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Analitic vs. Analytic — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 28, 2024
"Analitic" is a misspelling. The correct spelling is "Analytic," relating to logical and systematic examination or analysis.
Analitic vs. Analytic — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Analitic or Analytic

How to spell Analytic?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Analytic" has two 'a's after 'n.'
Recall: "To analyze it, use Analytic."
Think of "Analysis" which drops the 's' to become "Analytic."
Remember it as: "A-n-a-lytic" with 'ly' in the center.
Always remember the root word "analyze" when spelling "Analytic."

How Do You Spell Analytic Correctly?

Incorrect: The company is looking for someone with analitic skills.
Correct: The company is looking for someone with analytic skills.
Incorrect: She presented an analitic report on the market trends.
Correct: She presented an analytic report on the market trends.
Incorrect: Their approach is very analitic and detail-oriented.
Correct: Their approach is very analytic and detail-oriented.
Incorrect: He has a strong analitic mind capable of solving complex problems.
Correct: He has a strong analytic mind capable of solving complex problems.
Incorrect: We need to develop more analitic tools for data analysis.
Correct: We need to develop more analytic tools for data analysis.

Analytic Definitions

In mathematics, representing a function by an infinite series.
Analytic geometry merges algebra with geometry.
Separating or distinguishing.
The analytic distinction was made between the two theories.
Expressing a grammatical function by using two or more words.
English is an analytic language, using word order and auxiliaries.
Breaking down a whole into its constituent parts.
Her analytic skills were essential for solving the complex puzzle.
Of or relating to analysis or analytics.
Expert in or using analysis, especially in thinking
An analytic mind.
An analytic approach.
Dividing into elemental parts or basic principles.
Reasoning or acting from a perception of the parts and interrelations of a subject
"Many of the most serious pianists have turned toward more analytic playing, with a renewed focus on the architecture and ideas of music" (Annalyn Swan).
(Logic) Following necessarily; tautologous
An analytic truth.
Using, subjected to, or capable of being subjected to a methodology involving algebra or other methods of mathematical analysis.
Proving a known truth by reasoning from that which is to be proved.
(Linguistics) Expressing a grammatical function by using two or more words instead of an inflected form
Vietnamese is an analytic language.
Of, or relating to any form of analysis, or to analytics.
Of, or relating to division into elements or principles.
Having the ability to analyse.
That follows necessarily; tautologous.
(mathematics) Of, or relating to algebra or a similar method of analysis.
(analysis) Being defined in terms of objects of differential calculus such as derivatives.
Being able to be locally represented by convergent power series around every point of the domain.
(linguistics) Of a language, having a grammar principally dependent on the arrangement of uninflected words within sentences to indicate meaning. Compare synthetic.
Of or pertaining to analysis; resolving into elements or constituent parts; as, an analytical experiment; - opposed to synthetic.
Using or subjected to a methodology using algebra and calculus;
Analytic statics
Using or skilled in using analysis (i.e., separating a whole--intellectual or substantial--into its elemental parts or basic principles);
An analytic experiment
An analytic approach
A keenly analytic man
Analytical reasoning
An analytical mind
Expressing a grammatical category by using two or more words rather than inflection
Of a proposition that is necessarily true independent of fact or experience;
`all spinsters are unmarried' is an analytic proposition
Pertaining to or using analysis or logical reasoning.
The student provided an analytic explanation of the phenomenon.

Analytic Meaning in a Sentence

He used analytic methods to approach the problem.
Developing analytic tools can help us understand consumer behavior better.
The professor's lecture on analytic philosophy was thought-provoking.
Analytic skills are essential for data scientists.
Analytic thinking is required to solve these complex equations.
The team's analytic approach helped them identify the issue quickly.
The report provides an analytic overview of the current economic conditions.
Her analytic abilities make her an excellent researcher.
They offer analytic services to help businesses improve their operations.
Analytic strategies can optimize marketing campaigns.
He appreciates the beauty of analytic proofs in mathematics.
Improving analytic processes can lead to more accurate results.
They developed an analytic model to simulate economic scenarios.
Analytic software is becoming increasingly important in finance.
He has written several papers on analytic number theory.
The course covers both basic and advanced analytic techniques.
They're using analytic techniques to predict future trends.
Her analytic review of the literature provided new insights.
She is studying analytic geometry this semester.
The analytic framework helps in breaking down complex systems.
Enhancing your analytic skills can improve your decision-making process.
The software features advanced analytic capabilities.
The conference on analytic methods in sociology was enlightening.
Analytic reasoning is key in scientific research.
Her thesis combines elements of analytic and continental philosophy.

Analytic Idioms & Phrases

Analytic framework

A structured set of criteria to analyze or assess something.
The research used an analytic framework to evaluate the data.

Analytic thinking

The process of thinking in a logical and systematic manner.
Analytic thinking is crucial when dealing with complex issues.

Analytic approach

A method based on analysis and logical reasoning.
We need an analytic approach to tackle this project efficiently.

Analytic mind

A mind that is good at analyzing or breaking down complex information.
Her analytic mind was an asset in solving the intricate puzzle.

Analytic methods

Techniques used to examine and interpret data.
Analytic methods are fundamental in statistical studies.

Analytic capabilities

The capacity to perform analysis, especially in software or systems.
This database software has enhanced analytic capabilities for big data.

Analytic skills

The ability to analyze information or problems.
Employers value analytic skills in their employees.

Analytic tools

Instruments or software used for analysis.
Modern businesses rely on analytic tools to make informed decisions.

Analytic process

The sequence of steps taken to analyze or evaluate something.
The team followed a rigorous analytic process to arrive at their conclusions.

Analytic philosophy

A branch of philosophy emphasizing clarity and argumentation.
He specializes in analytic philosophy, particularly the works of Wittgenstein.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of Analytic?

The root word is "analysis."

Why is it called Analytic?

Analytic refers to the process or method of breaking down complex structures or problems into simpler parts in order to understand them. The term is derived from the concept of "analysis."

What is the verb form of Analytic?


What is the pronunciation of Analytic?


What is the singular form of Analytic?

Analytic is an adjective and doesn't have a singular or plural form in the way nouns do. However, it itself can be considered singular.

Which vowel is used before Analytic?

The word "Analytic" begins with the vowel "A."

Which article is used with Analytic?

Either "a" or "an" can be used, depending on the context. Most often, it's "an" (e.g., "an analytic approach").

Is Analytic a negative or positive word?

Neutral. However, its connotation can be positive in contexts that value detailed examination.

Which preposition is used with Analytic?

There isn't a specific preposition always used with "Analytic." It depends on the context, but "of" and "in" can be commonly used.

What is the plural form of Analytic?

Again, as an adjective, Analytic doesn’t have a plural form. But related nouns like "analysis" can become "analyses."

Which conjunction is used with Analytic?

There isn’t a specific conjunction always associated with "Analytic." Any conjunction could be used, depending on the sentence.

Is Analytic a countable noun?

No, Analytic is not a noun; it's an adjective.

Is the word Analytic imperative?


Is the word “Analytic” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Analytic" is an adjective and, by itself, is not used as a direct or indirect object. However, it can describe a noun that acts as an object in a sentence.

How many syllables are in Analytic?


What part of speech is Analytic?


Is the Analytic term a metaphor?

No, it's not a metaphor by itself, but it can be used metaphorically.

What is another term for Analytic?


Is Analytic a noun or adjective?


Is Analytic an adverb?


Is Analytic an abstract noun?

No, Analytic is an adjective.

Is the word Analytic a gerund?


What is the opposite of Analytic?

Synthetic or holistic.

Which determiner is used with Analytic?

It depends on the context. Any determiner (e.g., "the," "this," "that") can be used before a noun that "Analytic" describes.

What is the third form of Analytic?

For the verb "analyze," the third form is also "analyzed."

Is Analytic a vowel or consonant?

Analytic is a word, not a single letter. It contains both vowels and consonants.

Is Analytic a collective noun?


How do we divide Analytic into syllables?


What is a stressed syllable in Analytic?

The third syllable, "lyt."

What is the first form of Analytic?

Analytic is an adjective, so it doesn't have verb forms. But for the related verb "analyze," the first form is "analyze."

What is the second form of Analytic?

For the verb "analyze," the second form is "analyzed."

How is Analytic used in a sentence?

"The scientist adopted an analytic approach to solve the complex equation."

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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