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Unincluded vs. Excluded — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Maham Liaqat — By Urooj Arif — Updated on April 28, 2024
Unincluded is the incorrect spelling of excluded. Excluded refers to the act of not allowing someone or something to participate or enter.
Unincluded vs. Excluded — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Unincluded or Excluded

How to spell Excluded?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember "excluded" as being related to "exclude," which clearly signals leaving something out or denying it access.
Excluded starts with "ex-" which is a common prefix in English used to indicate something external or outside.

How Do You Spell Excluded Correctly?

Incorrect: These areas were unincluded in the study due to accessibility issues.
Correct: These areas were excluded from the study due to accessibility issues.
Incorrect: She felt unincluded from the group's activities.
Correct: She felt excluded from the group's activities.
Incorrect: The item was unincluded in the final report.
Correct: The item was excluded from the final report.
Incorrect: The data was unincluded because it was considered unreliable.
Correct: The data was excluded because it was considered unreliable.
Incorrect: His name was unincluded on the guest list.
Correct: His name was excluded from the guest list.

Excluded Definitions

Denied participation or entry.
The club excluded anyone under the age of 21 from entering.
Left out either intentionally or by oversight.
He was excluded from the email chain, so he missed the update.
Barred from access or use.
They excluded the old software from the updated IT infrastructure.
Not included within a group, list, or category.
The newly released books were excluded from the sale.
Omitted from consideration or participation.
Her proposal was excluded from the final selection due to late submission.
To prevent from entering; keep out; bar
A jar sealed to exclude outside air.
An immigration policy that excludes undesirables.
To prevent from being included, considered, or accepted; reject
The court excluded the improperly obtained evidence.
To put out; expel.
Simple past tense and past participle of exclude

Excluded Meaning in a Sentence

The topic is excluded from our discussion to keep the peace.
He felt bad being excluded from the party.
Certain topics are excluded from the curriculum for being too advanced.
The document excluded any mention of the previous errors.
She was excluded from the competition for not meeting the requirements.
She was excluded from the decision-making process.
Old models are excluded from the software update.
The player was excluded from the game due to a foul.
Vegetables were excluded from the menu at the meat-lovers' banquet.
The offer excluded certain brands from the discount.
Some files were excluded from the backup to save space.
Students were excluded from the library during exams.
The area was excluded from the development plans.
They excluded her from the team because she was too young.
Countries were excluded from the treaty for not agreeing to the terms.
These products are excluded from the warranty coverage.
They excluded the public from attending the rehearsal.
The director excluded those scenes from the final cut of the movie.
The policy excluded certain groups from participating.
He excluded sweets from his diet to improve his health.
Minors are excluded from entering the bar.
Animals are excluded from this section of the park.
Details were excluded in the report to protect privacy.
His application was excluded due to a missed deadline.
The law excluded certain rights for temporary workers.

Excluded Idioms & Phrases

Excluded by default

Automatically left out due to pre-set criteria.
Older software versions are excluded by default in the new update.

Categorically excluded

Definitely and without exception left out.
Employees were categorically excluded from participating in the external audit.

Socially excluded

Isolated from societal interaction or participation.
People without access to technology often feel socially excluded.

Mutually excluded

Situations or choices that cannot coexist.
In this logic puzzle, the two options are mutually excluded; both cannot be true.

Explicitly excluded

Clearly stated as not included.
The contract explicitly excluded any claims related to prior agreements.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in excluded?

Excluded has three syllables.

What is the first form of excluded?

The first form of excluded is "exclude."

How is excluded used in a sentence?

She was excluded from the team because she missed too many practices.

What is the verb form of excluded?

The verb form of excluded is "exclude."

Why is it called excluded?

It is called excluded because it comes from the Latin "excludere," meaning to shut out or keep out, referring to the act of leaving something out.

What is another term for excluded?

Another term for excluded is omitted.

How do we divide excluded into syllables?

Excluded is divided as: ex-clud-ed.

What is a stressed syllable in excluded?

The stressed syllable in excluded is on the second syllable: ex-clud-ed.

What is the pronunciation of excluded?

Excluded is pronounced as /ɪkˈskluːdɪd/.

What is the root word of excluded?

The root word of excluded is "exclude."

What is the singular form of excluded?

The singular form is excluded.

What is the second form of excluded?

The second form of excluded is "excluded."

What is the plural form of excluded?

The adjective excluded does not have a plural form.

What is the opposite of excluded?

The opposite of excluded is included.

Is excluded a noun or adjective?

Excluded is primarily an adjective.

What is the third form of excluded?

The third form of excluded is "excluded."

Is the excluded term a metaphor?

Excluded can be used metaphorically to describe being left out from something important.

Is excluded an adverb?

No, excluded is not an adverb.

Is excluded a negative or positive word?

Excluded is generally a negative word.

Is excluded a vowel or consonant?

The word excluded starts with a vowel sound.

Is excluded a countable noun?

Excluded is not a noun; it is an adjective.

Which vowel is used before excluded?

Typically, the vowel "a" is used before excluded, as in "an excluded member."

Which preposition is used with excluded?

The preposition "from" is most commonly used with excluded, as in "excluded from the group."

Which conjunction is used with excluded?

Conjunctions like "and" are used, as in "excluded and forgotten."

Which article is used with excluded?

The indefinite article "an" is commonly used with excluded, as in "an excluded individual."

What part of speech is excluded?

Excluded is an adjective and also used as the past participle of the verb exclude.

Is the word excluded imperative?

No, excluded is not imperative; it's an adjective or a past participle.

Is the word “excluded” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

As an adjective, excluded describes a noun but as a verb form, it can be used where "something is excluded by someone."

Is excluded an abstract noun?

No, excluded is an adjective, not a noun.

Is excluded a collective noun?

No, excluded is not a collective noun.

Is the word excluded Gerund?

No, excluded is not a gerund; it's an adjective or a past participle.

Which determiner is used with excluded?

Determiners such as "the," "these," or "those" can be used with excluded, as in "the excluded items."

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Edited by
Maham Liaqat

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