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Enunciate vs. Pronunciate — Which is Correct Spelling?

Enunciate vs. Pronunciate — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Enunciate or Pronunciate

How to spell Enunciate?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Enunciate Definitions

Say or pronounce clearly
She enunciated each word slowly
To pronounce; articulate.
To state or set forth precisely or systematically
Enunciate a doctrine.
To announce; proclaim.
To pronounce words; speak aloud.
(transitive) To make a definite or systematic statement of.
To announce, proclaim.
(transitive) To articulate, pronounce.
You must enunciate all the syllables.
(intransitive) To make sounds clearly.
Enunciate when you speak.
To make a formal statement of; to announce; to proclaim; to declare, as a truth.
The terms in which he enunciates the great doctrines of the gospel.
To make distinctly audible; to utter articulately; to pronounce; as, to enunciate a word distinctly.
To utter words or syllables articulately.
Speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way;
She pronounces French words in a funny way
I cannot say `zip wire'
Can the child sound out this complicated word?
Express or state clearly

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