with "marvel" depending on sentence structure.

Which vowel is used before Marvel?

The vowel "a" is used before "r" in "marvel."

What is the singular form of Marvel?

Marvel itself is the singular form.

What is the root word of Marvel?

The root is from the Old French "merveille", meaning "a wonder."

Which article is used with Marvel?

"The" or "a" can be used with "marvel" depending on context.

What is the pronunciation of Marvel?

Marvel is pronounced as "mahr-vuhl."

Is Marvel an adverb?

No, "marvel" is not an adverb.

Is the word Marvel is imperative?

No, it is not imperative.

What is the opposite of Marvel?

Mundanity or commonality.

What is the plural form of Marvel?

The plural form is "marvels."

Is Marvel an abstract noun?

Yes, when referring to a feeling of wonder.

Is Marvel a negative or positive word?

Generally, "marvel" has a positive connotation.

Is Marvel a collective noun?

No, it is not a collective noun.

What part of speech is Marvel?

Marvel can be a noun or a verb.

What is the first form of Marvel?


Is the Marvel term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically, but is not inherently a metaphor.

Is the word “Marvel” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be either, depending on the sentence structure.

How do we divide Marvel into syllables?


What is a stressed syllable in Marvel?

The first syllable "mar" is stressed.

What is the third form of Marvel?


Is Marvel a noun or adjective?

Marvel can be both a noun and a verb.

What is another term for Marvel?


Is Marvel a vowel or consonant?

The word "marvel" contains both vowels and consonants.

Is Marvel a countable noun?

Yes, for example: "There were many marvels at the exhibition."

Is the word Marvel is Gerund?

No, but "marveling" is a gerund.

How many syllables are in Marvel?

There are two syllables in "marvel."

Which determiner is used with Marvel?

Determiners like "this," "that," "my," and "your" can be used.

What is the second form of Marvel?


How is Marvel used in a sentence?

Many marvel at the beauty of the Northern Lights.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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