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Frought vs. Fraught — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 25, 2024
Frought is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "fraught," which means filled with or accompanied by something.
Frought vs. Fraught — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Frought or Fraught

How to spell Fraught?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "fraught" as being "filled" with the letter 'a.'
Remember, there's no "o" in tension, so there's no "o" in "fraught."
Recall "fraught with danger" as a common phrase.
"Frought" might sound like "froth," but "fraught" deals with tension or load.
"au" in "fraught" can remind you of the word "fault," which also carries negative connotations.

How Do You Spell Fraught Correctly?

Incorrect: His voice was frought with emotion during the speech.
Correct: His voice was fraught with emotion during the speech.
Incorrect: The plan is frought with risks that we need to consider.
Correct: The plan is fraught with risks that we need to consider.
Incorrect: Her decision was frought with potential negative consequences.
Correct: Her decision was fraught with potential negative consequences.
Incorrect: The meeting was frought with disagreements and conflicts.
Correct: The meeting was fraught with disagreements and conflicts.
Incorrect: The journey was frought with danger.
Correct: The journey was fraught with danger.

Fraught Definitions

Fraught means filled with or destined to result in something undesirable.
The journey was fraught with danger.
Causing or affected by anxiety or stress.
She looked fraught after the meeting.
Accompanied by something specified.
A task fraught with difficulties.
Teeming with or full of.
A lake fraught with fish.
Loaded or filled with.
The air was fraught with tension.
Filled with a specified element or elements; charged
An incident fraught with danger.
An evening fraught with high drama.
Marked by or causing distress; emotional
"an account of a fraught mother-daughter relationship" (Francesca Simon).
Freight; cargo.
(obsolete) The hire of a ship or boat to transport cargo.
(obsolete) Money paid to hire a ship or boat to transport cargo; freight
Fraught money
(obsolete) The transportation of goods, especially in a ship or boat.
(obsolete) A ship's cargo, lading or freight.
(Scotland) A load; a burden.
(Scotland) Two bucketfuls (of water).
To load (a ship, cargo etc.).
To form the cargo of a vessel.
(of a cargo-carrier) Laden.
Loaded up or charged with; accompanied by; entailing.
(with with) Furnished, equipped.
Distressed or causing distress, for example through complexity.
A fraught relationship; a fraught process
A freight; a cargo.
Freighted; laden; filled; stored; charged.
A vessel of our country richly fraught.
A discourse fraught with all the commending excellences of speech.
Enterprises fraught with world-wide benefits.
To freight; to load; to burden; to fill; to crowd.
Upon the tumbling billows fraughted rideThe armed ships.
Marked by distress;
A fraught mother-daughter relationship
Filled with or attended with;
Words fraught with meaning
An incident fraught with danger
A silence pregnant with suspense

Fraught Meaning in a Sentence

Their relationship has always been fraught with complications.
The negotiations were fraught with difficulties from the start.
The discussion was fraught with tension between the two parties.
The atmosphere in the room was fraught with anxiety.
The history of the region is fraught with conflicts.
Her voice was fraught with emotion as she spoke of her homeland.
Her decision to move abroad was fraught with sadness and excitement.
The project is fraught with technical challenges.
The path ahead is fraught with uncertainty.
The situation was fraught with danger, making everyone uneasy.
The city’s streets at night are fraught with risks.
Their journey through the mountains was fraught with peril.
The novel’s plot is fraught with intrigue and mystery.
His face was fraught with worry over the missing documents.
The air was fraught with the scent of impending rain.
The agreement was fraught with legal complexities.
His tenure as CEO was fraught with controversy.
Her mind was fraught with doubts about the right decision.
The political climate is fraught with instability.
The skies were fraught with dark, ominous clouds.
The economic forecast is fraught with uncertainty.
The rescue operation was fraught with challenges.
The relationship between the two countries is fraught with tension.
Their escape was fraught with close calls and near misses.
The peace talks were fraught with setbacks.

Fraught Idioms & Phrases

Fraught with uncertainty

Filled with doubt and not knowing what to expect.
The days leading up to the election were fraught with uncertainty.

Fraught with difficulty

Having many problems and hard to deal with.
The peace negotiations were fraught with difficulty.

A situation fraught with danger

A scenario that is filled with or likely to result in danger.
The explorers entered the cave, knowing it was a situation fraught with danger.

To be fraught with

To be filled with something, often negative.
The ancient forest path was fraught with hidden dangers.

Fraught with risk

Full of or accompanied by risks.
Investing in the stock market is often fraught with risk.

Emotionally fraught

Characterized by intense emotion that is often stressful or overwhelming.
The reunion was an emotionally fraught experience for them both.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Fraught?

Fraught is not a verb, so it doesn't have a verb form.

What is the pronunciation of Fraught?

It's pronounced as "frawt."

What is the singular form of Fraught?

Fraught itself is in singular form.

Which conjunction is used with Fraught?

Any conjunction can be used with "fraught," depending on the sentence structure.

What is the plural form of Fraught?

Fraught is an adjective and doesn't have a plural form.

What is the root word of Fraught?

The root is the Old English word "fraht," meaning cargo or freight.

Which vowel is used before Fraught?

The letter "a" is used before the "u" in "fraught."

Why is it called Fraught?

The term "fraught" comes from the Old English word "fraht," meaning "cargo" or "freight." It's related to the idea of being filled with.

Which preposition is used with Fraught?

"With" is commonly used with "fraught," as in "fraught with danger."

Which article is used with Fraught?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with "fraught," depending on context.

Is Fraught a noun or adjective?

Fraught is an adjective.

Is Fraught a collective noun?

No, fraught is not a collective noun.

How many syllables are in Fraught?

There is one syllable in "fraught."

What is a stressed syllable in Fraught?

The entire word "fraught" is stressed as it's a one-syllable word.

What part of speech is Fraught?

Fraught is an adjective.

What is another term for Fraught?

Another term could be "laden."

Which determiner is used with Fraught?

Determiners like "the" or "a" can be used with "fraught," depending on the context.

What is the opposite of Fraught?

An opposite could be "devoid" or "empty."

What is the second form of Fraught?

Fraught is an adjective and doesn't have verb forms.

Is Fraught an adverb?

No, fraught is not an adverb.

Is Fraught a vowel or consonant?

Fraught is a word and contains both vowels and consonants.

Is the word Fraught imperative?

No, fraught is not imperative.

Is Fraught an abstract noun?

No, fraught is an adjective, not a noun.

Is Fraught a negative or positive word?

It generally carries a negative connotation, especially when referring to situations filled with tension or danger.

Is Fraught a countable noun?

Fraught is not a noun.

Is the Fraught term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically in certain contexts.

How do we divide Fraught into syllables?

Fraught is a single syllable word.

What is the first form of Fraught?

Fraught is an adjective and doesn't have verb forms.

How is Fraught used in a sentence?

"The negotiations were fraught with challenges from the start."

What is the third form of Fraught?

Fraught is an adjective and doesn't have verb forms.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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