Heap vs. Heep — Which is Correct Spelling?

Table of Contents
Which is correct: Heap or Heep
How to spell Heap?

Correct Spelling

Incorrect Spelling
Heap Definitions
A group of things placed or thrown, one on top of the other
A heap of dirty rags lying in the corner.
Often heaps(Informal) A great deal; a lot
We have heaps of homework tonight.
(Slang) An old or run-down car.
To put or throw in a pile
Heaped the clothes on the bed.
To fill completely or to overflowing
Heap a plate with vegetables.
To bestow in abundance or lavishly
Heaped praise on the rescuers.
A crowd; a throng; a multitude or great number of people.
A pile or mass; a collection of things laid in a body, or thrown together so as to form an elevation.
A heap of earth; a heap of stones
A great number or large quantity of things.
(computing) A data structure consisting of trees in which each node is greater than all its children.
(computing) Memory that is dynamically allocated.
You should move these structures from the stack to the heap to avoid a potential stack overflow.
(colloquial) A dilapidated place or vehicle.
My first car was an old heap.
(colloquial) A lot, a large amount
Thanks a heap!
(transitive) To pile in a heap.
He heaped the laundry upon the bed and began folding.
(transitive) To form or round into a heap, as in measuring.
(transitive) To supply in great quantity.
They heaped praise upon their newest hero.
Very; representing broken English stereotypically or comically attributed to Native Americans
A crowd; a throng; a multitude or great number of persons.
The wisdom of a heap of learned men.
A heap of vassals and slaves.
He had heaps of friends.
A great number or large quantity of things not placed in a pile; as, a heap of trouble.
A vast heap, both of places of scripture and quotations.
I have noticed a heap of things in my life.
A pile or mass; a collection of things laid in a body, or thrown together so as to form an elevation; as, a heap of earth or stones.
Huge heaps of slain around the body rise.
To collect in great quantity; to amass; to lay up; to accumulate; - usually with up; as, to heap up treasures.
Though he heap up silver as the dust.
To throw or lay in a heap; to make a heap of; to pile; as, to heap stones; - often with up; as, to heap up earth; or with on; as, to heap on wood or coal.
To form or round into a heap, as in measuring; to fill (a measure) more than even full.
A collection of objects laid on top of each other
(often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent;
A batch of letters
A deal of trouble
A lot of money
He made a mint on the stock market
It must have cost plenty
A car that is old and unreliable;
The fenders had fallen off that old bus
Bestow in large quantities;
He heaped him with work
She heaped scorn upon him
Arrange in stacks;
Heap firewood around the fireplace
Stack your books up on the shelves
Fill to overflow;
Heap the platter with potatoes
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