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Reforce vs. Reinforce — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 28, 2024
"Reforce" is an incorrect spelling; "reinforce" is the correct term, meaning to strengthen or support.
Reforce vs. Reinforce — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Reforce or Reinforce

How to spell Reinforce?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Note the "in" sequence after "re".
Remember "rein" as in reins used to guide horses.
Visualize "rein" + "force" to get the correct spelling.
Associate with the common term "reinforced concrete" to recall the correct spelling.
Think of "force" getting a RE-boost, hence "reinforce".

How Do You Spell Reinforce Correctly?

Incorrect: The general decided to reforce the troops at the border.
Correct: The general decided to reinforce the troops at the border.
Incorrect: Using examples can help to reforce your argument.
Correct: Using examples can help to reinforce your argument.
Incorrect: We need to reforce the importance of honesty to our children.
Correct: We need to reinforce the importance of honesty to our children.
Incorrect: It's crucial to reforce the structure against earthquakes.
Correct: It's crucial to reinforce the structure against earthquakes.
Incorrect: The engineers are looking for ways to reforce the bridge.
Correct: The engineers are looking for ways to reinforce the bridge.

Reinforce Definitions

"Reinforce" can mean to strengthen defenses or armed forces.
The army decided to reinforce the front lines.
"Reinforce" means to strengthen by adding extra support or material.
The walls were reinforced with steel beams.
"Reinforce" can also mean to supplement a lesson or teaching.
Teachers use games to reinforce learning.
To give more force or effectiveness to; strengthen
The news reinforced her hopes.
To strengthen (a military force) with additional personnel or equipment.
To strengthen by adding extra support or material.
To increase the number or amount of; augment.
To reward (an experimental subject, for example) with a reinforcer subsequent to a desired response or performance.
To encourage (a response) by means of a reinforcer.
(transitive) To strengthen, especially by addition or augmentation.
He reinforced the handle with a metal rod and a bit of tape.
(transitive) To emphasize or review.
The right homework will reinforce and complement the lesson!
(transitive) To encourage (a behavior or idea) through repeated stimulus.
Advertising for fast food can reinforce unhealthy dietary tendencies.
Make stronger;
He reinforced the concrete
Strengthen and support with rewards;
Let's reinforce good behavior
"Reinforce" means to give more focus or emphasis to an idea or theme.
He reinforced his argument with facts.
"Reinforce" implies boosting someone's determination or confidence.
Her success reinforced her belief in herself.

Reinforce Meaning in a Sentence

We need to reinforce our commitment to environmental sustainability.
Using visual aids in presentations can reinforce the message.
Positive feedback can reinforce good behavior in students.
Repetition is a great way to reinforce learning.
The beams were used to reinforce the ceiling.
The military sent additional forces to reinforce the defense lines.
Exercises that reinforce teamwork can benefit the whole company.
The company decided to reinforce its customer service team to improve response times.
They added steel bars to reinforce the concrete walls.
Parents should reinforce the importance of responsibility to their children.
The storm made it necessary to reinforce the coastal defenses.
Teachers often use quizzes to reinforce the material covered in lectures.
New policies were introduced to reinforce data protection measures.
The therapist used various techniques to reinforce positive thinking.
Reinforcing the dam will ensure it withstands future floods.
Strategies were developed to reinforce the security of the software.
Social media can be used to reinforce public health messages.
The coach used video analysis to reinforce tactics with the team.
To reinforce her argument, she cited several academic studies.
The tutor used games to reinforce language skills.
They used metal brackets to reinforce the joints in the furniture.
The government aims to reinforce laws against illegal logging.
It's important to reinforce the foundations of the building to prevent subsidence.
The author uses historical facts to reinforce the novel's authenticity.
To reinforce the peace treaty, the leaders of both countries met again.

Reinforce Idioms & Phrases

Reinforce the message

To make a statement or idea clearer or more noticeable.
The campaign used striking visuals to reinforce the message about road safety.

Reinforce the importance

To emphasize how crucial or significant something is.
The incident served to reinforce the importance of safety procedures.

Reinforce the ranks

To add more people or resources to strengthen a group or effort.
The company plans to reinforce the ranks of its R&D team to spur innovation.

Reinforce the point

To provide additional support or evidence for an argument or idea.
He used statistics from recent studies to reinforce the point during his presentation.

Reinforce the foundation

Literally, to strengthen the structural base of a building; metaphorically, to improve the underlying basis of an idea, organization, etc.
The course aims to reinforce the foundation of basic math skills among students.

Reinforce the perimeter

To strengthen the defensive or outer boundaries of a place.
Security measures were taken to reinforce the perimeter of the embassy.

Reinforce a stereotype

To further establish a widely held but oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
That movie does nothing but reinforce negative stereotypes about teenagers.

Reinforce a habit

To strengthen a behavior pattern or make it more ingrained.
Consistently rewarding the dog's good behavior helped to reinforce the habit.

Reinforce understanding

To improve or deepen one's grasp of a subject or issue.
Interactive exercises can reinforce understanding of complex concepts.

Reinforce a connection

To strengthen a relationship or linkage between things or people.
Regular meetings reinforced the connection between the team members.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called reinforce?

It derives from the prefix "re-" meaning "again" and "force", implying strengthening or forcing again.

What is the root word of reinforce?

The root word is "force".

Which vowel is used before reinforce?

Typically, "a" as in "a reinforced wall".

What is the pronunciation of reinforce?

Reinforce is pronounced as "ree-in-FORSS".

What is the verb form of reinforce?

"Reinforce" itself is a verb.

Which preposition is used with reinforce?

Various prepositions like "with", "by", and "to" can be used, depending on the context.

Which conjunction is used with reinforce?

Any conjunction like "and", "but", or "or" can be used based on the sentence.

What is the plural form of reinforce?

The noun form "reinforcement" becomes "reinforcements" in plural.

Is reinforce an adverb?

No, "reinforce" is not an adverb.

Which article is used with reinforce?

"A" or "the" can be used depending on the context.

Is reinforce a noun or adjective?

"Reinforce" is primarily a verb.

Is reinforce a countable noun?

The verb "reinforce" is not a noun, but the noun form "reinforcement" is countable.

What is another term for reinforce?

Another term is "strengthen".

Which determiner is used with reinforce?

Common determiners include "this", "that", "the", and "a".

What is the singular form of reinforce?

Reinforce is a verb, so it doesn't have a singular or plural form. However, the noun form "reinforcement" does have singular and plural versions.

Is reinforce a vowel or consonant?

Reinforce is a word, not a single letter, and contains both vowels and consonants.

Is the word reinforce imperative?

It can be used in the imperative mood, e.g., "Reinforce the gates!"

What is a stressed syllable in reinforce?

The stressed syllable is "force".

Is the reinforce term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically, especially when referring to ideas or abstract concepts.

What part of speech is reinforce?

Reinforce is a verb.

What is the opposite of reinforce?

The opposite is "weaken" or "undermine".

Is reinforce an abstract noun?

No, however, "reinforcement" can be considered abstract in some contexts.

Is reinforce a negative or positive word?

It's neutral, but can have a positive connotation when suggesting strengthening or support.

How is reinforce used in a sentence?

"To ensure safety, they decided to reinforce the bridge's structure."

Is reinforce a collective noun?

No, it is not a collective noun.

How many syllables are in reinforce?

Reinforce has three syllables.

How do we divide reinforce into syllables?

Reinforce is divided as re-in-force.

What is the first form of reinforce?

The first form is "reinforce".

What is the second form of reinforce?

The second form is "reinforced".

What is the third form of reinforce?

The third form is "reinforced".

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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