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Compulsary vs. Compulsory — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 25, 2024
"Compulsary" is incorrect; the correct spelling is "compulsory," which means required by law or rule.
Compulsary vs. Compulsory — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Compulsary or Compulsory

How to spell Compulsory?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Associate "compulsory" with "compel," which also has an "o."
Think of "compulsion" as the base word and add "-ory."
"School" is often associated with "compulsory education," and "school" has no "a" after its "s."
Remember there's no "a" after "s" in "compulsory."
Think of the sound: "compulse-ory," not "compuls-ary."

How Do You Spell Compulsory Correctly?

Incorrect: It's compulsary to pay taxes every year.
Correct: It's compulsory to pay taxes every year.
Incorrect: The course includes a compulsary internship.
Correct: The course includes a compulsory internship.
Incorrect: Education is compulsary in many countries.
Correct: Education is compulsory in many countries.
Incorrect: Attendance at the meeting was made compulsary.
Correct: Attendance at the meeting was made compulsory.
Incorrect: Wearing helmets is compulsary for bike riders.
Correct: Wearing helmets is compulsory for bike riders.

Compulsory Definitions

Compulsory can mean coercive or enforcing compulsion.
The compulsory measures ensured compliance from citizens.
Compulsory indicates a requirement imposed by authority.
The training program is compulsory for all new hires.
Compulsory suggests no allowance for exception or choice.
It's compulsory for all students to attend the orientation.
Compulsory refers to something obligatory and unavoidable.
Wearing a helmet while biking is compulsory for safety.
Compulsory means mandated by law or rules.
Voting is compulsory in some countries.
Obligatory; required
A compulsory examination.
Employing or exerting compulsion; coercive.
An element, such as a dive or school figure, required of all competitors in an athletic competition.
Required; obligatory; mandatory.
The ten-dollar fee was compulsory.
Having the power of compulsion; constraining.
Such compulsory measures are limited.
Something that is compulsory or required.
Obligatory; enjoined by authority; necessary; due to compulsion.
This contribution threatening to fall infinitely short of their hopes, they soon made it compulsory.
Required by rule;
In most schools physical education are compulsory
Attendance is mandatory
Required reading

Compulsory Meaning in a Sentence

It is compulsory for all employees to wear ID badges.
Passing an exam is compulsory to advance to the next grade.
It's compulsory to have a fishing license to fish in this lake.
Jury service is compulsory in the United States.
Attending fire safety training is compulsory for all new hires.
Reading is a compulsory activity in our English class.
Wearing uniforms is compulsory at many private schools.
The government made it compulsory to recycle plastic and glass.
A swimming test is compulsory before joining the swim team.
The law makes it compulsory to wear seat belts.
It's compulsory for restaurants to display their health inspection grade.
Students must complete a compulsory course in ethics.
It's compulsory for all cars to undergo an annual inspection.
A health check is compulsory before participating in the marathon.
Learning about the country's history is compulsory in schools.
It's compulsory for all motorcyclists to wear helmets.
A safety briefing is compulsory before going white-water rafting.
All soldiers must complete compulsory basic training.
Signing a waiver is compulsory before going skydiving.
Submitting a tax return is compulsory for most adults.
Parents find that attendance at parent-teacher meetings is compulsory.
It's compulsory to register your pet with the local council.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before compulsory?

Either "a" or "an" can be used depending on context.

What is the pronunciation of compulsory?

Pronounced as /kəmˈpʌlsəri/.

What is the root word of compulsory?

The root word is "compel."

What is the verb form of compulsory?

The related verb is "compel."

What is the singular form of compulsory?

"Compulsory" is already in its singular form.

Why is it called compulsory?

It comes from the Latin word "compellere," meaning "to compel."

Which conjunction is used with compulsory?

Any conjunction can be used, depending on the sentence.

Is compulsory a negative or positive word?

Neutral, but can be perceived as negative when denoting lack of choice.

What is the plural form of compulsory?

Adjectives don’t have plural forms in English.

Is compulsory an abstract noun?

No, it's an adjective.

Is compulsory a noun or adjective?

It is an adjective.

Is compulsory an adverb?

No, the adverb form is "compulsorily."

Is compulsory a vowel or consonant?

"Compulsory" is a word, not a letter, but it starts with a consonant.

Is compulsory a countable noun?

No, it's an adjective.

Is compulsory a collective noun?

No, it's not a collective noun.

Which preposition is used with compulsory?

"For" can be used, as in "compulsory for all employees."

Which article is used with compulsory?

"A" can be used, as in "a compulsory rule."

What is a stressed syllable in compulsory?

The second syllable, "pul," is stressed.

What is another term for compulsory?

Another term could be "mandatory."

What is the first form of compulsory?

Adjectives don’t have forms like verbs.

How is compulsory used in a sentence?

"Attendance at the seminar is compulsory for all team members."

Is the word compulsory imperative?

No, it's an adjective.

How many syllables are in compulsory?

There are four syllables.

What part of speech is compulsory?

Compulsory is an adjective.

Which determiner is used with compulsory?

Determiners like "this," "that," "my," "his" can be used, e.g., "this compulsory rule."

What is the third form of compulsory?

Adjectives don’t have forms like verbs.

Is the compulsory term a metaphor?

No, it's a literal term.

How do we divide compulsory into syllables?


What is the opposite of compulsory?

The opposite could be "optional" or "voluntary."

What is the second form of compulsory?

Adjectives don’t have forms like verbs.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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