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Canditate vs. Candidate — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 2, 2024
"Canditate" is an incorrect spelling, while "Candidate" is correct, referring to a person seeking or nominated for election or for an office.
Canditate vs. Candidate — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Canditate or Candidate

How to spell Candidate?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember the first three letters "Can" and think of the past of do - "Did": "Can-did-ate."
Remember “Can” as in “can of soda” for the initial sound and spelling.
Connect "Can" and "Date" - A candidate 'can' set a 'date' for their campaign event.
Relate it to “mandate” to remember the “-date” ending.
A candidate often specifies a date for elections or nominations.

How Do You Spell Candidate Correctly?

Incorrect: Each canditate presented their ideas for the project.
Correct: Each candidate presented their ideas for the project.
Incorrect: He's a strong canditate for the student council president.
Correct: He's a strong candidate for the student council president.
Incorrect: She believes she is the best canditate for the scholarship.
Correct: She believes she is the best candidate for the scholarship.
Incorrect: The company is looking for a canditate with experience in marketing.
Correct: The company is looking for a candidate with experience in marketing.

Candidate Definitions

A person who is nominated for election.
The candidate prepared thoroughly for the debate.
Someone or something regarded as suitable or likely for a particular fate or position.
This project is a good candidate for federal funding.
In computing, an entity that is considered for something such as retrieval or identification.
Several files were candidates for retrieval during the data recovery process.
In biochemistry, a substance, structure, etc., that is considered suitable for further study.
This molecule is a candidate for further research in the lab.
A person who seeks or is nominated for an office, prize, or honor.
A student who has nearly completed the requirements for a degree.
One that seems likely to gain a certain position or come to a certain fate
Young actors who are candidates for stardom.
A memorandum that is a good candidate for the trash can.
A person who is running in an election.
Smith announced he was the party's candidate for the next election.
A person who is applying for a job.
All candidates who miss the deadline or make a spelling mistake in their applications are automatically rejected.
A participant in an examination.
Candidates must remain silent for the entirety of the exam.
Something or somebody that may be suitable.
After being presented with various suitors, she decided none of the candidates were the kind of man she was looking for.
(genetics) A gene which may play a role in a given disease.
(uncommon) To stand as a candidate for an office, especially a religious one.
To make or name (something) a candidate (for use, for study as a next project, for investigation as a possible cause of something, etc).
One who offers himself, or is put forward by others, as a suitable person or an aspirant or contestant for an office, privilege, or honor; as, a candidate for the office of governor; a candidate for holy orders; a candidate for scholastic honors.
A politician who is running for public office
Someone who is considered for something (for an office or prize or honor etc.)

Candidate Meaning in a Sentence

Political candidates often debate on television before elections.
The job candidate impressed the interviewers with her knowledge.
The candidate for governor promised to improve education.
She is a promising candidate for the research position.
The party nominated a candidate for the presidential election.
He's an ideal candidate for the leadership program.
A good candidate for this job will be adaptable and resourceful.
He was the only candidate to propose a solution to the housing crisis.
Voters are looking for a candidate who understands their needs.
The company is seeking a candidate with a strong background in finance.
The candidate shared his vision for the future of the city.
Each candidate had five minutes to present their platform.
A strong candidate will have excellent communication skills.
She's a candidate for a PhD program in biology.
The candidate for mayor is hosting a town hall meeting.

Candidate Idioms & Phrases

A leading candidate

The person considered most likely to be chosen or to win.
She quickly emerged as a leading candidate for the position due to her experience.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Candidate?

There isn't a verb form of "Candidate."

What is the pronunciation of Candidate?

/ˈkændɪˌdeɪt/ or /ˈkændɪdɪt/ in American English.

Which vowel is used before Candidate?

"A" (e.g., a candidate).

What is the plural form of Candidate?


Which preposition is used with Candidate?

"For" (e.g., candidate for office).

Which conjunction is used with Candidate?

"And" (e.g., candidate and campaign).

What is the root word of Candidate?

Latin "candidatus."

What is the singular form of Candidate?


Why is it called Candidate?

Derived from Latin "candidatus" (clothed in white), referring to Romans seeking office wearing white togas.

Is Candidate an adverb?


Is Candidate an abstract noun?


Is Candidate a noun or adjective?


Is Candidate a negative or positive word?


Is the word Candidate imperative?


How do we divide Candidate into syllables?


Which article is used with Candidate?

Both "a" and "the" (a candidate, the candidate).

Is Candidate a vowel or consonant?

Candidate is a word, not a vowel or consonant.

Is the Candidate term a metaphor?

No, but can be used metaphorically.

Is the word “Candidate” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be either depending on the sentence structure.

How many syllables are in Candidate?


What is the opposite of Candidate?

There isn’t a direct antonym. Possibly "non-nominee" or "incumbent" depending on context.

What is the first/second/third form of Candidate?

Candidate does not have verb forms.

Is Candidate a countable noun?


Is the word Candidate a Gerund?


What is a stressed syllable in Candidate?

The first syllable (Can).

What is another term for Candidate?


Is Candidate a collective noun?


What part of speech is Candidate?


Which determiner is used with Candidate?

Could be "this," "that," "my," "the" depending on context.

How is Candidate used in a sentence?

"The candidate delivered a compelling speech about environmental policies."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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