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Fundametal vs. Fundamental — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 3, 2024
"Fundametal" is an incorrect spelling; "fundamental" is the correct spelling and means forming the base or core of something.
Fundametal vs. Fundamental — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Fundametal or Fundamental

How to spell Fundamental?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "mental" as the end, which signifies the mind or core.
Visualize a "fund" for "mental" health to link the words.
Double-check for the presence of "da" between "fund" and "mental."
Remember "fund" at the beginning: "fund-a-mental."
Recall the phrase: "It's fun-da-MENTAL to spell it right!"

How Do You Spell Fundamental Correctly?

Incorrect: Understanding the fundametal principles of science is crucial.
Correct: Understanding the fundamental principles of science is crucial.
Incorrect: The theory is based on a fundametal flaw in reasoning.
Correct: The theory is based on a fundamental flaw in reasoning.
Incorrect: We need to address the fundametal issues first.
Correct: We need to address the fundamental issues first.
Incorrect: He lacks the fundametal knowledge necessary for the job.
Correct: He lacks the fundamental knowledge necessary for the job.
Incorrect: Fundametal rights are essential for a fair society.
Correct: Fundamental rights are essential for a fair society.

Fundamental Definitions

Fundamental refers to the primary, essential, or inherent part of something.
Basic math skills are fundamental to advanced calculations.
Fundamental means being of central importance.
The laws of physics are fundamental to understanding the universe.
Fundamental denotes a basic principle or rule that serves as the groundwork for a system.
Freedom of speech is a fundamental principle of democracy.
Fundamental can be the central or most crucial aspect of a matter.
Trust is fundamental in any relationship.
Of or relating to the foundation or base; elementary
The fundamental laws of the universe.
Forming or serving as an essential component of a system or structure; central
An example that was fundamental to the argument.
Of great significance or entailing major change
A book that underwent fundamental revision.
Of or relating to the lowest possible frequency or the lowest frequency component of a vibrating element, system, periodic wave, or quantity
A fundamental chord.
(Music) Having the root in the bass
A fundamental chord.
Something that is an essential or necessary part of a system or object.
The lowest frequency of a periodically varying quantity or of a vibrating system.
A main or major principle, rule, law, etc. which serves as the foundation or basis of a system; an essential part
One of the fundamentals of linear algebra
(physics) The lowest frequency of a periodic waveform.
(music) The lowest partial of a complex tone.
Related to a foundation. base, or basis; serving as a foundation.
Essential; extremely important
A fundamental truth;
A fundamental axiom;
A fundamental element;
Fundamental principle;
Fundamental law
A need for belonging seems fundamental to humans.
Pertaining to the foundation or basis; serving for the foundation.
The fundamental reasons of this war.
Some fundamental antithesis in nature.
A leading or primary principle, rule, law, or article, which serves as the groundwork of a system; essential part, as, the fundamentals of the Christian faith.
The lowest tone of a harmonic series
Serving as an essential component;
A cardinal rule
The central cause of the problem
An example that was fundamental to the argument
Computers are fundamental to modern industrial structure
Being or involving basic facts or principles;
The fundamental laws of the universe
A fundamental incompatibility between them
These rudimentary truths
Underlying principles
Far-reaching and thoroughgoing in effect especially on the nature of something;
The fundamental revolution in human values that has occurred
The book underwent fundamental changes
Committed the fundamental error of confusing spending with extravagance
Profound social changes
Fundamental can pertain to the original or primary source of something.
The Constitution outlines the fundamental rights of citizens.

Fundamental Meaning in a Sentence

The fundamental theorem of calculus is a key concept in mathematics.
Respect for others is a fundamental value in many cultures.
The scientists discussed the fundamental forces of nature.
A balanced diet is fundamental to good health.
Reading and writing are fundamental skills for education.
The fundamental question is why the system failed.
Access to clean water is a fundamental human right.
The fundamental principles of physics haven’t changed much over the years.
Maintaining privacy is fundamental in a digital age.
Respect for the environment is a fundamental concern for the community.
Fundamental changes in policy are needed to address the issue.
Understanding your rights is fundamental to participating in democracy.
The debate focused on the fundamental problems with the current system.
Learning to listen is fundamental in effective communication.
Protecting fundamental freedoms is essential for a society to thrive.
Research is fundamental to scientific advancement.
Understanding risk is fundamental in making informed investment decisions.
Basic respect for all life forms is a fundamental ethical stance.
The fundamental reason for the failure was lack of planning.
Exercise is fundamental to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
The fundamental aspects of the project were discussed in the first meeting.
The coach emphasized the fundamentals of teamwork.
The fundamental difference between the two theories is their approach to data.
The Constitution outlines the fundamental laws of the country.
A strong foundation in ethics is fundamental for business leaders.

Fundamental Idioms & Phrases

At a fundamental level

Relating to the most basic and important aspects.
At a fundamental level, the issue is about justice.

A fundamental principle

A basic and very important rule or belief.
Freedom of speech is a fundamental principle of democracy.

Fundamental to the core

Being essential in the most basic and important way.
Honesty is fundamental to the core of their relationship.

Fundamental rights at stake

Basic and very important rights are in danger.
With the new law, there are fundamental rights at stake.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called fundamental?

It derives from Latin "fundamentum" meaning "foundation," reflecting its meaning of something basic or primary.

What is the root word of fundamental?

The Latin word "fundamentum," meaning foundation.

What is the verb form of fundamental?

"Fundamental" is primarily an adjective; there isn't a widely-used verb form.

What is the singular form of fundamental?

"Fundamental" itself is singular.

What is the pronunciation of fundamental?


Is fundamental an adverb?


Which vowel is used before fundamental?

The indefinite article "a" is typically used before "fundamental."

Which preposition is used with fundamental?

"To" or "of" (e.g., fundamental to success or fundamental of science).

Is fundamental a noun or adjective?

Primarily an adjective, but can also be a noun in contexts like "the fundamentals."

Which conjunction is used with fundamental?

Any conjunction can be used with "fundamental" depending on the sentence.

Is fundamental a negative or positive word?

Neutral, though often seen in a positive context when referring to essential principles or truths.

Is fundamental a vowel or consonant?

"Fundamental" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is the fundamental term a metaphor?

No, it's used literally, but can be used metaphorically in specific contexts.

What is the plural form of fundamental?


Which article is used with fundamental?

Both "a" and "the" can be used, depending on context.

Is fundamental an abstract noun?

When used as a noun, it can be considered abstract as it refers to basic principles.

How do we divide fundamental into syllables?


What is a stressed syllable in fundamental?

The third syllable, "men."

What part of speech is fundamental?

Adjective or noun, depending on context.

What is the first form of fundamental?

The term "fundamental" doesn't have verb forms.

Is fundamental a countable noun?

As an adjective, it's not countable. As a noun (e.g., the fundamentals), it can be.

How many syllables are in fundamental?

Four syllables.

Which determiner is used with fundamental?

Determiners like "the" or "these" can be used, depending on the sentence.

How is fundamental used in a sentence?

"Understanding the fundamentals is key to mastering any subject."

Is fundamental a collective noun?


What is another term for fundamental?


What is the second form of fundamental?

The term "fundamental" doesn't have verb forms.

Is the word fundamental imperative?


What is the opposite of fundamental?

Insignificant or secondary.

What is the third form of fundamental?

The term "fundamental" doesn't have verb forms.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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