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Frequence vs. Frequency — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Munazza Shafiq — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 20, 2024
Frequence is the incorrect spelling of frequency. Frequency refers to the rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time.
Frequence vs. Frequency — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Frequence or Frequency

How to spell Frequency?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of frequency as being frequent + cy; the 'cy' at the end turns the adjective frequent into a noun.
Note that frequency has the same suffix as urgency, implying a measure of rate or intensity.
Recall that frequency contains "quency," echoing other words with 'quency' like 'adequacy.'
Connect frequency with "frequently," which also uses the 'qu' combination followed by 'cy.'

How Do You Spell Frequency Correctly?

Incorrect: He measured the frequence of the sound waves.
Correct: He measured the frequency of the sound waves.
Incorrect: The frequence of errors in this document is high.
Correct: The frequency of errors in this document is high.
Incorrect: Can you track the frequence of these occurrences?
Correct: Can you track the frequency of these occurrences?
Incorrect: What is the frequence of this bus service?
Correct: What is the frequency of this bus service?
Incorrect: The frequence of her visits has decreased.
Correct: The frequency of her visits has decreased.

Frequency Definitions

The rate at which something occurs over a particular period of time.
The frequency of the bus is every 15 minutes.
In statistics, the number of times a data point appears in a dataset.
The frequency of the number 5 in this list is three.
The number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time.
The frequency of her phone calls increased.
In physics, the number of crests of a wave that pass a point in a given time.
Light has a higher frequency than sound.
Frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time. It is also occasionally referred to as temporal frequency to emphasize the contrast to spatial frequency, and ordinary frequency to emphasize the contrast to angular frequency.
The rate at which something occurs over a particular period of time or in a given sample
An increase in the frequency of accidents due to increased overtime
The rate per second of a vibration constituting a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light)
Different thicknesses of glass will absorb different frequencies of sound
The property or condition of occurring at frequent intervals.
The number of repetitions of a complete sequence of values of a periodic function per unit variation of an independent variable.
The number of complete cycles of a periodic process occurring per unit time.
The number of repetitions per unit time of a complete waveform, as of an electric current.
The number of measurements or observations having a certain value or characteristic.
See relative frequency.
The rate of occurrence of anything; the relationship between incidence and time period.
With growing confidence, the Viking’s raids increased in frequency.
(uncountable) The property of occurring often rather than infrequently.
(countable) The quotient of the number of times n a periodic phenomenon occurs over the time t in which it occurs: f = n / t.
(statistics) number of times an event occurred in an experiment (absolute frequency)
The condition of returning frequently; occurrence often repeated; common occurence; as, the frequency of crimes; the frequency of miracles.
The reasons that moved her to remove were, because Rome was a place of riot and luxury, her soul being almost stifled with, the frequencies of ladies' visits.
A crowd; a throng.
The number of occurrences within a given time period (usually 1 second);
The frequency of modulation was 40 cycles per second
The ratio of the number of observations in a statistical category to the total number of observations
The number of observations in a given statistical category
The rate at which a sound wave or radio wave is emitted or repeated.
High-frequency sounds are often inaudible to humans.

Frequency Meaning in a Sentence

She changed the frequency on her radio to catch the news.
The frequency of earthquakes in this area is alarming.
The radio operates at a different frequency.
Monitoring the frequency of these events helps us predict their occurrence.
We adjusted the frequency of our meetings to improve productivity.
High frequency noise can be very irritating.
The frequency of his smiles increased when he saw her.
The doctor recommended increasing the frequency of the medication.
The frequency of her visits varies from week to week.
The frequency of bus arrivals decreases after 10 p.m.
With higher frequency, vibrations become less noticeable.
Increasing the frequency of these exercises will improve your strength faster.
The frequency of their arguments made their friends uncomfortable.
You can lower the frequency of these notifications in your settings.
His visits to the cafe became of daily frequency.
The frequency of rain this month has surpassed the average.
The frequency of the sound was adjusted to make the speech more clear.
Adjusting the frequency of your guitar can change its sound dramatically.
The frequency of this clock’s chimes is set to every hour.
The shop offers discounts with increasing frequency during the holidays.
The frequency of her contributions to the project made her indispensable.
Birds often communicate using frequencies that are pleasant to human ears.
He studied the frequency of words used in English literature.
Changing the frequency of the waves can affect their energy.
They noticed a high frequency of errors in the first draft.

Frequency Idioms & Phrases

Off frequency

Not tuned to the correct frequency.
The radio was off frequency, so all we heard was static.

High frequency

Refers to things that happen very often or radio waves with high repetition rate.
High-frequency trading involves buying and selling stocks very quickly.

At frequency

Occurring at a regular interval.
The heartbeats occur at frequency, indicating good health.

Frequency band

A specific range of frequencies within a larger spectrum.
Each radio station is assigned a different frequency band.

Frequency response

The measure of an output's spectrum response to a stimulus.
This speaker has excellent frequency response over a wide range of tones.

Frequency modulation

A technique for encoding information on a wave by varying its frequency.
FM radio stations use frequency modulation to transmit music.

Frequency shift

A change in frequency resulting from motion or modulation.
Doppler radar detects weather patterns by observing frequency shifts.

Low frequency

Indicates something that happens infrequently or has fewer cycles per second.
Low-frequency sounds are deeper and sometimes more powerful.

Frequency spectrum

The range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic waves.
The frequency spectrum of visible light is between infrared and ultraviolet.

Frequency distribution

A mathematical function showing the number of instances in each category.
We analyzed the frequency distribution of participants’ ages.

Natural frequency

The frequency at which a system tends to oscillate in the absence of any driving force.
Every building has a natural frequency which engineers must consider.

Frequency hopping

Switching between predetermined frequencies at set intervals.
Frequency hopping is used in military communications to avoid interception.

Variable frequency

A frequency that can be adjusted or changes naturally.
Variable frequency drives help save energy in large motors.

Fundamental frequency

The lowest frequency of a periodic waveform.
The fundamental frequency determines the pitch of a musical note.

Frequency decay

The decrease in the amplitude of a frequency over time.
Frequency decay is important in shaping the sound of a piano note.

Out of frequency

When something does not match the expected frequency.
His comments were out of frequency with the tone of the meeting.

Set frequency

A specific, fixed frequency that is selected for a particular purpose.
The set frequency for this broadcast is 101.5 MHz.

Frequency counter

A device that measures the frequency of an electrical or electronic signal.
The technician used a frequency counter to troubleshoot the equipment.

Resonant frequency

The frequency at which an object vibrates most strongly.
Glass can shatter at its resonant frequency.

Frequency clash

When two signals or devices interfere with each other because they are on similar frequencies.
There was a frequency clash between the two radios.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in frequency?

There are three syllables in frequency.

How do we divide frequency into syllables?

Frequency is divided into syllables as: fre-quen-cy.

How is frequency used in a sentence?

Frequency is often used to describe how often something happens or the rate of a wave's vibration.

Why is it called frequency?

It is called frequency from the Latin word "frequentia," meaning "crowd or assembly," metaphorically relating to how often an event occurs.

What is the verb form of frequency?

Frequency does not have a verb form; it is a noun.

What is the root word of frequency?

The root word of frequency is the Latin "frequentia," meaning crowd, assembly, or frequent occurrence.

What is the singular form of frequency?

The singular form is frequency.

What is a stressed syllable in frequency?

The stressed syllable in frequency is the first syllable: fre.

Is frequency an abstract noun?

Yes, frequency is an abstract noun as it refers to an intangible concept.

What is the pronunciation of frequency?

Frequency is pronounced as /ˈfriːkwənsi/.

What is the opposite of frequency?

The opposite of frequency could be rarity or infrequency.

Is frequency a countable noun?

Yes, frequency can be counted (e.g., several frequencies).

Which determiner is used with frequency?

Determiners like "a", "the", and "every" can be used with frequency.

What is another term for frequency?

Another term for frequency is periodicity or rate.

Is frequency a negative or positive word?

Frequency is neutral; it does not inherently carry a positive or negative connotation.

Is frequency a vowel or consonant?

The word itself contains both vowels and consonants.

Is the word frequency Gerund?

No, frequency is not a gerund as it does not derive from a verb.

Is the word “frequency” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Frequency can be used as a direct object in a sentence.

What is the plural form of frequency?

The plural form is frequencies.

Is the word frequency imperative?

No, frequency is a noun and not used in the imperative mood.

Which conjunction is used with frequency?

Conjunctions like "and", "or", and "but" can be used depending on the sentence structure.

What part of speech is frequency?

Frequency is a noun.

Is frequency a noun or adjective?

Frequency is a noun.

Is the frequency term a metaphor?

The term frequency can be metaphorically used to describe the rate of non-physical occurrences.

Which vowel is used before frequency?

Typically "a" or "the" as in "a frequency" or "the frequency".

Which preposition is used with frequency?

Common prepositions used with frequency include "of", "in", and "at".

Which article is used with frequency?

Both "a" and "the" are commonly used with frequency.

Is frequency an adverb?

No, frequency is not an adverb.

Is frequency a collective noun?

No, frequency is not a collective noun.

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