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Finacially vs. Financially — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 2, 2024
Finacially is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is Financially, which means in terms of finance or money.
Finacially vs. Financially — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Finacially or Financially

How to spell Financially?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "official" and how it also has two 'l's before the 'y', just like "financially."
Recite "I am financially stable" emphasizing the double 'l'.
Envision counting money as a "financial" task, focusing on the "nancial" portion.
Remember the base word "finance" and just add "ally" to get "financially."
Think of "financial matters" and extend it with "ly" for adverbial form.

How Do You Spell Financially Correctly?

Incorrect: Saving money is important for finacially planning your future.
Correct: Saving money is important for financially planning your future.
Incorrect: Her goal is to become finacially independent by the age of 30.
Correct: Her goal is to become financially independent by the age of 30.
Incorrect: It's challenging to support a family finacially on a single income.
Correct: It's challenging to support a family financially on a single income.
Incorrect: He wants to be stable finacially before buying a house.
Correct: He wants to be stable financially before buying a house.
Incorrect: They received advice on how to manage their debts finacially.
Correct: They received advice on how to manage their debts financially.

Financially Definitions

Pertaining to monetary resources or matters.
They are financially independent.
In terms of monetary aspects or expenses.
The trip set her back financially.
In a manner relating to finance.
The project is financially viable.
Relating to the fiscal or economic standing.
She's financially secure after years of hard work.
Denoting the economic state or condition.
The country is financially strong.
Of, relating to, or involving finance, finances, or financiers.
In terms of finance or money.
He helped his daughter out financially, paying her rent and utilities, until she recovered from the accident.
In a financial manner.
From a financial point of view;
This was financially unattractive

Financially Meaning in a Sentence

Financially, it makes sense to invest in education.
Financially savvy people tend to avoid unnecessary debts.
Many people struggle financially due to lack of planning.
They're looking for ways to grow their savings financially.
Saving for an emergency fund is a financially wise decision.
Being financially responsible is important for your future.
The couple is planning financially for their retirement.
She's financially independent, thanks to her successful business.
Financially, the project was a big success for the company.
The scholarship helped him to be financially stable during college.
Budgeting is a key tool for staying financially healthy.
They're using a financial planner to manage their assets financially.
The course on personal finance changed my life financially.
They're teaching their children to be financially literate.
She's aiming to be financially free from debts by next year.
Financially, moving to a smaller house was a good decision.
Financially, the decision to buy a used car was smart.
Financially supporting a charity can be very rewarding.
He's working hard to become financially secure.
Financially, the family is in a much better place now.
It's important to review your financial situation annually to stay financially sound.
Financially, buying in bulk can save you money.
The book offers tips for becoming financially successful.
Making a will is an important financially responsible step.
To be financially well-off, one must invest wisely.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Financially?

Financially is an adverb. A related verb might be "finance."

Why is it called Financially?

It's called Financially as it denotes matters or conditions relating to finance or money.

What is the pronunciation of Financially?

Financially is pronounced as /fɪˈnæn.ʃəl.i/.

What is the singular form of Financially?

Financially is an adverb and doesn't have a singular or plural form.

What is the plural form of Financially?

Adverbs, including Financially, don't have a plural form.

Which vowel is used before Financially?

The vowel "a" is used before the "lly" in Financially.

Which preposition is used with Financially?

"In" might be used as in "financially in debt."

Is Financially an abstract noun?

No, Financially is not a noun.

What is the root word of Financially?

The root word is "finance."

Which conjunction is used with Financially?

Any conjunction can be used depending on the context; for example, "and" in "physically and financially demanding."

Which article is used with Financially?

Financially is an adverb and typically does not require an article.

Is Financially a vowel or consonant?

The word "Financially" contains both vowels and consonants.

Is the word Financially a gerund?

No, Financially is not a gerund.

How do we divide Financially into syllables?

Financially is divided as "fi-nan-cial-ly."

Is Financially a countable noun?

Financially is not a noun, so it's neither countable nor uncountable.

Is Financially a collective noun?

No, Financially is not a noun.

Is the word Financially imperative?

No, Financially is not imperative.

Is Financially an adverb?

Yes, Financially is an adverb.

What part of speech is Financially?

Financially is an adverb.

What is the opposite of Financially?

There isn't a direct opposite, but contextually "non-economically" might work in some cases.

Is Financially a negative or positive word?

Financially is neutral but can take on positive or negative connotations based on context.

Is the word “Financially” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Financially is an adverb and does not function as a direct or indirect object.

What is another term for Financially?

Another term could be "monetarily."

Is Financially a noun or adjective?

Financially is an adverb.

Is the Financially term a metaphor?

No, Financially is used in a literal sense but can be used in metaphorical expressions.

How many syllables are in Financially?

There are four syllables in Financially.

What is a stressed syllable in Financially?

The second syllable, "nan," is stressed in Financially.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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