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Gril vs. Grill — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Munazza Shafiq — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 30, 2024
Gril is the incorrect spelling of grill, which refers to a cooking device that uses direct heat.
Gril vs. Grill — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Gril or Grill

How to spell Grill?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "grill" as having an extra 'l' for the extra heat it provides.
Grill has two 'l's, just like how it often has two grates or surfaces for cooking.
The word "grill" sounds longer than it would with just one 'l', mirroring its double 'l' spelling.

How Do You Spell Grill Correctly?

Incorrect: They are gril vegetables for dinner.
Correct: They are grilling vegetables for dinner.
Incorrect: He cooked the burgers on the gril.
Correct: He cooked the burgers on the grill.
Incorrect: She bought a new gril for the backyard.
Correct: She bought a new grill for the backyard.
Incorrect: Can you clean the gril after you use it?
Correct: Can you clean the grill after you use it?
Incorrect: We forgot to bring the gril cover.
Correct: We forgot to bring the grill cover.

Grill Definitions

A device for cooking food by applying heat from below.
He put the steaks on the grill for dinner.
The act of cooking food on a grill.
Grill the chicken until it's fully cooked.
An intense interrogation or questioning.
The lawyer put the witness on the grill during the trial.
To broil on a gridiron.
To torture or afflict as if by broiling.
(Informal) To question relentlessly; cross-examine.
To mark or emboss with a gridiron.
A cooking surface of parallel metal bars; a gridiron.
Food cooked by broiling or grilling.
An informal restaurant or a room in a restaurant where grilled foods are served. Also called grillroom.
A series of marks grilled or embossed on a surface.
Variant of grille.
A grating; a grid of wire or a sheet of material with a pattern of holes or slots, usually used to protect something while allowing the passage of air and liquids. Typical uses: to allow air through a fan while preventing fingers or objects from passing; to allow people to talk to somebody, while preventing attack.
The criss-cross pieces that separate panes of glass in a window.
On a vehicle, a slotted cover as above, to protect and hide the radiator, while admitting air to cool it.
(UK) A cooking device comprising a source of radiative heat and a means of holding food under it; a broiler in US English
(US) A cooking device comprising a source of radiative and convective heat and a means of holding food above it; a barbecue.
I put some peppers and mushrooms on the grill to go with dinner.
Food (designed to be) cooked on a grill.
A packet of frozen cauliflower cheese grills
A grillroom; a restaurant serving grilled food.
These coupons will get you a discount at Johnny's Bar and Grill.
(colloquial) A type of jewelry worn on the front teeth.
The front teeth regarded collectively.
Deliberate misspelling of girl
R u a grill?
(obsolete) Harm.
(transitive) To cook (food) on a grill; to barbecue.
Why don't we get together Saturday and grill some burgers?
To cook food under the element of a stove or only under the top element of an oven – (US) broil, (cooking) salamander.
To interrogate; to question aggressively or harshly.
The police grilled him about his movements at the time of the crime.
To feel very hot; to swelter.
(transitive) To stamp or mark with a grill.
To make angry; provoke; offend, incite.
To terrify; make tremble.
To tremble; shiver.
To snarl; snap.
(obsolete) Harsh, rough, severe; cruel.
A gridiron.
[They] make grills of [wood] to broil their meat.
That which is broiled on a gridiron, as meat, fish, etc.
A figure of crossed bars with interstices, such as those sometimes impressed upon postage stamps.
A grillroom.
To broil on a grill or gridiron.
Boiling of men in caldrons, grilling them on gridirons.
To torment, as if by broiling.
To stamp or mark with a grill.
To undergo the process of being grilled, or broiled; to broil.
He had grilled in the heat, sweated in the rains.
A restaurant where food is cooked on a grill
A framework of metal bars used as a partition or a grate;
He cooked hamburgers on the grill
Cook over a grill;
Grill the sausages
A metal framework used as a barrier or a protective covering, often found in cars.
The car's front grill was damaged in the accident.
To subject someone to intense questioning or scrutiny.
The committee grilled the CEO about the financial discrepancies.

Grill Meaning in a Sentence

They're going to grill burgers tonight.
His new grill is perfect for summer barbecues.
They have a portable grill for camping trips.
He cleaned the grill with a wire brush.
Can you turn off the grill after you're done?
She placed the vegetables carefully on the grill.
They invited us over for a grill party.
His favorite cooking method is the grill.
The grill master showed them a few tricks.
They made a fire pit with an attached grill.
She forgot to buy charcoal for the grill.
The grill got very hot, so be careful.
She learned how to grill from her father.
The hot dogs are ready to go on the grill.
They talked about different grill techniques.
The new apartment has a grill on the balcony.
The grill needs to be replaced soon.
They enjoy the flavor that the grill adds to food.
She covered the grill once it cooled down.
Grill marks are visible on the steak.
She set up the grill in the garden.
The smell from the grill was enticing.

Grill Idioms & Phrases

Put on the grill

To question someone intensely.
The interviewers put him on the grill about his previous job.

Cool one's grill

To relax or reduce one's anger.
He needs to cool his grill before making any decisions.

Fire up the grill

To start the grill and prepare for cooking.
It's sunny, so let's fire up the grill!

Grill master

Someone who is very skilled at cooking on a grill.
At every barbecue, he's the grill master.

Under the grill

Being in a situation of intense scrutiny or pressure.
The manager was under the grill during the audit.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in grill?

The whole word "grill" is stressed equally.

Why is it called grill?

The term "grill" comes from the word "grille", which means a grated device used for cooking.

How do we divide grill into syllables?

Grill is divided as gr-ill.

What is the pronunciation of grill?

Grill is pronounced as /ɡrɪl/.

What is the first form of grill?

The first form is "grill", used as both a noun and a verb.

What is the root word of grill?

The root word of grill is "grille", which is of French origin.

How is grill used in a sentence?

We'll grill some chicken for dinner.

What is the verb form of grill?

The verb form is also "grill", as in to cook food using a grill.

What is the third form of grill?

The third form is also "grilled".

What part of speech is grill?

Grill can be both a noun (the device) and a verb (the action).

How many syllables are in grill?

There is one syllable in grill.

What is the second form of grill?

The second form is "grilled", as in the past tense of the verb.

What is the plural form of grill?

The plural form is grills.

Is grill a noun or adjective?

Grill is primarily a noun but also functions as a verb.

Is grill an adverb?

No, grill is not an adverb.

Is grill a countable noun?

Yes, grill is a countable noun.

Is grill a collective noun?

No, grill is not a collective noun.

Is the word grill imperative?

Grill can be used in an imperative form, as in giving a command to start grilling.

Which vowel is used before grill?

The word grill usually doesn’t specify a vowel before it.

Is the word grill Gerund?

"Grilling" is the gerund form of the verb grill.

What is the singular form of grill?

The singular form is grill.

Which article is used with grill?

Both "the" and "a" can be used with grill, depending on the context.

What is the opposite of grill?

An opposite might be "boil" or "steam", as these use water and no direct heat.

Is grill an abstract noun?

No, grill is a concrete noun.

Is grill a negative or positive word?

Grill is neutral but often has positive connotations related to cooking.

Is grill a vowel or consonant?

The word grill starts with a consonant.

Is the grill term a metaphor?

The term "grill" can be used metaphorically to describe intense questioning.

Is the word “grill” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Grill can be a direct object, as in "I cleaned the grill."

Which conjunction is used with grill?

Conjunctions like "and" are commonly used with grill.

What is another term for grill?

Another term for grill is barbecue.

Which determiner is used with grill?

Determiners like "the", "a", or "my" can be used with grill.

Which preposition is used with grill?

Common prepositions used with grill include "on" and "with".

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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