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Drinked vs. Drank — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 24, 2024
Drinked is incorrect. The correct past tense of "drink" is "drank," which means to have consumed a liquid.
Drinked vs. Drank — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Drinked or Drank

How to spell Drank?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think "drank" as the counterpart of "thank."
Remember the sequence: drink, drank, drunk.
Visualize a person saying "I drank water," noting the incorrectness of "I drinked water."
Use mnemonics: "A tank of drink is drank."
"Drink" changes its middle vowel to "a" for past tense, similar to "sing" to "sang."

How Do You Spell Drank Correctly?

Incorrect: They drinked all the lemonade on a hot day.
Correct: They drank all the lemonade on a hot day.
Incorrect: We drinked from the stream during our hike.
Correct: We drank from the stream during our hike.
Incorrect: She drinked her coffee quickly before leaving.
Correct: She drank her coffee quickly before leaving.
Incorrect: He has never drinked tea with milk before.
Correct: He has never drank tea with milk before.
Incorrect: I drinked a whole bottle of water after the run.
Correct: I drank a whole bottle of water after the run.

Drank Definitions

Drank relates to a historical act of drinking.
They drank champagne at the celebration.
Drank denotes having ingested a beverage in the past.
He drank his coffee quickly.
Drank is the past tense of drink, referring to having consumed a liquid.
She drank water.
Drank signifies a past action of quenching thirst.
The athlete drank a sports drink.
Drank refers to having taken in a liquid substance.
The cat drank the milk.
Past of drink
A drink, especially of alcohol
The dranks were definitely flowin'
Past tense of drink.
(slang) Dextromethorphan.
(slang) A drink, usually alcoholic.
Inflection of drink
He'd drank alcohol prior to driving off the road.
Of Drink.
Wild oats, or darnel grass. See Drake a plant.

Drank Meaning in a Sentence

They drank to celebrate their graduation.
He drank a cup of warm milk before bed.
We drank water constantly to stay hydrated during the hike.
She rarely drank soda, preferring water instead.
She drank her tea while watching the sunrise.
They drank hot cocoa after playing in the snow.
Yesterday, I drank the best smoothie of my life.
He drank his coffee black, with no sugar or cream.
The cat drank milk from a small bowl on the floor.
She drank a glass of water first thing every morning.
She drank herbal tea to soothe her throat.
They drank sparkling water with their meal.
After the game, the team drank juice to replenish their energy.
He drank a protein shake after his workout.
She drank from the fountain in the park.
We drank iced tea on the porch in the evening.
He drank a shot of espresso for a quick energy boost.
At the wedding, they drank champagne to toast the newlyweds.
At the party, they drank punch and danced all night.
On the tour, we drank fresh coconut water.
She drank a smoothie for breakfast every day.
I drank a lot of green tea while studying for exams.
They drank ginger ale to settle their stomachs.
I drank a glass of lemonade to cool off.
The dog drank from the puddle after the long walk.

Drank Idioms & Phrases

Drank to one's health

To toast in honor of someone's well-being.
At the celebration, everyone drank to the bride and groom's health.

Drank down

To consume a drink quickly or in one gulp.
He drank down his coffee and rushed out the door.

Drank the Kool-Aid

To become a firm believer in something; to accept an argument or philosophy wholeheartedly.
He drank the Kool-Aid and became an avid fan of the philosophy.

Drank from the cup of life

To experience life to its fullest.
Traveling through Asia, she felt she had truly drunk from the cup of life.

Drank like a fish

To drink alcoholic beverages in large quantities.
On vacation, they drank like fish, enjoying the beach bars every night.

Drank in the atmosphere

To fully enjoy or absorb a particular ambiance or environment.
They sat by the seaside and drank in the peaceful atmosphere.

Drank under the table

To consume more alcohol than one's companions without becoming as intoxicated.
At the party, he boasted that no one could drink him under the table.

Drank to forget

To consume alcohol to escape from unpleasant memories or realities.
After the breakup, he drank to forget his sorrows.

Drank someone's health

To toast or drink in honor of someone's well-being or success.
At the dinner, they all drank her health to celebrate her promotion.

Drank one's fill

To drink as much as one desires.
They drank their fill of the spring water, quenching their thirst.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before Drank?

"A" as in "a drank beverage" (though this usage isn't common).

What is the verb form of Drank?

Drank is the simple past tense form. The base form is "drink."

Why is it called Drank?

It is the simple past tense of the verb "drink."

What is the pronunciation of Drank?

It's pronounced as /dræŋk/.

What is the singular form of Drank?

Drank itself, as it refers to the action by a singular or plural subject.

Is Drank a noun or adjective?

Primarily a verb, but can be used as a noun in slang contexts.

What is the root word of Drank?

The root word is "drink."

Which preposition is used with Drank?

"Of" as in "drank of the water."

Which article is used with Drank?

"The" when referring to a specific drink, e.g., "the drink he drank."

Is Drank an adverb?


Is Drank an abstract noun?


Is Drank a countable noun?

No, "drank" is primarily a verb.

Is the word Drank imperative?


How many syllables are in Drank?

One syllable.

What is the plural form of Drank?

Not applicable, as "drank" is a verb.

Which conjunction is used with Drank?

Any conjunction can be used depending on the context, e.g., "and" in "I drank tea and coffee."

What is a stressed syllable in Drank?

The entire word "drank" is stressed, as it's one syllable.

What part of speech is Drank?


What is another term for Drank?

Consumed (in the context of a beverage).

Which determiner is used with Drank?

"The" in contexts like "the day he drank."

What is the first form of Drank?


Is Drank a negative or positive word?


Is Drank a collective noun?


Is the Drank term a metaphor?


Is the word “Drank” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Drank" is a verb. Depending on the sentence, what was drank would be the direct object.

What is the second form of Drank?


What is the third form of Drank?


Is Drank a vowel or consonant?

Drank is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

How do we divide Drank into syllables?

Drank is a single syllable and cannot be divided.

Is the word Drank a gerund?

No, but "drinking" is.

What is the opposite of Drank?

Refrained from drinking.

How is Drank used in a sentence?

"She drank the juice without pausing."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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