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Abundancy vs. Abundance — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Sumaia Saeed — By Munazza Shafiq — Updated on April 23, 2024
"Abundancy" is the incorrect spelling of "abundance." Abundance refers to a very large quantity of something.
Abundancy vs. Abundance — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Abundancy or Abundance

How to spell Abundance?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

The word "abundance" follows the pattern of nouns like "assistance" and "importance," which also end in "-ance."
The correct form, "abundance," includes the root "abundant," followed by "-ance," highlighting its noun form.
Think of "dance" when spelling "abundance" to help remember the correct ending "-ance."
Remember that "abundance" is similar to "redundance," emphasizing the suffix "-ance" instead of "-ancy."

How Do You Spell Abundance Correctly?

Incorrect: The market displayed an amazing abundancy of fruits and vegetables.
Correct: The market displayed an amazing abundance of fruits and vegetables.
Incorrect: The forest was known for its abundancy of wildlife.
Correct: The forest was known for its abundance of wildlife.
Incorrect: They celebrated the abundancy of the harvest this year.
Correct: They celebrated the abundance of the harvest this year.
Incorrect: She found great joy in the abundancy of books available at the library.
Correct: She found great joy in the abundance of books available at the library.
Incorrect: His garden has an incredible abundancy of flowers every summer.
Correct: His garden has an incredible abundance of flowers every summer.

Abundance Definitions

An ample quantity.
The abundance of opportunities in the city drew many new residents.
Overflowing fullness.
The river was in abundance after the rainy season.
A great or plentiful amount
An abundance of rain.
A great or plentiful amount.
The abundance of natural resources in the area attracted many companies.
They lived a life of abundance due to their successful business.
The condition of being in rich supply
Bananas growing in abundance.
Degree of plentifulness
"Species of low abundance are ignored in the calculation of predominance" (William M. Lewis).
(Chemistry) The amount of an isotope of an element that exists in nature, usually expressed as a percentage of the total amount of all isotopes of the element.
Affluence; prosperity
Living in abundance.
A large quantity; many.
Due to the abundance of art material, the class made a giant collage.
There is not a great abundance of time, so please don't dwadle.
An overflowing fullness or ample sufficiency; profusion; copious supply; superfluity; plentifulness.
Wealth; affluence; plentiful amount of resources.
Frequency, amount, ratio of something within a given environment or sample.
(card games) A bid to take nine or more tricks in solo whist.
(Scotland) enough, sufficiency.
An overflowing fullness; ample sufficiency; great plenty; profusion; copious supply; superfluity; wealth: - strictly applicable to quantity only, but sometimes used of number.
It is lamentable to remember what abundance of noble blood hath been shed with small benefit to the Christian state.
The property of a more than adequate quantity or supply;
An age of abundance
(physics) the ratio of the number of atoms of a specific isotope of an element to the total number of isotopes present
(chemistry) the ratio of the total mass of an element in the earth's crust to the total mass of the earth's crust; expressed as a percentage or in parts per million
The condition of having more than enough.
There was an abundance of food at the wedding, enough for everyone.

Abundance Meaning in a Sentence

His abundance of enthusiasm was contagious.
She shared her abundance of knowledge freely.
The library offered an abundance of books.
Their abundance of caution saved them from making a rash decision.
They harvested an abundance of apples this fall.
The festival had an abundance of music and dance.
The garden flourished, showing an abundance of flowers.
Rain brought an abundance of growth to the parched land.
She had an abundance of ideas for the new project.
There was an abundance of stars visible in the night sky.
She possessed an abundance of patience when teaching.
An abundance of evidence led to the quick resolution of the case.
The country's abundance of minerals made it a key exporter.
He appreciated the abundance of support from his friends.
The abundance of talent in the competition made judging difficult.
The abundance of wildlife in the reserve was impressive.
The holiday season brought an abundance of joy and festivities.
The river's abundance provided water to the entire region.
The abundance of natural beauty in the park was breathtaking.
They found an abundance of artifacts during the excavation.
Their farm produced an abundance of organic vegetables.
The abundance of advice he received was overwhelming.
The market was filled with an abundance of fresh produce.
The abundance of color in her artwork was striking.
There was an abundance of seating available at the venue.

Abundance Idioms & Phrases

Abundance of riches

Having a lot of wealth or resources.
The ancient city was known for its abundance of riches.

In abundance

Available in large quantities.
Wildflowers grew in abundance along the trail.

Bask in abundance

To enjoy a large amount of something desirable.
Over the holidays, we basked in the abundance of family time.

From abundance

Derived from having plenty.
The meal was prepared from abundance, showcasing the farm’s produce.

Flow of abundance

A steady stream of wealth or blessings.
He felt a flow of abundance after his recent career successes.

Land of abundance

A place rich in resources.
Often referred to as the land of abundance, the region thrives on agriculture.

Abundance of caution

To act with more caution than might be required.
We are closing schools out of an abundance of caution due to weather forecasts.

Abundance mentality

Believing there is enough success for everyone.
She approaches life with an abundance mentality, always sharing her opportunities.

Abundance of evidence

A large amount of proof.
The case was quickly solved due to the abundance of evidence.

Path to abundance

The way or method to achieve great wealth or plenty.
His innovative ideas put him on the path to abundance.

Abundance of light

A large amount of brightness or illumination.
The new design filled the room with an abundance of light.

Abundance of charm

Having a lot of appeal or attractiveness.
The old village had an abundance of charm, attracting many tourists.

Wave of abundance

A sudden increase in wealth or resources.
The new trade agreements brought a wave of abundance to the local economy.

Abundance of joy

Experiencing a lot of happiness.
The festival was a time of abundance of joy for everyone involved.

Create abundance

To generate a large amount of something valuable.
The new policy aims to create abundance in underserved communities.

With abundance

Doing something with a lot of supply or resources.
The team approached the project with abundance, ensuring every detail was covered.

Seek abundance

To look for great quantities or richness.
They traveled far to seek abundance in their lives.

Era of abundance

A period characterized by plenty.
The technological advances have ushered in an era of abundance.

Symbol of abundance

Something that represents plenty or wealth.
In many cultures, the cornucopia is a symbol of abundance.

Circle of abundance

A situation or group where resources are plentiful.
She found herself in a circle of abundance with supportive friends and mentors.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called abundance?

It is called "abundance" because it denotes a large amount of something, plentifully supplied.

What is a stressed syllable in abundance?

The stressed syllable in "abundance" is the second syllable, "bun."

How do we divide abundance into syllables?

"Abundance" is divided into syllables as a-bun-dance.

How many syllables are in abundance?

There are three syllables in "abundance."

How is abundance used in a sentence?

e.g., The harvest yielded an abundance of crops this year.

What is the verb form of abundance?

"Abundance" does not have a verb form; it is a noun.

What is the root word of abundance?

The root word of "abundance" is "abundant," which comes from the Latin "abundare," meaning to overflow.

What part of speech is abundance?

"Abundance" is a noun.

What is the pronunciation of abundance?

"Abundance" is pronounced as /əˈbʌn.dəns/.

What is the plural form of abundance?

The plural form is "abundances."

Is abundance an adverb?

No, "abundance" is not an adverb.

Is abundance an abstract noun?

Yes, "abundance" can be considered an abstract noun as it refers to the concept of plentifulness.

Is the word “abundance” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Abundance" can be used as a direct object in a sentence.

Which vowel is used before abundance?

Typically "an" is used before "abundance" because it starts with a vowel sound.

What is the singular form of abundance?

The singular form is "abundance."

What is the opposite of abundance?

The opposite of "abundance" is "scarcity" or "lack."

Is abundance a vowel or consonant?

The word "abundance" begins with a vowel sound.

Is the "abundance" term a metaphor?

"Abundance" can be used metaphorically to describe any situation where there is a lot of something.

What is another term for abundance?

Another term for "abundance" could be "plenty" or "wealth."

Is abundance a countable noun?

"Abundance" is generally considered an uncountable noun.

Is abundance a collective noun?

"Abundance" is not typically used as a collective noun.

Is abundance a noun or adjective?

"Abundance" is a noun.

Is the word "abundance" imperative?

No, "abundance" is not used in an imperative form.

Which preposition is used with abundance?

Common prepositions used with "abundance" include "of" and "in."

Which conjunction is used with abundance?

Conjunctions like "and" or "or" can be used when discussing aspects of abundance.

Which article is used with abundance?

The article "an" is used with "abundance" due to the vowel sound at the beginning.

Is abundance a negative or positive word?

"Abundance" is generally a positive word, connoting plenty and wealth.

Is the word "abundance" a Gerund?

No, "abundance" is not a gerund.

Which determiner is used with abundance?

Determiners such as "an," "the," and "some" can be used with "abundance."

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Written by
Munazza Shafiq
Edited by
Sumaia Saeed

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