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Honory vs. Honorary — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 27, 2024
"Honory" is an incorrect spelling, while "Honorary" is correct, denoting a position given as an honor without the usual requirements or functions.
Honory vs. Honorary — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Honory or Honorary

How to spell Honorary?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of the phrase "an honor" which leads to "an honorary."
"Honorary" has the same root as "honor" with an “-ary” ending, similar to "momentary" or "customary."
"Honory" is missing the 'a', which stands for acknowledgment or appreciation in honorary roles.
The "ary" ending in "honorary" is commonly used in English to form adjectives.
Memorize this rhyme: "It's an honor, quite contrary, to be titled honorary."

How Do You Spell Honorary Correctly?

Incorrect: The mayor gave him an honory citizenship of the city.
Correct: The mayor gave him an honorary citizenship of the city.
Incorrect: He was made an honory member of the club.
Correct: He was made an honorary member of the club.
Incorrect: She received an honory award for her humanitarian work.
Correct: She received an honorary award for her humanitarian work.
Incorrect: He was awarded an honory degree for his contributions to science.
Correct: He was awarded an honorary degree for his contributions to science.
Incorrect: She holds an honory position at the university.
Correct: She holds an honorary position at the university.

Honorary Definitions

Bestowed as an honor, without the usual prerequisites.
He received an honorary degree for his contributions to science.
Held or given as a mark of honor, especially conferred as an honor without the usual adjuncts
An honorary degree.
Conferred as an honour, without the usual requirements or functions
An honorary doctorate
Describing a title or award given for honor's sake, not based on merit.
The university awarded him an honorary title for his lifelong dedication.
Holding a position without financial compensation.
She was the honorary chairwoman of the charity event.
Given as a mark of recognition but not involving duties.
He became an honorary member of the club.
Symbolic and without the usual functions or responsibilities.
They named her the honorary mayor of the town.
(of an office or its holder) unpaid
Honorary Secretary of the Association
Holding an office or title given as an honor, without payment
An honorary colonel.
The council's honorary secretary.
Relying on honor and not legally enforceable, as a duty or obligation.
Given as an honor/honour, with no duties attached, and without payment.
Honorary degree; honorary citizen
; practically. Describes the holder of an unofficial position or title that is assigned as a special honor rather than by normal channels.
Megsie is an honorary employee because she helps other customers while she shops here.
I consider you an honorary member of our family because you've been with us for so long.
A person who holds an honorary appointment.
(US) A kind of secret society that operates in name only, with membership given to honor some achievement.
An honorarium; a fee for services of no fixed value.
Done as a sign or evidence of honor; as, honorary services.
Conferring honor, or intended merely to confer honor without emolument; as, an honorary degree.
Holding a title or place without rendering service or receiving reward; as, an honorary member of a society.
Given as an honor without the normal duties;
An honorary degree

Honorary Meaning in a Sentence

The university bestowed an honorary doctorate upon the novelist.
He was given an honorary title for his decades of service.
He proudly accepted the honorary plaque in recognition of his work.
The town awarded her honorary citizenship for her contributions.
He received an honorary badge from the police department.
The association made her an honorary lifetime member.
The society presented him with an honorary membership.
She became an honorary chairperson of the charity event.
The organization appointed him as an honorary advisor.
They named her an honorary captain of the team.
She holds an honorary position within the government.
She was thrilled to accept an honorary fellowship at the college.
He was humbled to be named an honorary citizen of the village.
The council bestowed upon her an honorary key to the city.
As an honorary consul, he helped strengthen international relations.
She received an honorary Oscar for her lifetime achievements in film.
The artist was given an honorary award at the festival.
The academy honored her with an honorary doctorate in literature.
As an honorary guest, he was invited to speak at the conference.
The university offered him an honorary professorship.
The club awarded him an honorary gold membership.
They granted him honorary access to the facility.
She was designated an honorary ambassador for her advocacy work.
The firefighter was honored with an honorary medal for bravery.
The foundation named him an honorary president.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Honorary?

"Honorary" is pronounced as /ˈɒnəreri/.

What is the plural form of Honorary?

Honorary does not have a plural form as it's an adjective.

What is the verb form of Honorary?

There isn't a direct verb form for "honorary." However, "honor" is a verb.

Is Honorary a noun or adjective?


Why is it called Honorary?

It's called "honorary" because it pertains to a position or title given as an honor without the usual requirements or functions.

What is the root word of Honorary?

The root word is "honor."

Which conjunction is used with Honorary?

No specific conjunction is tied to "honorary"; any could be used based on sentence structure.

Is Honorary an abstract noun?

No, it's an adjective.

Which vowel is used before Honorary?

The vowel "a" is often used before "honorary," as in "an honorary."

Which article is used with Honorary?

"an" as in "an honorary degree."

Is Honorary a collective noun?


Is the word Honorary is imperative?


What is the singular form of Honorary?


What is the opposite of Honorary?

Actual or substantive.

Which preposition is used with Honorary?

"of" as in "honorary member of."

What is a stressed syllable in Honorary?

The first syllable, "Hon."

What is another term for Honorary?


What is the first form of Honorary?

Not applicable as "honorary" is an adjective.

Is Honorary an adverb?


Is Honorary a countable noun?

Honorary is not a noun; it's an adjective.

Is the word Honorary is Gerund?


Is the word “Honorary” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Neither. "Honorary" is an adjective.

Which determiner is used with Honorary?

Determiners like "an" or "the" can be used based on the context.

Is Honorary a negative or positive word?


Is Honorary a vowel or consonant?

The word "honorary" starts with a consonant.

What is the second form of Honorary?

Not applicable.

What is the third form of Honorary?

Not applicable.

How is Honorary used in a sentence?

"She was given an honorary title for her decades of service to the community."

Is the Honorary term a metaphor?


How many syllables are in Honorary?


How do we divide Honorary into syllables?


What part of speech is Honorary?


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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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