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Gingle vs. Jingle — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 23, 2024
Gingle is the incorrect spelling of jingle. Jingle is a short, catchy tune used in advertising.
Gingle vs. Jingle — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Gingle or Jingle

How to spell Jingle?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Recall that "jingle" starts with a "j", similar to "joy" which often describes the feeling a jingle aims to evoke.
Think of "jingle" beginning with the same letter as "jolly", which is often how a jingle makes you feel.
Remember that the word "jingle" contains the letter "j" just like "jewel", which can make a jingling sound when moved.

How Do You Spell Jingle Correctly?

Incorrect: The gingle bells sound was all over the mall.
Correct: The jingle bells sound was all over the mall.
Incorrect: He wrote a gingle for the new soft drink commercial.
Correct: He wrote a jingle for the new soft drink commercial.
Incorrect: The company uses a catchy gingle in its latest advertisement.
Correct: The company uses a catchy jingle in its latest advertisement.
Incorrect: Her bracelet made a pleasant gingle as she walked.
Correct: Her bracelet made a pleasant jingle as she walked.
Incorrect: Can you hear the gingle of the keys in my pocket?
Correct: Can you hear the jingle of the keys in my pocket?

Jingle Definitions

A light ringing sound that is often repetitive and rhythmic.
The jingle of coins in his pocket was constant as he walked.
A catchy musical phrase associated with a radio or TV broadcaster.
The radio station has a distinctive jingle that plays every hour.
A short, catchy tune used in advertising.
The new car commercial had a memorable jingle.
To make a light, metallic ringing sound.
The keys jingled in her purse with every step she took.
A jingle is a short song or tune used in advertising and for other commercial uses. Jingles are a form of sound branding.
To make a tinkling or ringing metallic sound.
To have the catchy sound of a simple, repetitious rhyme or doggerel.
To cause to make a tinkling or ringing metallic sound.
The sound produced by or as if by bits of metal striking together.
A piece of light singsong verse or rhyme.
A catchy, often musical advertising slogan.
The sound of metal or glass clattering against itself.
He heard the jingle of her keys in the door and turned off the screen.
(music) A small piece of metal attached to a musical instrument, such as a tambourine, so as to make a jangling sound when the instrument is played.
Her tambourine didn't come with any jingles attached.
A memorable short song, or in some cases a snippet of a popular song with its lyrics modified, used for the purposes of advertising a product or service in a TV or radio commercial.
That used-car dealership's jingle has been stuck in my head since we heard that song.
A carriage drawn by horses.
(slang) A brief phone call; a ring.
Give me a jingle when you find out something.
A jingle shell.
Coin money.
Pee, urine.
(intransitive) To make a noise of metal or glass clattering against itself.
The beads jingled as she walked.
(transitive) To cause to make a noise of metal or glass clattering against itself.
She jingled the beads as she walked.
To rhyme or sound with a jingling effect.
To pee, to urinate.
To sound with a fine, sharp, rattling, clinking, or tinkling sound; as, sleigh bells jingle.
To cause to give a sharp metallic sound as a little bell, or as coins shaken together; to tinkle.
The bells she jingled, and the whistle blew.
A rattling, clinking, or tinkling sound, as of little bells or pieces of metal.
That which makes a jingling sound, as a rattle.
If you plant where savages are, do not only entertain them with trifles and jingles, but use them justly.
A correspondence of sound in rhymes, especially when the verse has little merit;
A metallic sound;
The jingle of coins
The jangle of spurs
A comic verse of irregular measure;
He had heard some silly doggerel that kept running through his mind
Make a sound typical of metallic objects;
The keys were jingling in his pocket
A verb describing the action of producing a jingling sound.
The bracelets jingled on her wrist as she typed.

Jingle Meaning in a Sentence

The jingle of the ice cream truck could be heard down the block.
Every time he moved, the coins in his pocket would jingle.
The jingle from the morning radio show was stuck in his head all day.
The slight jingle in his voice caught everyone's attention.
She could hear the jingle of the dog's collar in the distance.
They added a fun jingle at the end of the presentation to keep the mood light.
She taught the children how to play a jingle on the xylophone.
The jingle used in the advertisement was incredibly catchy.
As she danced, her anklets made a soft jingle.
The cat's bell would jingle whenever it moved.
The magician had a jingle up his sleeve to distract the audience.
They practiced the jingle for the radio advertisement many times.
The jingle of the spoon against the cup was rhythmic and soothing.
He wrote a jingle for the school play.
The jingle of her bracelet served as a gentle reminder of her presence.
He enjoyed the jingle of the coins he collected.
The festive jingle played throughout the shopping mall.
His laughter had a jingle that lifted everyone's spirits.
The jingle of her earrings added to her festive look.
Every holiday season, the jingle of sleigh bells would fill the air.
The jingle of the Christmas decorations created a cozy atmosphere.

Jingle Idioms & Phrases

Jingle all the way

To be cheerful and merry throughout.
She loved Christmas so much that she jingled all the way to New Year's.


Describing a series of clashing or clinking sounds.
The jingle-jangle of the bracelets was musical as she clapped.

Jingle your coins

To show off or display one's wealth, often by making a literal or figurative noise.
He loves to jingle his coins, even if it's just spare change.

Make the cash register jingle

To make a lot of sales or earn money.
Their new product was so popular it made the cash register jingle continuously.

Jingle someone's bells

To excite or please someone.
The surprise party really jingled his bells.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in jingle?

Jingle has two syllables.

How do we divide jingle into syllables?

Jingle is divided into syllables as jin-gle.

How is jingle used in a sentence?

Jingle is often used as a verb or noun, describing the action or sound of light, tinkling noises.

What is the first form of jingle?

The first form of jingle is "jingle".

What is another term for jingle?

Another term for jingle is chime.

What is a stressed syllable in jingle?

The stressed syllable in jingle is the first syllable, jin-.

Why is it called jingle?

Jingle is named for its onomatopoeic quality, mimicking the light, tinkling sound it describes.

What is the verb form of jingle?

Jingle itself is a verb form, meaning to make a light ringing sound.

What is the pronunciation of jingle?

Jingle is pronounced as /ˈjɪŋ.gəl/.

Is jingle a noun or adjective?

Jingle is primarily a noun and a verb, not an adjective.

What is the root word of jingle?

The root word of jingle is the Middle English jinglen, a frequentative form resembling the sound itself.

What is the second form of jingle?

The second form of jingle is "jingled".

What is the third form of jingle?

The third form of jingle is "jingled".

Is the jingle term a metaphor?

Jingle can be used metaphorically to describe any light repetitive sound.

What is the plural form of jingle?

The plural form is jingles.

What is the opposite of jingle?

The opposite of jingle could be silence.

Is jingle a collective noun?

No, jingle is not a collective noun.

Is the word jingle Gerund?

No, jingle is not typically used as a gerund.

Is the word “jingle” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Jingle can serve as a direct object, as in "He heard the jingle."

Which vowel is used before jingle?

Typically, the vowel "a" is used before jingle, e.g., "a jingle."

Is jingle an abstract noun?

No, jingle is a concrete noun describing specific sounds.

Which conjunction is used with jingle?

Conjunctions like "and" can be used, e.g., "the jingle and jangle of coins."

What part of speech is jingle?

Jingle is both a noun and a verb.

Is jingle a countable noun?

Yes, jingle is a countable noun.

Which determiner is used with jingle?

Determiners like "a" or "the" can be used with jingle, e.g., "a jingle."

Which article is used with jingle?

The indefinite article "a" or the definite article "the" is used, e.g., "a jingle."

What is the singular form of jingle?

The singular form is jingle.

Is jingle an adverb?

No, jingle is not an adverb.

Is jingle a negative or positive word?

Jingle is usually a positive word, associated with cheerful sounds and contexts.

Is jingle a vowel or consonant?

Jingle begins with a consonant.

Is the word jingle imperative?

Jingle can be used in the imperative form in commands, e.g., "Jingle those bells!"

Which preposition is used with jingle?

The preposition "of" is often used with jingle, e.g., "the jingle of bells."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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