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Emotionful vs. Emotional — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Fiza Rafique — By Munazza Shafiq — Updated on April 16, 2024
"Emotionful" is the incorrect spelling of "emotional," which means showing or relating to strong feelings.
Emotionful vs. Emotional — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Emotionful or Emotional

How to spell Emotional?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Emotional" is the correct term and follows the common English suffix "-al" used to form adjectives meaning "pertaining to."
Think of "emotion" plus "-al," signifying relating to emotions, which correctly forms "emotional."
Avoid "emotionful," which incorrectly tries to combine "emotion" with "-ful," a suffix typically implying fullness but less commonly used in this context.
Mnemonic: Emotional Adjustments Lead (EAL) to understanding feelings better.
Remember the structure of similar words like "logical" or "theoretical," where "-al" pertains to the noun.

How Do You Spell Emotional Correctly?

Incorrect: They shared an emotionful moment that brought them closer.
Correct: They shared an emotional moment that brought them closer.
Incorrect: The narrative was too emotionful, overshadowing other elements.
Correct: The narrative was too emotional, overshadowing other elements.
Incorrect: His speeches are always so emotionful and inspiring.
Correct: His speeches are always so emotional and inspiring.
Incorrect: The movie was somewhat emotionful, affecting many viewers.
Correct: The movie was somewhat emotional, affecting many viewers.
Incorrect: She had a very emotionful response to the news.
Correct: She had a very emotional response to the news.

Emotional Definitions

Pertaining to or characterized by emotions.
Her emotional speech moved everyone in the room.
Expressing feelings freely or openly.
The ceremony was emotional, with many tears of joy.
Involving intense feelings or dramatic affective states.
The dispute became highly emotional and needed to be calmed down.
Easily affected by or prone to experiencing strong feelings.
He's quite emotional during movies.
Relating to the emotions or the ability to be emotional.
Emotional intelligence is crucial for managing relationships effectively.
Of or relating to emotion
An emotional illness.
Emotional crises.
Readily affected with or stirred by emotion
An emotional person who often weeps.
Arousing or intended to arouse the emotions
An emotional appeal.
Marked by or exhibiting emotion
An emotional farewell.
Of or relating to the emotions.
Emotional crisis
Emotional lift
Characterised by emotion.
Determined by emotion rather than reason.
Emotional decision
Appealing to or arousing emotion.
Emotional speech
Easily affected by emotion.
She’s an emotional person.
Readily displaying emotion.
Emotional greeting
An emotional person
Pertaining to, or characterized by, emotion; excitable; easily moved; sensational; as, an emotional nature.
Determined or actuated by emotion rather than reason;
It was an emotional judgment
Of more than usual emotion;
His behavior was highly emotional
Of or pertaining to emotion;
Emotional health
An emotional crisis
Extravagantly demonstrative;
Insincere and effusive demonstrations of sentimental friendship
A large gushing female
Write unrestrained and gushy poetry
Of persons; excessively affected by emotion;
He would become emotional over nothing at all
She was worked up about all the noise

Emotional Meaning in a Sentence

It was an emotional day when she said goodbye to her friends.
He gave an emotional performance that impressed all the judges.
The emotional song brought back many memories.
Seeing the damaged old house was an emotional experience for her.
The teacher's emotional story about kindness touched the students.
She felt very emotional when she lost her pet dog.
They had an emotional reunion after years apart.
Winning the award was an emotional moment for everyone involved.
The debate got emotional when personal stories were shared.
Reading emotional stories can help develop empathy.
The emotional movie made almost everyone in the theater cry.
Talking about his achievements made him quite emotional.
She received emotional messages from her family on her birthday.
The emotional support from her friends helped her through tough times.
They shared an emotional hug at the airport.
The emotional impact of the film was overwhelming.
He had an emotional reaction to the surprise party.
Her emotional nature makes her a compassionate friend.
He writes very emotional poetry that captures his feelings.
The book's emotional ending made it hard to put down.

Emotional Idioms & Phrases

Emotional baggage

Past emotional traumas that continue to affect one's behavior.
She carries a lot of emotional baggage from her childhood experiences.

Emotional intelligence

The ability to understand and manage one's own emotions and those of others.
A leader with high emotional intelligence can manage teams effectively.

Emotional landscape

The range of emotions in a given situation or environment.
The emotional landscape of the meeting was tense and uncertain.

Emotional blackmail

Manipulating someone by exploiting their emotions.
Emotional blackmail is a harmful tactic used to control others.

Emotional burnout

Extreme emotional exhaustion resulting from prolonged stress.
After months of high stress at work, he experienced emotional burnout.

Emotional affair

A relationship that excludes physical intimacy but involves emotional intimacy.
Her husband was having an emotional affair with a coworker, sharing personal thoughts and feelings.

Emotional appeal

A persuasive technique that targets emotions.
Advertisers often use emotional appeal to connect with consumers.

Emotional rollercoaster

Experiencing rapidly changing intense emotions.
The week leading up to the wedding was an emotional rollercoaster.

Emotional resonance

The extent to which something, such as a story or message, evokes an emotional response.
The novel's emotional resonance made it a bestseller.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide "emotional" into syllables?

Emotional is divided into syllables as "e-mo-tion-al."

What is a stressed syllable in "emotional"?

The stressed syllable in "emotional" is the second syllable, "mo."

Why is it called emotional?

It is called "emotional" because it pertains to emotions, derived from the word "emotion," which comes from the Latin "emovere," meaning to move or stir up.

How many syllables are in emotional?

There are four syllables in "emotional."

What is the verb form of "emotional"?

There isn't a direct verb form of "emotional"; however, the related verb would be "emotionize," though it is rarely used.

How is "emotional" used in a sentence?

"Emotional" is used to describe something that involves feelings, typically intense. e.g., The speech was very emotional.

What is the pronunciation of "emotional"?

"Emotional" is pronounced as /ɪˈmoʊʃənəl/.

What is the root word of "emotional"?

The root word of "emotional" is "emotion."

What is another term for "emotional"?

Another term for "emotional" could be "passionate" or "sentimental."

What is the opposite of "emotional"?

The opposite of "emotional" could be "unemotional" or "stoic."

Is "emotional" an adverb?

No, "emotional" is not an adverb; the adverb form would be "emotionally."

Is "emotional" an abstract noun?

"Emotional" is not a noun; it is an adjective that describes a noun.

What is the singular form of "emotional"?

"Emotional" is an adjective and does not have singular or plural forms. It modifies nouns.

Is "emotional" a collective noun?

No, "emotional" is not a noun and therefore not a collective noun.

What is the plural form of "emotional"?

Adjectives in English do not have plural forms; "emotional" remains unchanged regardless of the noun it modifies.

Is the word "emotional" imperative?

No, "emotional" is an adjective, not a verb, and cannot be imperative.

Is the word “emotional” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Emotional" is an adjective and does not function as an object in a sentence.

Which determiner is used with "emotional"?

Determiners such as "a," "an," or "the" can be used depending on the noun "emotional" modifies, but as an adjective, it does not typically need a determiner itself.

Which vowel is used before "emotional"?

The vowel used before "emotional" depends on the preceding word; there is no specific vowel always used.

Is the "emotional" term a metaphor?

"Emotional" can be used metaphorically to describe situations or reactions that are intensely felt.

Which conjunction is used with "emotional"?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used when discussing aspects of being emotional, e.g., "emotional and upset."

Which article is used with "emotional"?

The articles "a," "an," or "the" can be used depending on the context in which "emotional" is used, although as an adjective it modifies nouns that may need an article.

What part of speech is "emotional"?

"Emotional" is an adjective.

Is "emotional" a negative or positive word?

"Emotional" is neutral; it can be used in both positive and negative contexts depending on the situation.

Is "emotional" a noun or adjective?

"Emotional" is an adjective.

Is "emotional" a vowel or consonant?

The word "emotional" starts with a vowel sound.

Is "emotional" a countable noun?

"Emotional" is an adjective, not a noun, and therefore it is neither countable nor uncountable.

Is the word "emotional" a Gerund?

No, "emotional" is an adjective. The gerund form of the related verb "emotionize" would be "emotionizing," though it is rarely used.

Which preposition is used with "emotional"?

Common prepositions used with "emotional" include "about," as in "emotional about something," and "in," as in "emotional in one's response."

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Written by
Munazza Shafiq
Edited by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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