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Demeanour Definition and Meaning

By Maham Liaqat & Fiza Rafique — Published on June 14, 2024
Demeanor refers to the outward behavior or bearing of a person. e.g., Her calm demeanor was reassuring during the crisis.

Demeanour Definitions

The way in which a person’s appearance or conduct reflects their mood or character.
Her dignified demeanor impressed everyone.
The outward appearance or behavior that someone exhibits.
Despite the pressure, she maintained a professional demeanor.
The observable mood or attitude of a person, as it affects others.
His somber demeanor suggested he had bad news.
A person’s conduct or manner of behaving in a particular situation.
His demeanor at the meeting was surprisingly upbeat.
The way a person behaves towards others.
His friendly demeanor made him popular.
The characteristic attitude that someone has towards life and the world.
His optimistic demeanor is infectious.
The physical manifestation of one's character or mood.
A calm demeanor often hides inner turmoil.
The presentation of oneself through actions and reactions in social situations.
Her composed demeanor during the debate was notable.
The general behavior, conduct, and mannerism by which a person is perceived by others.
His courteous demeanor earned him respect.
How a person’s behavior or bearing can influence the atmosphere of a situation.
The teacher’s calm demeanor kept the classroom peaceful.
Alternative spelling of demeanor
(behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people

Demeanour Snonyms


The style of doing something or the way in which a thing is done or happens.
Her manner of speaking is very direct.


The impressive manner or appearance of a person.
He has a commanding presence in meetings.


The way a person stands and moves, particularly as an element of sophistication or grace.
Her graceful carriage was admired by all.


The manner in which a person behaves, especially in a particular place or situation.
Her conduct in the workplace is always professional.


The way in which one acts or conducts oneself.
His behavior towards guests was always impeccable.


A settled way of thinking or feeling about something.
His positive attitude was evident in his smile.


A person's way of standing, moving, or conducting themselves.
He has the bearing of a natural leader.


Behavior; bearing.
His comportment has been exemplary throughout the proceedings.


A manner or the appearance of a person that gives a particular impression.
She had an air of confidence about her.


A person’s inherent qualities of mind and character.
His sunny disposition makes him a joy to be around.

Demeanour Example Sentences

He has a quiet demeanor but a sharp wit.
The principal’s stern demeanor keeps the students in line.
Her friendly demeanor makes her approachable.
Her professional demeanor sets a good example for the team.
Her demeanor changed once she heard the good news.
Despite his casual demeanor, he takes his work very seriously.
Despite the stress, he maintained a calm demeanor.
She has a warm and welcoming demeanor.
His aggressive demeanor was off-putting to many.
The change in her demeanor was noticeable after the promotion.
His dignified demeanor earned him the respect of his peers.
A teacher's demeanor can greatly affect the classroom environment.
A positive demeanor can often lead to better outcomes in difficult situations.
His confident demeanor was evident in every action.
Her compassionate demeanor made her well-liked among her colleagues.

Common Curiosities

How is demeanor used in a sentence?

"Demeanor" is used to describe the outward behavior or the way someone conducts themselves, e.g., Her calm demeanor was comforting to the team during the crisis.

How do we divide demeanor into syllables?

Demeanor is divided into syllables as: de-mean-or.

What is a stressed syllable in demeanor?

The stressed syllable in "demeanor" is the second syllable: de-MEAN-or.

What is the verb form of demeanor?

"Demeanor" is a noun and does not have a verb form. The related verb might be "behave" or "conduct oneself."

Why is it called demeanor?

"Demeanor" comes from the late Middle English word "demenure," based on Latin "de-" meaning "down" and "mener" meaning "to lead." It originally meant behavior as conducted or managed, evolving to refer to the outward behavior or bearing of a person.

What part of speech is demeanor?

"Demeanor" is a noun.

What is the singular form of demeanor?

The singular form is "demeanor."

How many syllables are in demeanor?

Demeanor has three syllables.

What is the pronunciation of demeanor?

Demeanor is pronounced as /dɪˈmiːnər/.

What is the root word of demeanor?

The root words of "demeanor" are from Latin "de-" meaning "down" and "mener" meaning "to lead," through the late Middle English "demenure."

What is another term for demeanor?

Another term for "demeanor" could be "behavior" or "bearing."

Is the word demeanor Gerund?

No, "demeanor" is not a gerund. A gerund is a verb form ending in -ing that functions as a noun, and "demeanor" does not fit this description.

Is the word “demeanor” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Demeanor" can be a direct object in a sentence, e.g., "The jury judged the defendant's demeanor."

Is demeanor a negative or positive word?

"Demeanor" is neutral; it becomes positive or negative based on the context in which it is used.

Is the demeanor term a metaphor?

While "demeanor" itself is not a metaphor, it can be used in metaphorical expressions to describe someone's behavior or presence.

Which determiner is used with demeanor?

Determiners such as "a," "the," "his," "her," and "their" can be used with "demeanor," depending on the sentence, e.g., "a calm demeanor."

Is demeanor a noun or adjective?

"Demeanor" is a noun.

Which vowel is used before demeanor?

The vowel used before "demeanor" depends on the article or determiner in the sentence; "a" or "an" is not typically used based on phonetic rules but rather "a" because "demeanor" starts with a consonant sound.

What is the opposite of demeanor?

The opposite of "demeanor" in terms of behavior might be considered an "undisciplined behavior" or "misconduct," depending on context, but there isn't a direct antonym for "demeanor" itself.

Is demeanor an abstract noun?

Yes, "demeanor" is an abstract noun as it refers to a concept (behavior or bearing) that is not tangible.

Is demeanor a vowel or consonant?

The word "demeanor" starts with a consonant sound, "d."

Is demeanor a countable noun?

Yes, "demeanor" is a countable noun; you can have different demeanors, making the plural form "demeanors."

Which preposition is used with demeanor?

Prepositions such as "of," "with," and "towards" can be used with "demeanor," depending on what you want to convey, e.g., "demeanor of sincerity."

What is the plural form of demeanor?

The plural form is "demeanors."

Is demeanor an adverb?

No, "demeanor" is not an adverb; it is a noun.

Is demeanor a collective noun?

No, "demeanor" is not a collective noun; it refers to an individual's behavior or bearing.

Is the word demeanor imperative?

No, "demeanor" is a noun and does not have an imperative form.

Which conjunction is used with demeanor?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," or "or" can connect clauses or phrases involving "demeanor," e.g., "Her demeanor was calm, but her voice shook."

Which article is used with demeanor?

The definite article "the" or the indefinite article "a" can be used with "demeanor," depending on the context, e.g., "the calm demeanor" or "a friendly demeanor."

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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