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Hes vs. His — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Maham Liaqat — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 18, 2024
Hes is the incorrect spelling of his, which is a possessive pronoun used to indicate ownership by a male.
Hes vs. His — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Hes or His

How to spell His?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember that his refers to possession and includes an 'i', like in "him" or "it is his."
Think of his as having the same vowel sound as "him," helping connect these male possessive forms.
Note the difference in pronunciation; his sounds like “hizz,” not like “hez.”

How Do You Spell His Correctly?

Incorrect: That is not hes book, it belongs to someone else.
Correct: That is not his book, it belongs to someone else.
Incorrect: It’s hes responsibility to lock the doors.
Correct: It’s his responsibility to lock the doors.
Incorrect: Whose gloves are these? They are not hes.
Correct: Whose gloves are these? They are not his.
Incorrect: I don’t think that jacket is hes; it looks too big.
Correct: I don’t think that jacket is his; it looks too big.

His Definitions

Belonging to or associated with a male previously mentioned or easily identified.
His car is the red one parked outside.
Used in formulas where "it" is the subject of the sentence and the male is an indirect object.
It's his turn to play the game.
Signifying a close association or relationship.
His brother is coming to visit next week.
Used to specify something as being owned by him.
He picked up his suitcase and left.
Referring to a male person or animal whose identity is known.
His remarks caused quite a stir.
Used as a modifier before a noun
His boots.
His plans.
Belonging to him.
Belonging to a person of unspecified gender.
(obsolete) Its; belonging to it. (Now only when implying personification.)
(archaic) Used as a genitive marker in place of ’s after a noun, especially a masculine noun ending in -s, to express the possessive case.
That which belongs to him; the possessive case of he, used without a following noun.
The decision was his to live with.
Alternative spelling of His
Belonging or pertaining to him; - used as a pronominal adjective or adjective pronoun; as, tell John his papers are ready; formerly used also for its, but this use is now obsolete.
No comfortable star did lend his light.
Who can impress the forest, bid the treeUnfix his earth-bound root?
The possessive of he; as, the book is his.

His Meaning in a Sentence

He always puts his shoes in the same spot.
His hat flew off when the wind blew.
His bicycle has a flat tire.
His sister is in the same grade as me.
He needs to tie his shoelaces.
He can't go without his lunch.
His new phone was a gift from his parents.
He couldn't find his homework in his backpack.
His favorite color is blue.
His dog follows him everywhere he goes.
His coat is hanging on the hook.
He likes to draw in his free time.
He forgot his password again.
He said that his book is really interesting.
It was his idea to go to the park.
His new shoes are a bit too big.
His teacher gave him homework for the weekend.
His glasses are always slipping down his nose.
He made his bed all by himself this morning.
He always says that his way is the best way.

His Idioms & Phrases

At his beck and call

Always ready to obey his wishes.
The staff was at his beck and call during the event.

Eat out of his hand

To be entirely under his control.
The new recruits were eating out of his hand after just a few weeks.

Bite his tongue

To stop himself from saying something.
He had to bite his tongue to not laugh at the mistake.

Dig his own grave

Do something that causes one’s own downfall.
He really dug his own grave by lying to the boss.

Cross his fingers

Hope for good luck.
He crossed his fingers while waiting for the results.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called his?

It's derived from Old English, where it was also "his," indicating possession.

How is his used in a sentence?

His is used to indicate that something belongs to a male individual previously mentioned.

How do we divide his into syllables?

His is a single syllable word.

What is the verb form of his?

His does not have a verb form; it is a possessive pronoun.

What is the root word of his?

The root is from Old English "his," meaning belonging to him.

How many syllables are in his?

One syllable.

What part of speech is his?

His is a possessive pronoun.

What is another term for his?

Another term would be "belonging to him."

What is a stressed syllable in his?

The entire word "his" is stressed, as it is monosyllabic.

What is the pronunciation of his?

His is pronounced as /hɪz/.

What is the plural form of his?

His does not have a plural form; it is used singularly.

Is his a negative or positive word?

His is neutral; it is neither negative nor positive.

Is the his term a metaphor?

His is not typically used as a metaphor.

Is the word his imperative?

His cannot be used in an imperative form as it is a pronoun.

Which determiner is used with his?

His itself is a possessive determiner.

Is the word his Gerund?

His cannot be a gerund as it is not a verb.

Which vowel is used before his?

Typically, no vowel is used directly before "his"; it functions independently.

What is the singular form of his?

His is already singular; it refers to one male individual.

Is the word “his” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

His can function as part of a phrase that can be a direct or indirect object.

Is his an abstract noun?

His is not a noun; it is a pronoun.

Is his a vowel or consonant?

The word his starts with a consonant sound.

Which preposition is used with his?

His is often used with prepositions like "in," "on," "at," depending on the context.

Which conjunction is used with his?

Common conjunctions used with his include "and" and "but."

What is the opposite of his?

The opposite would be "hers" (for a female).

Is his a noun or adjective?

His is a possessive pronoun, not a noun or adjective.

Is his an adverb?

No, his is not an adverb.

Is his a countable noun?

His is not a noun; it is a pronoun and thus not countable.

Is his a collective noun?

His is not a noun; it is a pronoun.

Which article is used with his?

No article is used with his, as it is a possessive pronoun.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Edited by
Maham Liaqat

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