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Divised vs. Devised — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 28, 2024
The incorrect spelling is "Divised" while the correct spelling is "Devised." Devised means to plan or invent by careful thought.
Divised vs. Devised — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Divised or Devised

How to spell Devised?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Visualize a planner DEVising a scheme.
Pronounce it as "De-vized"; the sound matches "devised."
Remember that "devised" has "de" at the beginning, just like "design."
Use a mnemonic: "DEsign is DEVISED with DE."
"Divised" sounds like "divided," but they have different meanings.

How Do You Spell Devised Correctly?

Incorrect: The scientist divised an experiment to test her theory.
Correct: The scientist devised an experiment to test her theory.
Incorrect: Their group divised a solution to the issue.
Correct: Their group devised a solution to the issue.
Incorrect: The team divised a way to improve sales.
Correct: The team devised a way to improve sales.
Incorrect: She divised a plan to solve the problem.
Correct: She devised a plan to solve the problem.

Devised Definitions

To form or arrange in the mind.
They devised a strategy for growth.
Devised means to conceive or design something in one's mind.
She devised a plan to improve productivity.
To bequeath lands by will.
He devised his estate to his niece.
To transmit or give (real estate) by will.
The property was devised to a charity.
To contrive, plan, or elaborate.
The student devised a method to solve the equation.
To form, plan, or arrange in the mind; design or contrive
Devised a new system for handling mail orders.
(Law) To transmit or give (real property) by will.
(Archaic) To suppose; imagine.
The act of transmitting or giving real property by will.
The property or lands so transmitted or given.
A will or clause in a will transmitting or giving real property.
Simple past tense and past participle of devise

Devised Meaning in a Sentence

The teacher devised an engaging lesson for the students.
She devised a clever method to organize her books.
The chef devised a new recipe that became a hit.
The kids devised a secret handshake.
They devised a game to play during the car ride.
The company devised a strategy to enter new markets.
He devised a workout plan that suited his schedule.
She devised a plan to surprise her friend on her birthday.
She devised a way to save more money each month.
The engineer devised a prototype for a new invention.
The students devised a project to present at the science fair.
He devised a system to keep track of his assignments.
She devised a schedule to balance work and leisure.
The scientists devised an experiment to explore the theory.
The programmer devised a new app to help with time management.
He devised a way to study more effectively.
The gardener devised a layout for a new flower garden.
She devised a technique to paint more efficiently.
The team devised a strategy to win the championship.
They devised a plan to clean the park in less time.
She devised a method to make the meetings more productive.
The artist devised a unique style that captivated audiences.
The community devised a plan to help those in need.
He devised a method to learn new languages faster.
They devised a challenge to encourage fitness among friends.

Devised Idioms & Phrases

Devised a plan

To create a strategy or idea.
For the summer vacation, they devised a plan to visit all the national parks.

Devised a strategy

To come up with a detailed plan of action.
The marketing team devised a strategy to increase online sales.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Devised?


What is the root word of Devised?


Why is it called Devised?

The term "devised" comes from the Old French "deviser" which means to plan or arrange.

What is the pronunciation of Devised?


What is the plural form of Devised?

Devised can't have a plural form since it's a verb in past tense.

Which conjunction is used with Devised?

Any conjunction can be used depending on the context.

Which vowel is used before Devised?

"A" (as in "a devised plan").

Is Devised a negative or positive word?


Is Devised a countable noun?

No, it's a verb.

What is another term for Devised?


What is the opposite of Devised?

Neglected or Overlooked.

Which determiner is used with Devised?

"The" can be used (e.g., "the devised plan").

What is the singular form of Devised?


Which preposition is used with Devised?

"By" (as in "devised by someone").

Is Devised a collective noun?


Is the Devised term a metaphor?

Not typically, but can be used metaphorically in literature.

Is the word Devised a gerund?

No, but "devising" is.

Which article is used with Devised?

"A" or "an" depending on the context.

Is the word Devised imperative?


What is a stressed syllable in Devised?

The first syllable, "De."

What is the second form of Devised?


What is the third form of Devised?


Is Devised an adverb?


What part of speech is Devised?


What is the first form of Devised?


Is Devised a noun or adjective?

Verb (in past tense).

Is Devised an abstract noun?


Is Devised a vowel or consonant?

It's a word, and it starts with a consonant.

Is the word “Devised” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Can be either depending on the context.

How many syllables are in Devised?


How do we divide Devised into syllables?


How is Devised used in a sentence?

The engineer devised a mechanism to enhance the machine's efficiency.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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