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Supremist vs. Supremacist — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Urooj Arif — By Munazza Shafiq — Updated on April 28, 2024
Supremist is the incorrect spelling of supremacist. A supremacist is someone who believes in the superiority of a particular group.
Supremist vs. Supremacist — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Supremist or Supremacist

How to spell Supremacist?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember that supremacist includes "supreme," reflecting the belief in superiority.
The suffix "-acist" is common in nouns describing a person's beliefs or actions, like "racist."

How Do You Spell Supremacist Correctly?

Incorrect: He is known as a vocal supremist in the community.
Correct: He is known as a vocal supremacist in the community.
Incorrect: Education can be a powerful tool against supremist ideology.
Correct: Education can be a powerful tool against supremacist ideology.
Incorrect: Supremist groups often promote exclusionary policies.
Correct: Supremacist groups often promote exclusionary policies.

Supremacist Definitions

A person who believes in the superiority of a particular group based on race, religion, etc.
The supremacist did not believe in equality among different races.
Someone who holds extremist views of dominance and superiority.
The book discussed the dangers of supremacist ideologies.
One who advocates for the dominance of one group over others.
He was labeled a supremacist after his controversial speech.
A member of a group promoting racial or ethnic dominance.
A supremacist group organized the protest.
A supporter of a policy that favors a particular group.
As a supremacist, he supported laws that benefited only his community.
Supportive of supremacism, the belief that some groups should control others.
One who believes that a certain group is or should be supreme.
An advocate of supremacism, a supporter of the belief that some groups should control others.
A person who advocates the supremacy of some particular group over all others

Supremacist Meaning in a Sentence

The supremacist spoke loudly at the rally.
A documentary about supremacist movements was shown in class.
The community stood together against the supremacist proposal.
Schools teach the history of supremacist beliefs to prevent their spread.
The museum exhibit on supremacist regimes was eye-opening.
Books about the dangers of supremacist thinking are essential reading.
A former supremacist shared his journey towards inclusivity.
The film depicted the rise and fall of a supremacist leader.
He wrote an article criticizing supremacist ideologies.
Young people are often targeted by supremacist recruiters online.
The teacher explained the psychological basis of supremacist beliefs.
A novel about overcoming supremacist oppression was bestselling.
He donated to organizations fighting supremacist groups.
The article dissected the language used by supremacist leaders.
A conference on combating supremacist ideologies was held downtown.
The librarian recommended books that expose supremacist thoughts.
Artists united to create works that speak against supremacist views.
His essay on the impact of supremacist policies won an award.
Parents discussed how to explain supremacist behavior to their children.
She challenged the supremacist at the debate.
The community vigil was a stand against supremacist violence.
She teaches her students about the impact of supremacist rhetoric.

Supremacist Idioms & Phrases

Supremacist mindset

A way of thinking that aligns with supremacist beliefs.
Changing a supremacist mindset can be challenging.

In the supremacist's grip

Under the influence or control of supremacist beliefs.
The town was once in the supremacist's grip.

Under the supremacist umbrella

Belonging to or associated with a group supporting supremacist ideologies.
Several organizations fall under the supremacist umbrella.

Fueling the supremacist fire

To encourage or intensify extremist supremacist views.
His speech was seen as fueling the supremacist fire.

Common Curiosities

How is supremacist used in a sentence?

Supremacist is used as a noun to describe someone who believes in the superiority of their group.

What is the root word of supremacist?

The root word of supremacist is "supreme."

How do we divide supremacist into syllables?

Supremacist is divided into syllables as su-pre-ma-cist.

What is the verb form of supremacist?

There is no verb form of supremacist; it is only a noun.

What is the singular form of supremacist?

The singular form is "supremacist."

What is another term for supremacist?

Another term for supremacist is extremist.

Why is it called supremacist?

It is called supremacist because it derives from "supreme," indicating a belief in being superior or above others.

How many syllables are in supremacist?

Supremacist has four syllables.

What part of speech is supremacist?

Supremacist is a noun.

What is a stressed syllable in supremacist?

The stressed syllable in supremacist is "pre."

What is the opposite of supremacist?

The opposite of supremacist is egalitarian.

Is supremacist an adverb?

No, supremacist is not an adverb.

Is supremacist an abstract noun?

Yes, supremacist is an abstract noun.

What is the pronunciation of supremacist?

Supremacist is pronounced as /suːˈpriːməsɪst/.

What is the plural form of supremacist?

The plural form is "supremacists."

Is supremacist a countable noun?

Yes, supremacist is a countable noun.

Is supremacist a collective noun?

No, supremacist is not typically used as a collective noun.

Is the supremacist term a metaphor?

No, the term supremacist is not a metaphor; it is literal.

Is the word “supremacist” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Supremacist can be used as a direct object in a sentence.

Which vowel is used before supremacist?

Typically, the vowel "a" is used before supremacist (e.g., a supremacist).

Is supremacist a negative or positive word?

Supremacist is generally considered a negative word.

Which determiner is used with supremacist?

Determiners such as "a," "the," and "every" can be used with supremacist.

Is the word supremacist Gerund?

No, supremacist is not a gerund; it is a noun.

Which article is used with supremacist?

The articles "a" and "the" are used with supremacist.

Is supremacist a noun or adjective?

Supremacist is a noun.

Is the word supremacist imperative?

No, supremacist is not an imperative; it is a noun.

Which preposition is used with supremacist?

Prepositions like "of" and "against" are often used with supremacist (e.g., members of a supremacist group).

Is supremacist a vowel or consonant?

The word itself consists of both vowels and consonants.

Which conjunction is used with supremacist?

Conjunctions like "and" and "but" are used with supremacist.

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Written by
Munazza Shafiq
Edited by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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