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Blande vs. Blonde — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 3, 2024
"Blande" is an incorrect spelling. "Blonde" is the correct spelling, referring to fair or light-colored hair.
Blande vs. Blonde — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Blande or Blonde

How to spell Blonde?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Recall "Blonde" like "gold" – both denote light colors.
"Blande" is missing the 'o' that "Blonde" has after 'l'.
Visualize a blonde-haired person to remember the correct spelling.
"Blande" may remind you of "bland," which has a different meaning.
"Blonde" contains the word "lone," hinting at the correct spelling.

How Do You Spell Blonde Correctly?

Incorrect: The blande wood furniture was perfect for the beach house.
Correct: The blonde wood furniture was perfect for the beach house.
Incorrect: He preferred the blande look for summer.
Correct: He preferred the blonde look for summer.
Incorrect: They noticed a blande Labrador retriever at the park.
Correct: They noticed a blonde Labrador retriever at the park.
Incorrect: Her hair was a beautiful shade of blande.
Correct: Her hair was a beautiful shade of blonde.
Incorrect: She dyed her hair blande to change her appearance.
Correct: She dyed her hair blonde to change her appearance.

Blonde Definitions

Having light-colored hair, especially yellowish.
She has beautiful blonde curls.
A person, especially a woman, with light-colored hair.
He prefers blondes.
Light-colored, as in woods.
Blonde wood is used for the furniture.
Having fair hair and skin
Blond Scandinavians.
Of a flaxen or golden color or of any light shade of auburn or pale yellowish brown
Blond hair.
Light-colored through bleaching
Blond furniture.
A person with fair hair and skin.
A light yellowish brown to dark grayish yellow.
Alternative form of blond
Alternative form of blond.
A kind of 2,000-watt lamp.
Stupid, ignorant, naive.
A person of very fair complexion, with light hair and light blue eyes.
A kind of silk lace originally of the color of raw silk, now sometimes dyed; - called also blond lace.
A person with fair skin and hair
Being or having light colored skin and hair and usually blue or gray eyes;
Blond Scandinavians
A house full of light-haired children
Relating to people with light-colored hair.
A blonde actress.
Of a pale yellow or golden color.
She wore a blonde wig for the play.

Blonde Meaning in a Sentence

Her new blonde hair made her stand out in the crowd.
In the sunlight, her blonde hair shone brightly.
The blonde highlights added a sun-kissed look to her hair.
The interior designer suggested blonde wood for a modern, airy feel.
She admired the blonde Labrador retriever playing in the park.
The artist used shades of blonde to give the painting a warm feel.
He noticed that the blonde ale had a lighter taste than the stout.
His preference for blonde coffee was well known among his friends.
The blonde sand on the beach was warm underfoot.
He described his ideal guitar, emphasizing the need for blonde maple wood.
He was looking for a specific type of blonde wood for his project.
The puppies were a mix of black and blonde, all equally adorable.
She joked that being blonde had nothing to do with her momentary forgetfulness.
The photographer said that the sunset light was perfect for capturing her blonde hair.
After years of being brunette, she was surprised by how much she liked being blonde.
In the novel, the mysterious stranger was described as having long, blonde hair.
He was searching for a rare blonde vinyl record edition of his favorite album.
She found that her blonde hair required special care to maintain its color.
The contrast between the dark jeans and her blonde hair was striking.
The arrival of a blonde stranger in the small town set off a series of events.
She was excited to try a new shade of blonde for the summer.
The blonde wood floors gave the entire house a welcoming vibe.
Her collection of blonde wood furniture was the envy of her friends.
They decided to adopt a blonde cocker spaniel from the shelter.
The debate about whether blondes have more fun seemed silly to her.

Blonde Idioms & Phrases

A blonde moment

A brief instance of forgetfulness or silliness, stereotypically associated with people who have blonde hair.
She laughed off her mistake as a blonde moment.

Blonde ambition

The drive or determination of someone who is blonde, often used humorously.
Her blonde ambition was evident in her rapid rise in the company.

Blonde bombshell

A very attractive woman with blonde hair, often glamorous or seductive.
The movie featured a classic blonde bombshell as the lead character.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Blonde?

It is pronounced as /blɑnd/.

Why is it called Blonde?

"Blonde" is derived from the French word for a fair-haired person, originally meaning "white, blank."

Which conjunction is used with Blonde?

Conjunction usage isn't specific to "Blonde." Common conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used.

What is the verb form of Blonde?

"Blonde" does not have a verb form; it is primarily an adjective or noun.

What is the root word of Blonde?

The root is the Old French "blont/blond."

Which vowel is used before Blonde?

The vowel "o" is used before "Blonde."

What is the singular form of Blonde?

The singular form is "Blonde."

Which article is used with Blonde?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with "Blonde," depending on context.

Is Blonde an adverb?

No, "Blonde" is not an adverb.

What is the plural form of Blonde?

The plural form is "Blondes."

Is Blonde an abstract noun?

No, "Blonde" is not an abstract noun.

Is the word Blonde imperative?

No, "Blonde" is not imperative.

Which preposition is used with Blonde?

"With" can be used, as in "with blonde hair."

Is Blonde a collective noun?

No, "Blonde" is not a collective noun.

Is the word Blonde a Gerund?

No, "Blonde" is not a gerund.

Is the word “Blonde” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Blonde" can be a direct object (e.g., "He prefers blondes"), but it depends on the sentence structure.

How many syllables are in Blonde?

There is one syllable in "Blonde."

What part of speech is Blonde?

It can be an adjective or noun.

Which determiner is used with Blonde?

Determiners like "that," "this," or "her" can be used with "Blonde."

Is Blonde a countable noun?

When referring to people, "Blonde" can be a countable noun (e.g., "There are three blondes in the room").

How do we divide Blonde into syllables?

It is not divided as it has one syllable.

What is the opposite of Blonde?

Brunette or dark-haired.

What is the first form of Blonde?

"Blonde" does not have verb forms.

How is Blonde used in a sentence?

"She has lovely blonde hair."

Is Blonde a noun or adjective?

"Blonde" can be both a noun and an adjective.

Is Blonde a negative or positive word?

"Blonde" is neutral but can have different connotations based on context.

Is Blonde a vowel or consonant?

"Blonde" is a word and contains both vowels and consonants.

What is a stressed syllable in Blonde?

The single syllable "Blonde" is stressed.

What is the third form of Blonde?

"Blonde" does not have verb forms.

Is the Blonde term a metaphor?

Typically, no. But like many words, it could be used metaphorically in certain contexts.

What is another term for Blonde?


What is the second form of Blonde?

"Blonde" does not have verb forms.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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