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Excelibur vs. Excalibur — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on April 2, 2024
"Excelibur" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "Excalibur," which refers to King Arthur's legendary sword.
Excelibur vs. Excalibur — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Excelibur or Excalibur

How to spell Excalibur?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember it's Ex"cal"ibur like "caliber" of a weapon.
Visual cue: Ex-CALI-bur (CALI as in California, a known place).
"Excel" is a Microsoft program; "Excalibur" is a legendary sword.
Think of "Excalibur" as the "exact" name of King Arthur's sword.
Recall the tales of King Arthur and the "Excalibur" from the stone.

How Do You Spell Excalibur Correctly?

Incorrect: She was fascinated by the tales of Excelibur and the Knights of the Round Table.
Correct: She was fascinated by the tales of Excalibur and the Knights of the Round Table.
Incorrect: In the story, the knight sought the magical Excelibur.
Correct: In the story, the knight sought the magical Excalibur.
Incorrect: Legends say that only the true king could wield Excelibur.
Correct: Legends say that only the true king could wield Excalibur.
Incorrect: The museum exhibit included a replica of Excelibur.
Correct: The museum exhibit included a replica of Excalibur.
Incorrect: He wrote a paper on the myth of Excelibur.
Correct: He wrote a paper on the myth of Excalibur.

Excalibur Definitions

Excalibur is the legendary sword of King Arthur, symbolizing his rightful kingship.
King Arthur pulled Excalibur from the stone, proving his worthiness.
Excalibur represents a powerful, unyielding weapon in literature and myth.
Only the true king could wield Excalibur with authority.
Excalibur can sometimes refer to something regarded as the finest or most admirable of its kind.
The new software was hailed as the Excalibur of design tools.
Excalibur is a prominent element in Arthurian legends and tales.
Many have tried to replicate the magic of Excalibur in stories.
Excalibur is often used metaphorically to indicate an unbeatable advantage.
In the debate, his sharp wit was his Excalibur.
In Arthurian legend, the sword belonging to King Arthur.
The name of King Arthur's mythical sword.
The legendary sword of King Arthur

Excalibur Meaning in a Sentence

Excalibur was said to have magical powers that protected its wielder.
Many knights dreamed of possessing Excalibur because of its unmatched strength.
According to legend, Excalibur was given to King Arthur by the Lady of the Lake.
Historians debate the existence of Excalibur and its origins in Celtic mythology.
The story of Excalibur is a central theme in Arthurian legend.
The quest for Excalibur has been depicted in numerous books and films.
Excalibur symbolizes the divine right to rule and the sovereignty of Britain.
The search for Excalibur has inspired generations of treasure hunters and historians.
In some versions of the tale, Excalibur must be returned to the lake after Arthur's death.
Only a true leader with a pure heart could harness the power of Excalibur.
The myth of Excalibur teaches lessons about power, responsibility, and leadership.
Merlin advised Arthur on the use and importance of Excalibur.
Excalibur is often depicted as an emblem of justice and nobility.
Many replicas of Excalibur are crafted to commemorate its legendary status.
King Arthur's acquisition of Excalibur marked the beginning of his illustrious reign.
The Round Table knights were known to embark on quests in the name of Excalibur.
The reverence for Excalibur reflects the fascination with medieval chivalry and mysticism.
Arthurian romances highlight the bond between King Arthur and Excalibur.
Excalibur and the Stone from which Arthur pulled the sword are often confused in popular culture.
The allure of Excalibur extends beyond medieval literature into modern fantasy.
The Lady of the Lake's role in the Excalibur legend emphasizes the sword's mystical origins.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Excalibur?

It's the legendary name given to King Arthur's sword in Arthurian tales.

What is the verb form of Excalibur?

Excalibur is a noun; it does not have a verb form.

Which vowel is used before Excalibur?

Typically, the article "the" is used, so "the Excalibur."

Which conjunction is used with Excalibur?

No specific conjunction is uniquely paired with "Excalibur."

What is the pronunciation of Excalibur?


Is Excalibur an abstract noun?

No, it refers to a tangible object in legends.

What is the root word of Excalibur?

The root is based on Old French "Escalibor" from Arthurian romance.

What is the singular form of Excalibur?


Which article is used with Excalibur?


Is Excalibur an adverb?


Which preposition is used with Excalibur?

"Of" as in "Sword of Excalibur."

Is Excalibur a noun or adjective?


Is Excalibur a countable noun?

Yes, though it's typically regarded as unique.

What is the plural form of Excalibur?

Excaliburs (though it's rarely used in plural form).

Is Excalibur a negative or positive word?

Positive, associated with heroism and authority.

Is Excalibur a collective noun?


What part of speech is Excalibur?


What is another term for Excalibur?

King Arthur's sword.

What is the opposite of Excalibur?

There isn't a direct antonym, but a "common sword" could contrast its legendary status.

Is the word Excalibur a gerund?


How many syllables are in Excalibur?


What is the first form of Excalibur?

Excalibur (it's a noun and doesn't have verb forms).

Is the word “Excalibur” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be either, depending on the sentence structure.

Is the word Excalibur imperative?


How do we divide Excalibur into syllables?


Which determiner is used with Excalibur?

Typically, "the."

What is the third form of Excalibur?


How is Excalibur used in a sentence?

"According to legend, only the rightful king could draw Excalibur from the stone."

Is Excalibur a vowel or consonant?

"Excalibur" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is the Excalibur term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically, but itself is not a metaphor.

What is a stressed syllable in Excalibur?

The second syllable, "KAL."

What is the second form of Excalibur?


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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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