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Babys vs. Babies — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 27, 2024
Babys is incorrect, while Babies is correct, referring to more than one infant or very young child. Babies are the plural form of baby.
Babys vs. Babies — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Babys or Babies

How to spell Babies?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of the ‘ies’ as multiple eyes, which babies have.
Always spell check or refer to a dictionary for the correct plural form, which is ‘babies’.
Remember, when a noun ends in ‘y’, replace the ‘y’ with ‘ies’ for its plural form, hence ‘babies’.
Remember ‘baby’ loses its ‘y’ when it multiplies.
Consider baby's singular possession as 'baby's' to avoid confusion with the plural form.

How Do You Spell Babies Correctly?

Incorrect: Babys cry when they're hungry.
Correct: Babies cry when they're hungry.
Incorrect: How many babys attended the playgroup?
Correct: How many babies attended the playgroup?
Incorrect: The mother sings to her babys before bedtime.
Correct: The mother sings to her babies before bedtime.
Incorrect: She brought her babys to the pediatrician for a check-up.
Correct: She brought her babies to the pediatrician for a check-up.
Incorrect: The park has a special area for babys to play safely.
Correct: The park has a special area for babies to play safely.

Babies Definitions

Newly born offspring of mammals.
The cat had four babies.
The youngest members of a family or group.
She is the baby of the family.
A term of endearment for loved ones.
She calls her husband baby.
People who are immature or inexperienced.
They are just babies when it comes to politics.
A very young child; an infant.
An unborn child; a fetus.
The youngest member of a family or group.
A very young animal.
An adult or young person who behaves in an infantile way.
A lover or sweetheart.
Sweetheart; dear. Used as a term of endearment.
(Slang) An object of personal concern or interest
Keeping the boat in good repair is your baby.
Of or having to do with a baby.
Infantile or childish.
Small in comparison with others of the same kind
Baby vegetables.
To pamper like a baby; coddle.
Plural of baby
Very young children, especially those not yet able to walk.
The nursery was full of crying babies.

Babies Meaning in a Sentence

The photographer specializes in taking pictures of newborn babies.
It's important to burp babies after they eat to make them comfortable.
The library holds storytime sessions for mothers and their babies.
Doctors recommend that babies sleep on their backs.
Babies can recognize their parents' voices very early.
Feeding babies can be a messy but fun experience.
Babies love to play peek-a-boo.
Babies need lots of love and attention to grow healthy and strong.
At the party, there was a special area set up just for babies to play.
Many babies start to crawl between six and ten months old.
The sound of babies laughing is very joyful.
Babies' first teeth usually appear around six months of age.
Hearing babies try to talk for the first time is very exciting.
Soft toys are often babies' first playthings.
The community center offers music classes for babies and toddlers.
Parents often babyproof their homes to keep babies safe.
Some babies can say simple words like "mama" or "dada" before their first birthday.
Babies usually start to walk between nine and eighteen months of age.
Parents keep baby albums to remember all the milestones as their babies grow.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before Babies?

Typically, any vowel can precede it, depending on the article or word before it.

What is the pronunciation of Babies?

It is pronounced as /ˈbeɪbiz/.

Which conjunction is used with Babies?

Any conjunction can be used with ‘babies,’ based on the sentence it is used in.

What is the verb form of Babies?

Babies is a noun; it does not have a verb form.

What is the root word of Babies?

The root word is ‘baby.’

What is the singular form of Babies?

The singular form is ‘baby.’

Is Babies a noun or adjective?

Babies is a noun.

Is Babies an adverb?

No, ‘babies’ is not an adverb.

Why is it called Babies?

It is called babies because it is the plural form of the noun 'baby,' denoting more than one infant or young child.

Is the word Babies imperative?

No, ‘babies’ is not imperative.

Is Babies a vowel or consonant?

‘Babies’ is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

What part of speech is Babies?

Babies is a noun.

What is the plural form of Babies?

‘Babies’ is the plural form.

Which preposition is used with Babies?

Various prepositions like ‘of,’ ‘with,’ and ‘for’ can be used with ‘babies’ depending on the context.

Which article is used with Babies?

Typically, the definite article ‘the’ or the indefinite article ‘some’ can be used.

Is Babies a countable noun?

Yes, ‘babies’ is a countable noun.

Is Babies a collective noun?

No, ‘babies’ is not a collective noun.

Is the Babies term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically.

What is a stressed syllable in Babies?

The first syllable, ‘ba,’ is stressed.

Which determiner is used with Babies?

‘The,’ ‘these,’ ‘those,’ ‘my,’ ‘our’ can be used as determiners, depending on context.

What is the first form of Babies?

‘Babies’ does not have verb forms.

Is Babies an abstract noun?

No, ‘babies’ is a concrete noun.

Is the word Babies a gerund?

No, ‘babies’ is not a gerund.

Is the word “Babies” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

‘Babies’ can serve as either a direct or an indirect object, depending on sentence structure.

How many syllables are in Babies?

‘Babies’ has two syllables.

What is the third form of Babies?

Again, ‘babies’ does not have verb forms.

How is Babies used in a sentence?

"The hospital has a dedicated wing where mothers and their newborn babies are taken care of."

What is another term for Babies?

Another term is ‘infants.’

What is the opposite of Babies?

There isn’t an exact opposite, but terms like ‘adults’ or ‘elders’ refer to more mature life stages.

What is the second form of Babies?

As stated, ‘babies’ does not have verb forms.

Is Babies a negative or positive word?

‘Babies’ is neutral but often associated with positive emotions.

How do we divide Babies into syllables?

It is divided as ba-bies.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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