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Appologize vs. Apologize — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 30, 2024
"Appologize" is a common misspelling. The correct spelling is "Apologize," meaning to express regret for an offense or mistake.
Appologize vs. Apologize — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Appologize or Apologize

How to spell Apologize?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember it starts with "Apol-" just like "Apology."
"Apologize" has the same number of letters as "Apology."
Remember "log" in the middle, not "llog."
There's only one 'p' in "Apology," so same goes for "Apologize."
Think: "A Polo shirt doesn't have two 'p's, neither does Apologize."

How Do You Spell Apologize Correctly?

Incorrect: She wanted to appologize to her friend.
Correct: She wanted to apologize to her friend.
Incorrect: He will appologize for the mistake he made.
Correct: He will apologize for the mistake he made.
Incorrect: They decided to appologize to each other.
Correct: They decided to apologize to each other.
Incorrect: I need to appologize for my behavior.
Correct: I need to apologize for my behavior.
Incorrect: We should appologize for arriving late.
Correct: We should apologize for arriving late.

Apologize Definitions

To acknowledge and express regret for a fault without offering an excuse.
She quickly apologized after realizing her mistake.
To offer an explanation or defense for a fault or for something considered offensive.
The director had to apologize for the oversight in the report.
Offering an apology or excuse for some fault, insult, etc.
An apologize letter was sent to the affected customers.
Express regret for something that one has done wrong
I must apologize for disturbing you like this
We apologize to him for our error
To make excuse for or regretful acknowledgment of a fault or offense.
To make a formal defense or justification in speech or writing.
To make an apology or excuse; to acknowledge some fault or offense, with expression of regret for it, by way of amends
My correspondent apologized for not answering my letter.
(intransitive) To express regret that a certain event has occurred.
To make an apologia or defense; to act as apologist.
To make an apology or defense.
To make an apology or excuse; to make acknowledgment of some fault or offense, with expression of regret for it, by way of amends; - with for; as, my correspondent apologized for not answering my letter.
To apologize for his insolent language.
To defend.
The Christians . . . were apologized by Plinie.
Acknowledge faults or shortcomings or failing;
I apologized for being late
He apologized for the many typoes
Defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning;
Rationalize the child's seemingly crazy behavior
He rationalized his lack of success
To express remorse or regret for a wrongdoing.
I apologize for my tardiness.

Apologize Meaning in a Sentence

I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
I apologize if my words came across as harsh.
He learned that it's important to apologize when you hurt someone.
We apologize for the delay in responding to your request.
He plans to apologize in person to make amends.
They sent a letter to apologize for the noise during the party.
She felt the need to apologize for her abrupt departure.
It's hard for him to apologize when he knows he's wrong.
It took courage for her to apologize and admit her mistake.
The importance of learning to apologize cannot be overstated for personal growth.
Sometimes, saying "I apologize" is more powerful than a simple "I'm sorry."

Apologize Idioms & Phrases

Better late than never to apologize

It's always better to offer an apology, even if it's delayed.
He finally decided to apologize for the misunderstanding, proving it's better late than never to apologize.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before Apologize?

The vowel "a."

What is the root word of Apologize?

The root word is "apology."

Which conjunction is used with Apologize?

Any conjunction can be used depending on the sentence structure.

Is Apologize a noun or adjective?

"Apologize" is a verb.

Why is it called Apologize?

It comes from the Greek word "apologia" meaning a speech in defense.

What is the verb form of Apologize?

"Apologize" is already in its verb form.

What is the pronunciation of Apologize?

It's pronounced as /əˈpɑː.lə.dʒaɪz/.

What is the singular form of Apologize?

"Apologize" is already singular as it's a verb.

Is the Apologize term a metaphor?

No, it is not a metaphor.

What is the plural form of Apologize?

Verbs don't have plural forms, so there's no plural for "Apologize."

Is Apologize an adverb?

No, but "apologetically" is its adverbial form.

How do we divide Apologize into syllables?


What is another term for Apologize?

Express regret.

Which preposition is used with Apologize?

"For" as in "apologize for."

Is Apologize a collective noun?

No, it's a verb.

How many syllables are in Apologize?

Four syllables.

What part of speech is Apologize?

It's a verb.

What is the second form of Apologize?

Not applicable, as regular verbs don't change in past form. However, "apologized" is the past tense.

Is Apologize a vowel or consonant?

"Apologize" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

What is the third form of Apologize?

"Apologized" (past participle).

Which article is used with Apologize?

Typically, no article is used directly before "apologize" as it's a verb.

Is the word Apologize imperative?

It can be, as in "Apologize now!"

Which determiner is used with Apologize?

As a verb, "Apologize" doesn't typically take a determiner.

Is Apologize an abstract noun?

"Apologize" is not a noun; it's a verb.

Is Apologize a negative or positive word?

Neutral, though it often conveys regret.

Is Apologize a countable noun?

"Apologize" is a verb, not a noun.

What is a stressed syllable in Apologize?

The second syllable "pol."

What is the opposite of Apologize?

Offend or affront.

What is the first form of Apologize?

The first form is "Apologize."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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