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72st vs. 72nd — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 27, 2024
72st is incorrect. The accurate ordinal representation for seventy-two is 72nd, indicating a position following the 71st.
72st vs. 72nd — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: 72st or 72nd

How to spell 72nd?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

The sound "seventy-two" ends in "-two," matching "nd" and not “-st.”
Always consider that the one before it, 71st, ends in “st”, so 72nd changes to “nd”.
Recall "second" when you think of 72; it aligns with the “-nd” in “second.”
Visualize "72nd" on calendars, lists, or rankings to imprint the correct spelling.
Numbers ending in 2, excluding those in the tens, take the suffix "nd" (like 2nd, 22nd, 72nd).

How Do You Spell 72nd Correctly?

Incorrect: It's their 72st anniversary this year.
Correct: It's their 72nd anniversary this year.
Incorrect: She lives on the 72st floor.
Correct: She lives on the 72nd floor.
Incorrect: He finished in the 72st place in the race.
Correct: He finished in the 72nd place in the race.
Incorrect: The 72st item on the list is missing.
Correct: The 72nd item on the list is missing.
Incorrect: The 72st chapter was the most interesting.
Correct: The 72nd chapter was the most interesting.

72nd Definitions

Represents a specific position in a sequence.
The company ranked 72nd in the global list.
The ordinal number following the 71st.
She is the 72nd participant to sign up.
Denotes a day of a month, although it's hypothetical since no month has 72 days.
Specifies an item in an ordered list.
Item 72nd highlights the additional terms.
Used to indicate a particular ranking.
He was the 72nd player to achieve this milestone.
Abbreviation of seventy-second

72nd Meaning in a Sentence

She's aiming to win her 72nd competition next month.
The 72nd amendment changed the course of history.
The 72nd attempt proved to be the charm, leading to success.
His 72nd birthday was celebrated with great enthusiasm.
He's read up to the 72nd volume of his favorite comic series.
In the 72nd minute of the game, the team scored the winning goal.
The 72nd degree of longitude is an interesting point on the map.
The 72nd session of the council opens next week.
On the 72nd page, the mystery finally starts to unravel.
The 72nd street has some of the best cafes in town.
Her 72nd project was a breakthrough in her career.
The 72nd law of the code specifies the rights of citizens.
The company celebrated its 72nd year of business with a grand party.
Her collection includes dresses from the 72nd Paris Fashion Week.
The 72nd edition of the annual fair was the most successful yet.
The 72nd theorem proved to be a challenge for mathematicians.
The 72nd parallel north is a line of latitude that crosses through several countries.
At the 72nd hour, the rescue team finally found the lost hikers.
His 72nd piece of artwork was finally displayed in the museum.
For the 72nd time, he checked his email, hoping for a response.
On my 72nd visit to the park, I discovered a hidden trail.
The book's 72nd chapter offers insight into the character's motives.
She found a rare coin from the 72nd century BC in her backyard.
The 72nd precinct received commendation for their exemplary service.
The 72nd squadron was renowned for its valor and bravery.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called 72nd?

It's called 72nd because it represents the ordinal position following the 71st.

Which vowel is used before 72nd?

Typically, "a" is used as in "a 72nd."

What is the verb form of 72nd?

72nd doesn't have a verb form; it's an ordinal number.

What is the pronunciation of 72nd?

It's pronounced "seventy-second."

What is the plural form of 72nd?

Ordinal numbers like 72nd don't have a standard plural form.

Which preposition is used with 72nd?

For rankings or positions, "in" can be used, as in "in the 72nd place."

Which article is used with 72nd?

Both "the" and "a" can be used with 72nd, depending on the context.

Is 72nd a noun or adjective?

72nd can function as both a noun (e.g., "the 72nd of the list") and an adjective (e.g., "the 72nd contestant").

What is the root word of 72nd?

The root word is "seventy-two."

Is 72nd a vowel or consonant?

72nd is an ordinal number and doesn't fit into vowel or consonant categories.

What is the singular form of 72nd?

72nd is already in its singular form.

Which conjunction is used with 72nd?

Any conjunction can be used with "72nd" based on the sentence structure; there isn't a specific one.

Which determiner is used with 72nd?

Common determiners include "the" or "a."

What is the stressed syllable in 72nd?

The first syllable, "sev," is stressed.

What is the opposite of 72nd?

There isn't a direct opposite, but in a sequence, the first would be farthest from the 72nd.

Is the word “72nd” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can serve as either, depending on the sentence structure.

How many syllables are in 72nd?

There are five syllables in 72nd: sev-en-ty-se-cond.

What is another term for 72nd?

There isn't a specific synonymous term for the ordinal number 72nd.

Is 72nd a negative or positive word?

It's neutral; neither negative nor positive.

How do we divide 72nd into syllables?

72nd is divided as sev-en-ty-se-cond.

What part of speech is 72nd?

It can be an adjective or a noun, depending on its use.

How is 72nd used in a sentence?

"He finished in the 72nd position in the race."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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