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Laiden vs. Laden — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 30, 2024
"Laiden" is incorrect, while "Laden," meaning heavily loaded or weighed down, is the correct spelling. Understanding both terms' accuracy enhances vocabulary and communication.
Laiden vs. Laden — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Laiden or Laden

How to spell Laden?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember the second letter "a" as it appears in "loaded," which has a similar meaning.
Associate "Laden" with "Burden" for a mnemonic since both indicate being weighted with something.
"Laiden" might sound like it begins with “lay,” but remember the correct term does not.
Think of "Laden" as having an "a" for "abundant" since it means full or heavy.
Visualize a heavy-laden cart when you think of "Laden."

How Do You Spell Laden Correctly?

Incorrect: The ship was laiden with gold and spices from the new world.
Correct: The ship was laden with gold and spices from the new world.
Incorrect: His heart was laiden with sorrow after hearing the bad news.
Correct: His heart was laden with sorrow after hearing the bad news.
Incorrect: The trees were laiden with snow after the heavy winter storm.
Correct: The trees were laden with snow after the heavy winter storm.
Incorrect: Her arms were laiden with groceries as she walked up the stairs.
Correct: Her arms were laden with groceries as she walked up the stairs.
Incorrect: The table was laiden with dishes and silverware for the feast.
Correct: The table was laden with dishes and silverware for the feast.

Laden Definitions

Laden means being heavily burdened with something.
The laden donkey trudged up the hill.
Suggests being packed or filled with a particular substance or quality.
The air was laden with the scent of jasmine.
Implies being abundantly filled with.
The tree was laden with fruit.
Refers to being heavily loaded with physical items.
The laden ship sailed across the ocean.
Indicates being weighed down by something.
Her eyes were laden with tears.
A past participle of lade.
Weighed down with a load; heavy
"the warmish air, laden with the rains of those thousands of miles of western sea" (Hilaire Belloc).
Oppressed; burdened
Laden with grief.
Weighed down with a load, burdened.
His comments were laden with deeper meaning.
(chemistry) In the form of an adsorbate or adduct.
Once laden it is easy to regenerate the adsorbent and retrieve the adsorbed species as a gas.
Past participle of lade
Loaded; freighted; burdened; as, a laden vessel; a laden heart.
Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity.
A ship laden with gold.
Remove with or as if with a ladle;
Ladle the water out of the bowl
Fill or place a load on;
Load a car
Load the truck with hay
Filled with a great quantity;
A tray loaded with dishes
Table laden with food
`ladened' is not current usage
Burdened psychologically or mentally;
Laden with grief
Oppressed by a sense of failure

Laden Meaning in a Sentence

The branches were laden with ripe cherries ready to be picked.
The truck was laden with fruits and vegetables for the market.
The air was laden with the scent of jasmine in the evening.
Her voice was laden with emotion as she spoke about her journey.
His words were laden with meaning, hinting at deeper truths.
Her mind was laden with thoughts and worries, keeping her awake.
The shelves were laden with books of every genre and author.
The atmosphere was laden with anticipation before the concert began.
The sky was laden with dark clouds, signaling an approaching storm.
The path was laden with fallen leaves, creating a colorful carpet.
The night was laden with stars, shining brightly above them.
Her life was laden with challenges, but she faced them with courage.
The table was laden with all kinds of delicious desserts.
The documentary was laden with facts and figures about climate change.
The boat was laden with tourists eager to explore the island.
His gaze was laden with unspoken words and feelings.
The story was laden with metaphors, making it rich and compelling.
The letter was laden with apologies and promises for the future.
Her heart was laden with joy as she reunited with her family.
The market was laden with colorful flowers and fresh produce.

Laden Idioms & Phrases

Laden with opportunity

Full of potential or chances for success.
The new job was laden with opportunity, offering a path to career advancement.

Laden with treasures

Filled with valuable items or qualities.
The ancient tomb was laden with treasures, captivating the archaeologists.

Laden with sorrow

Filled with deep sadness.
The news of his friend's passing left him laden with sorrow.

Laden with guilt

Carrying a heavy feeling of guilt.
After the argument, he was laden with guilt and sought to make amends.

Burden laden

Heavily burdened or weighed down, typically by worries or responsibilities.
She felt burden laden after taking on too many projects at work.

Laden with fragrance

Filled with a strong or pleasant smell.
The garden was laden with fragrance from the blooming roses.

Joy laden

Filled with happiness or joy.
The reunion was a joy laden occasion, full of laughter and happy tears.

Laden with risk

Carrying a high level of danger or potential for loss.
Investing in the startup was laden with risk, but the rewards could be substantial.

Memory laden

Full of memories or evoking nostalgia.
The old house was memory laden, every room reminding them of their childhood.

Laden with meaning

Full of significance or importance.
The teacher's advice was laden with meaning, influencing her decision profoundly.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Laden?


What is the pronunciation of Laden?


What is the root word of Laden?

"Laden" comes from the Old English word "hladen."

Which article is used with Laden?

The; "the laden vessel."

Is Laden an adverb?


Why is it called Laden?

It originates from Old English "hladen," meaning to load, heap, or pile up.

What is the singular form of Laden?


Is Laden a negative or positive word?


Which vowel is used before Laden?

A, as in "a laden truck."

What is the plural form of Laden?

Laden is not used in a plural form as it’s not countable.

Which preposition is used with Laden?

With; "laden with."

Which conjunction is used with Laden?

And; "laden and heavy."

Is the word Laden a Gerund?


What is a stressed syllable in Laden?


Which determiner is used with Laden?


Is Laden a noun or adjective?


Is Laden an abstract noun?


Is the word Laden imperative?


How many syllables are in Laden?


Is Laden a countable noun?


Is Laden a collective noun?


What is the first form of Laden?


How is Laden used in a sentence?

"The branches were laden with snow after the storm."

Is the Laden term a metaphor?


Is the word “Laden” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be used as neither; it’s an adjective.

What part of speech is Laden?


What is the second form of Laden?


What is the third form of Laden?


Is Laden a vowel or consonant?

It is a word, not a letter.

How do we divide Laden into syllables?


What is another term for Laden?


What is the opposite of Laden?

Unladen or empty.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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