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Cooli vs. Coolie — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Urooj Arif — By Sumaia Saeed — Updated on April 22, 2024
Cooli is the incorrect spelling of coolie. A coolie is a laborer or porter, especially in parts of Asia.
Cooli vs. Coolie — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Cooli or Coolie

How to spell Coolie?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

The double "o" in coolie follows the pattern of doubling vowels before adding "ie" in English.
The correct spelling ends in "ie", similar to employee, which is also a person doing work.
Think of coolie as combining "cool" and "ie", suggesting a person ('ie') who works in difficult, often "cool" or tough conditions.
Remember that coolie contains the same number of vowels as the word laborer, which is what it means.

How Do You Spell Coolie Correctly?

Incorrect: The cooli was paid very little for his labor.
Correct: The coolie was paid very little for his labor.
Incorrect: The cooli struggled under the heavy load.
Correct: The coolie struggled under the heavy load.
Incorrect: He worked as a cooli at the port.
Correct: He worked as a coolie at the port.

Coolie Definitions

Historically, a term used in colonial times to refer to local hired laborers in Asia and Africa.
The book describes the life of a coolie during the British Raj.
A laborer or porter, often in countries in Asia.
The coolie carried the tourist's bags across the train station.
A hired person who does heavy manual work.
Each coolie on the site was responsible for lifting and moving construction materials.
An offensive term in some contexts due to historical implications of exploitation.
The term coolie is considered derogatory and insensitive in modern usage.
A coolie (also spelled koelie, kuli, cooli, cooly, or quli) is an outdated, offensive, and racist term for a low-wage laborer, typically of South Asian descent.The word coolie was first popularized in the 16th century by European traders across Asia, and by the 18th century would refer to migrant Indian indentured laborers, and by the 19th century, would gain a new definition of the systematic shipping and hiring of Asian workers under contract on plantations that had been formerly worked by enslaved Africans. The word has had a variety of other implications and is sometimes regarded as offensive or a pejorative, depending upon the historical and geographical context; in India, its country of origin, it is still considered a derogatory slur.
An unskilled Asian laborer.
An unskilled Asian worker, usually of Chinese or Indian descent; a labourer; a porter. Coolies were frequently transported to other countries in the 19th and early 20th centuries as indentured labourers.
An Indian or a person of Indian descent.
Same as Cooly.
An offensive name for an unskilled Asian laborer
In informal use, someone who works hard for low pay.
He jokingly called himself a coolie when asked about his new job at the warehouse.

Coolie Meaning in a Sentence

The coolie wiped his brow after a long day's work.
The coolie lifted the heavy crate with ease.
She hired a coolie to help her navigate the crowded market.
At the end of the day, the coolie counted his earnings.
The coolie enjoyed a brief rest in the shade.
As the train arrived, the coolie prepared to load the passengers' luggage.
Every morning, the coolie would start his shift at the dock.
The coolie maneuvered the cart through the narrow streets.
A young coolie was learning the trade from his father.
The coolie was a familiar sight at the bustling bus station.
During the festival, the coolie worked extra hours.
The coolie often received tips for his quick service.
The coolie took great care in handling fragile items.
The oldest coolie in the town had worked there for over fifty years.
Each coolie had a specific area at the station where they operated.
On hot days, the coolie struggled with the extreme temperatures.
The coolie saved money to start his own business one day.
After working as a coolie, he would return to his second job at night.
The coolie shared stories of his village with curious tourists.
He became a coolie to support his family.
Being a coolie required good physical condition.
The coolie helped an elderly lady onto the train.

Coolie Idioms & Phrases

Work like a coolie

To work extremely hard, often with physical labor.
He had to work like a coolie to get the project finished on time.

Coolie's load

Refers to a very heavy or burdensome load.
He felt like he was carrying a coolie's load with all his school books.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide coolie into syllables?

Coolie is divided as coo-lie.

How is coolie used in a sentence?

A coolie at the harbor helped the tourists with their bags.

Why is it called coolie?

The term originated from the Hindi word kuli, meaning "hired laborer".

What is a stressed syllable in coolie?

The stressed syllable in coolie is the first syllable, "coo".

What is the verb form of coolie?

Coolie does not have a verb form; it is only a noun.

What is the pronunciation of coolie?

Coolie is pronounced as /ˈkuːli/.

What is the root word of coolie?

The root of coolie is from the Hindi word kuli.

How many syllables are in coolie?

Coolie has two syllables.

Is coolie an adverb?

No, coolie is not an adverb.

What is the singular form of coolie?

The singular form is coolie.

What is the plural form of coolie?

The plural form is coolies.

Is coolie a negative or positive word?

It can be negative, especially if used in a derogatory sense due to historical connotations.

Is coolie a countable noun?

Yes, coolie is a countable noun.

Is the word coolie Gerund?

No, coolie is not a gerund as it is a noun, not derived from a verb.

What is another term for coolie?

Another term for coolie could be porter or laborer.

What is the opposite of coolie?

There is no direct opposite, but in terms of employment status, it could be an employer.

Is the coolie term a metaphor?

No, it is not used metaphorically; it specifically refers to certain laborers.

Which determiner is used with coolie?

Determiners like "the", "a", or "every" can be used with coolie.

Is coolie a vowel or consonant?

The word starts with a consonant.

Is the word coolie imperative?

No, as it is a noun, not a verb.

Which vowel is used before coolie?

Typically, "a" is used as coolie begins with a consonant sound.

Which article is used with coolie?

The indefinite article "a" or the definite article "the" can be used with coolie.

Which preposition is used with coolie?

Common prepositions used with coolie include "as" and "like".

What part of speech is coolie?

Coolie is a noun.

Is coolie a noun or adjective?

Coolie is a noun.

Is coolie an abstract noun?

No, coolie is a concrete noun as it refers to a person.

Is coolie a collective noun?

No, it is not a collective noun; it refers to individual laborers.

Is the word “coolie” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be used as either, depending on the sentence structure.

Which conjunction is used with coolie?

Conjunctions such as "and" or "or" can be used with coolie.

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Written by
Sumaia Saeed
Edited by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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