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Graduant vs. Graduate — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Munazza Shafiq — By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on July 15, 2024
"Graduant" is the incorrect spelling of "graduate," which refers to someone who has completed a course of study at an educational institution.
Graduant vs. Graduate — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Graduant or Graduate

How to spell Graduate?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember that "graduate" is related to the word "graduation," which is the ceremony where degrees are conferred.
Visualize "graduate" as moving through the stages: "grad" then "uate."
Note the ending "ate" in "graduate," similar to other action-oriented words like "initiate."
Think of "graduate" as having "grad" followed by "uate."
Avoid spelling it as "gradutate"; it’s "graduate" with a "u" before the "a."

How Do You Spell Graduate Correctly?

Incorrect: The graduant just received his diploma.
Correct: The graduate just received his diploma.
Incorrect: He became a successful engineer after being a graduant.
Correct: He became a successful engineer after being a graduate.
Incorrect: She is a graduant from Harvard University.
Correct: She is a graduate from Harvard University.

Graduate Definitions

To mark with degrees for measuring.
The thermometer is graduated in Celsius.
A person who has successfully completed a course of study or training, especially a person who has been awarded an undergraduate or first academic degree.
A graduated cup, tube, flask, or measuring glass, used especially by chemists and pharmacists.
Successfully complete an academic degree, course of training, or (in North America) high school
He graduated from Glasgow University in 1990
He graduated in the summer with a 2:2 degree
Arrange in a series or according to a scale
The stones were graduated in height from the lowest near the entrance to the tallest opposite
Change (something, typically colour or shade) gradually or step by step
The colour is graduated from the middle of the frame to the top
To be granted an academic degree or diploma
Most of the entering freshmen stayed to graduate.
To change gradually or by degrees
"The most weighty of all the arguments against treating the races of man as distinct species, is that they graduate into each other" (Charles Darwin).
To advance to a new level of skill, achievement, or activity
After a month of diving instruction, they all graduated to back flips.
To grant an academic degree or diploma to
The school has graduated many gifted chemists.
Usage Problem To receive an academic degree from
How many chemists graduated the Institute last year?.
To arrange or divide into categories, steps, or grades
Graduate an income tax.
To divide into marked intervals, especially for use in measurement
Graduate a thermometer.
One who has received an academic degree or diploma.
A graduated container, such as a cylinder or beaker.
Possessing an academic degree or diploma.
Of, intended for, or relating to studies beyond a bachelor's degree
Graduate courses.
A person who is recognized by a university as having completed the requirements of a degree studied at the institution.
If the government wants graduates to stay in the country they should offer more incentives.
A person who is recognized by a high school as having completed the requirements of a course of study at the school.
(Philippines) A person who is recognized as having completed any level of education.
A graduated (marked) cup or other container, thus fit for measuring.
Graduated, arranged by degrees
Holding an academic degree
Relating to an academic degree
To be recognized by a school or university as having completed the requirements of a degree studied at the institution.
The man graduated in 1967.
Trisha graduated from college.
To be certified as having earned a degree from; to graduate from (an institution).
Trisha graduated college.
(transitive) To certify (a student) as having earned a degree
Indiana University graduated the student.
The college graduated him as soon as he was no longer eligible to play under NCAA rules.
(transitive) To mark (something) with degrees; to divide into regular steps or intervals, as the scale of a thermometer, a scheme of punishment or rewards, etc.
(intransitive) To change gradually.
Sandstone which graduates into gneiss; carnelian sometimes graduates into quartz
To prepare gradually; to arrange, temper, or modify by degrees or to a certain degree; to determine the degrees of.
To graduate the heat of an oven
(chemistry) To bring to a certain degree of consistency, by evaporation, as a fluid.
To taper, as the tail of certain birds.
(Japanese entertainment) Of an idol: to exit a group; or of a virtual YouTuber, to leave a management agency; usually accompanied with "graduation ceremony" send-offs, increased focus on the leaving member, and the like.
To mark with degrees; to divide into regular steps, grades, or intervals, as the scale of a thermometer, a scheme of punishment or rewards, etc.
To admit or elevate to a certain grade or degree; esp., in a college or university, to admit, at the close of the course, to an honorable standing defined by a diploma; as, he was graduated at Yale College.
To prepare gradually; to arrange, temper, or modify by degrees or to a certain degree; to determine the degrees of; as, to graduate the heat of an oven.
Dyers advance and graduate their colors with salts.
To bring to a certain degree of consistency, by evaporation, as a fluid.
To pass by degrees; to change gradually; to shade off; as, sandstone which graduates into gneiss; carnelian sometimes graduates into quartz.
To take a degree in a college or university; to become a graduate; to receive a diploma.
He graduated at Oxford.
He was brought to their bar and asked where he had graduated.
One who has received an academical or professional degree; one who has completed the prescribed course of study in any school or institution of learning.
A graduated cup, tube, flask, or cylinder; a glass measuring container used by apothecaries and chemists. See under Graduated.
Arranged by successive steps or degrees; graduated.
Beginning with the genus, passing through all the graduateand subordinate stages.
A person who has received a degree from a school (high school or college or university)
A measuring instrument for measuring fluid volume; a glass container (cup or cylinder or flask) whose sides are marked with or divided into amounts
Receive an academic degree upon completion of one's studies;
She graduated in 1990
Confer an academic degree upon;
This school graduates 2,000 students each year
Make fine adjustments or divide into marked intervals for optimal measuring;
Calibrate an instrument
Graduate a cylinder
Of or relating to studies beyond a bachelor's degree;
Graduate courses
A person who has completed a degree at a college or university.
As a recent graduate, she was excited about her new job.
The act of receiving an academic degree or diploma.
His graduation from medical school was a significant achievement.
To move up to a higher level of education or achievement.
She graduated from high school with honors.
To change gradually.
The program is designed to graduate responsibilities as students become more competent.

Graduate Meaning in a Sentence

The graduate program at the university is very competitive.
The graduate gave an inspiring speech at the commencement.
She will graduate from college next year.
Graduate students often have more research opportunities.
Some students graduate early due to advanced credits.
She hopes to graduate with a dual degree.
He was the first in his family to graduate from college.
Her graduate thesis was well-received.
To graduate from this university is her dream.

Graduate Idioms & Phrases

Graduate level

Pertaining to advanced academic work after a bachelor’s degree.
Graduate-level courses are typically more specialized.

Graduate student

A student who is pursuing advanced degrees beyond a bachelor’s.
She became a graduate student to deepen her research skills.

To graduate to

To move up to a higher or more advanced level.
After the training, you will graduate to the next level of responsibility.

Fresh graduate

A person who has just finished their degree.
As a fresh graduate, she is eager to start her career.

Graduate with honors

To complete a degree with high academic distinction.
He aimed to graduate with honors.


Someone who has not completed a degree.
Job opportunities differ significantly between graduates and non-graduates.


Pertaining to students who are close to completing their degree.
Pre-graduate internships can provide valuable experience.

Graduate school

A school that offers advanced academic degrees.
He applied to several top graduate schools.


Relating to studies undertaken after gaining a degree.
He completed his post-graduate work in finance.

Undergraduate to graduate

The transition from bachelor’s degree studies to master’s or doctoral level.
She went from undergraduate to graduate studies without a break.

Late graduate

Someone who completes their education later in life.
As a late graduate, he brought more life experience to his studies.

Graduate courses

Courses that are part of a graduate degree program.
Graduate courses require a higher level of critical thinking.

Graduate seminar

A small, advanced course for graduate students.
The graduate seminar focuses on in-depth discussions.

To graduate cum laude

To graduate with praise or distinction.
She was proud to graduate cum laude.

Graduate assistant

A graduate student who assists with teaching or research.
She worked as a graduate assistant to pay for her tuition.

Graduate thesis

A substantial paper that is part of the requirements for a graduate degree.
His graduate thesis was on renewable energy solutions.

Graduate advisor

A faculty member who advises graduate students.
Her graduate advisor helped refine her thesis topic.

Graduate certificate

A credential granted after completing specialized training at the graduate level.
He earned a graduate certificate in cybersecurity.

To graduate from something to something

To progress from one state or condition to another.
He graduated from manual tasks to supervisory duties.

Graduate employment

Job placement for those who have recently completed degrees.
The university has a strong record of graduate employment.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in graduate?

There are three syllables in "graduate."

What is a stressed syllable in graduate?

The first syllable in "graduate" is stressed.

What part of speech is graduate?

"Graduate" can be a noun or a verb.

How do we divide graduate into syllables?

Graduate is divided as: grad-u-ate.

What is the singular form of graduate?

The singular form is "graduate."

Why is it called graduate?

The term "graduate" comes from the Latin "graduatus," meaning "to take a degree."

How is graduate used in a sentence?

"Graduate" can be used both as a noun, referring to someone who has completed a degree, and as a verb, meaning to complete a degree.

What is the first form of graduate?

The first form is "graduate."

Is graduate an abstract noun?

No, "graduate" as a noun is concrete, referring to a person who has completed their studies.

What is the verb form of graduate?

The verb form is "graduate," as in to complete a course of study.

What is the pronunciation of graduate?

Graduate is pronounced /ˈɡrædʒuɪt/ or /ˈɡrædʒuˌeɪt/.

What is the opposite of graduate?

The opposite of a graduate might be an "undergraduate" or "non-graduate."

Is graduate an adverb?

No, "graduate" is not an adverb.

Is graduate a negative or positive word?

"Graduate" is generally a positive word, associated with achievement and completion of studies.

What is the root word of graduate?

The root word of "graduate" is the Latin "gradus," meaning "step" or "degree."

What is the plural form of graduate?

The plural form is "graduates."

Is graduate a vowel or consonant?

The word "graduate" starts with a consonant.

Is graduate a collective noun?

No, "graduate" is not a collective noun.

Is the word graduate imperative?

Yes, "graduate" can be used in the imperative form, e.g., "Graduate on time."

Which preposition is used with graduate?

Prepositions like "from" are commonly used with "graduate," e.g., "She graduated from university."

What is the second form of graduate?

The second form is "graduated."

What is another term for graduate?

Another term for a graduate is "alumnus" or "alumna."

Is graduate a noun or adjective?

"Graduate" can be a noun (a person who has graduated) or an adjective (pertaining to studies after an undergraduate degree).

Is the graduate term a metaphor?

"Graduate" can be used metaphorically to describe completing or moving up from any phase or level, not just academic.

Is the word “graduate” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

As a noun, "graduate" can be a direct object, e.g., "We celebrated the graduate."

Which determiner is used with graduate?

Determiners such as "the," "a," and "many" are used with "graduate," e.g., "The graduate was honored."

Which conjunction is used with graduate?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" are commonly used, e.g., "He graduated and started working."

What is the third form of graduate?

The third form is "graduated."

Is graduate a countable noun?

Yes, "graduate" is a countable noun; you can count graduates.

Is the word graduate Gerund?

No, "graduate" is not typically used as a gerund.

Which vowel is used before graduate?

Typically, a consonant sound precedes "graduate" in sentences.

Which article is used with graduate?

The definite article "the" and indefinite "a" are used with "graduate," depending on the context, e.g., "The graduate spoke at the ceremony."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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