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Renegade Definition and Meaning

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on June 16, 2024
Renegade refers to a person who betrays an organization, country, or set of principles. e.g., After leaking the documents, he was labeled a renegade by his former employer.

Renegade Definitions

Someone who deserts one cause or group for another, often considered traitorous.
She was considered a renegade after switching political parties.
An individual who rejects lawful or conventional behavior.
As a renegade artist, he challenged every traditional form.
A person who rebels against their allegiance or group.
The renegade soldier joined forces with the enemy.
A person who behaves in a rebelliously unconventional manner.
Known as a renegade in the tech industry, she frequently disrupted the status quo.
Someone who forsakes a party or cause.
The senator was called a renegade after he opposed his party's major policy.
An apostate from a religious faith.
His family disowned him when he became a renegade and left the church.
A defector from a faith or belief.
The religious leader branded him a renegade for his differing views.
A maverick who acts independently or unconventionally.
His renegade approach to science won him both acclaim and criticism.
One who renounces a duty or office formally.
The CEO turned renegade and left the corporate world to live in the wilderness.
One who rejects a religion, cause, allegiance, or group for another; a deserter.
An outlaw; a rebel.
Of, relating to, or resembling a renegade; traitorous.
To become a deserter or an outlaw.
An outlaw or rebel.
A disloyal person who betrays or deserts a cause, religion, political party, friend, etc.
(dated) To desert one's cause, or change one's loyalties; to commit betrayal.
One faithless to principle or party.
James justly regarded these renegades as the most serviceable tools that he could employ.
One who deserts from a military or naval post; a deserter.
Someone who rebels and becomes an outlaw
A disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
Break with established customs
Having deserted a cause or principle;
Some provinces had proved recreant
Renegade supporters of the usurper
A traitor or defector who switches loyalties.
The spy was a renegade who sold secrets to multiple countries.

Renegade Snonyms


A person who resists authority, control, or convention.
As a rebel, she always found ways to challenge school rules.


Someone who abandons their country or cause for an opposing one.
The defector provided critical information to the other side during the war.


Someone who betrays someone else’s trust or is disloyal.
He was considered a traitor after his espionage activities were uncovered.


A person who switches to an opposing side or party.
The politician was labeled a turncoat for endorsing the rival candidate.


A person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state.
The dissident was arrested for his vocal opposition to the government.


An independent-minded person.
The maverick scientist pursued her theories despite skepticism from her peers.


A person, especially a soldier or sailor, who rebels or refuses to obey the orders of a person in authority.
The mutineer led a revolt on the ship against the captain.


A person who has broken the law and is hiding from authority.
The outlaw was romanticized in stories despite his criminal acts.


A person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle.
The apostate faced severe backlash from his community.


A member of the armed forces who leaves without permission.
The deserter was eventually caught and faced military court.

Renegade Idioms & Phrases

Renegade against tradition

To reject established customs or practices.
She was known to renegade against tradition during community meetings.

Go renegade

To act independently, often defying expectations or rules.
He decided to go renegade and start his own company.

Renegade leader

A leader who breaks away from traditional leadership styles or expectations.
The company thrived under the guidance of a renegade leader.

Renegade spirit

A disposition inclined towards nonconformity and rebellion.
His renegade spirit made him popular among those who admired bold actions.

Renegade mindset

A mindset that is bold and challenges the status quo.
With a renegade mindset, she reformed the entire department.

Live as a renegade

To live outside societal norms or laws.
They chose to live as renegades, traveling without a permanent home.

Embrace the renegade

To accept or adopt a rebellious or unconventional approach.
The artist decided to embrace the renegade and push artistic boundaries.

Renegade from responsibility

To abandon one's duties or obligations.
He went renegade from responsibility and ignored all his assignments.

Become a renegade

To transition into a state of rebellion or betrayal.
He would eventually become a renegade, turning against his mentors.

Renegade move

An action that breaks with the conventional or expected course.
His decision to drop out of college was a renegade move, but it paid off.

Renegade of the family

A family member who significantly deviates from family norms or expectations.
As the renegade of the family, she pursued a career they all disapproved of.

Renegade in thought

To think in an innovative or non-traditional manner.
She was a renegade in thought, always surprising her colleagues with new ideas.

Declare oneself a renegade

To openly reject affiliation or obedience to a group.
After the scandal, he declared himself a renegade from the political party.

Renegade approach

An unconventional method or way of handling things.
Her renegade approach to teaching made lessons exciting but unpredictable.

Renegade on a promise

To break a promise or fail to uphold an agreement.
He went renegade on a promise, which cost him a lifelong friendship.

Renegade from convention

To separate oneself from accepted standards.
The novel was a renegade from convention, breaking all the literary rules.

Play the renegade

To act rebelliously or with disregard for authority.
In his youth, he would often play the renegade at school.

Renegade tactic

A strategy that defies the usual methods or practices.
The military used a renegade tactic that confused their enemies.

Renegade philosophy

A system of thought or belief that rejects conventional norms.
His renegade philosophy attracted a following among the avant-garde.

Renegade justice

Justice executed outside of or in defiance of established legal frameworks.
The vigilante took it upon himself to deliver renegade justice.

Renegade Example Sentences

The teacher described him as a renegade who never followed the rules.
The renegade often skipped class, preferring to learn through his own experiences.
Many admired the renegade for standing up for what he believed was right.
She became a renegade at a young age, questioning everything her parents said.
He was a renegade in the field of science, often criticized for his unorthodox methods.
His renegade lifestyle was a topic of many discussions among his peers.
The renegade artist refused to sell his paintings to mainstream galleries.
The renegade refused to follow the crowd, choosing a path less traveled instead.
As a renegade, she was always looking for ways to challenge societal norms.
As a renegade, he found it difficult to work in a structured environment.
The young renegade decided to leave home and travel the world.
Her renegade ideas often led to innovative solutions at work.
Her music was renegade, breaking away from traditional forms and styles.
Being a renegade, she did not care much for public opinion or approval.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide renegade into syllables?

Renegade is divided into syllables like this: ren-e-gade.

What is the verb form of renegade?

Renegade is primarily used as a noun or adjective. There is no widely recognized verb form.

What is the pronunciation of renegade?

Renegade is pronounced as \ˈren-ə-ˌgād.

How is renegade used in a sentence?

Renegade can be used as a noun or adjective to describe someone who abandons loyalty to a group or principle, e.g., The renegade officer was dishonorably discharged.

What is the root word of renegade?

The root word of "renegade" is the Spanish word "renegado."

Why is it called renegade?

Renegade comes from the Spanish word "renegado," which originally referred to a Christian who converted to Islam during the Reconquista in Spain. The term evolved to describe anyone who deserts one allegiance for another.

How many syllables are in renegade?

Renegade has three syllables.

What is a stressed syllable in renegade?

In "renegade," the stress is on the first syllable: REN-e-gade.

What is the plural form of renegade?

The plural form is "renegades."

Is renegade an adverb?

No, renegade is not used as an adverb.

Is renegade an abstract noun?

No, renegade is not typically classified as an abstract noun; it refers to a person or behavior, which are concrete entities.

Is renegade a negative or positive word?

Renegade usually carries a negative connotation, but it can be viewed positively in contexts valuing independence and resistance to unjust authority.

Is renegade a collective noun?

No, renegade is not a collective noun.

Is the word renegade imperative?

No, renegade is not an imperative form as it is not a verb.

Is renegade a noun or adjective?

Renegade can function as both a noun and an adjective.

Is the renegade term a metaphor?

The term "renegade" can be used metaphorically to describe someone who strongly deviates from expected or traditional behavior.

What is the opposite of renegade?

The opposite of "renegade" could be "loyalist," referring to a person who remains loyal to a cause or organization.

Is renegade a vowel or consonant?

Renegade is a word, not a vowel or consonant. However, it begins with the consonant "R."

Which determiner is used with renegade?

Common determiners used with "renegade" include articles and possessive pronouns, e.g., "a renegade," "the renegade," "his renegade behavior."

Which preposition is used with renegade?

Common prepositions used with "renegade" include "from" and "against," e.g., "renegade from the group," "renegade against tradition."

What part of speech is renegade?

Renegade is a noun and can also be used as an adjective.

What is another term for renegade?

Another term for "renegade" is "traitor" or "defector."

Is the word “renegade” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

As a noun, "renegade" can be a direct object in a sentence, e.g., "They caught the renegade."

Which vowel is used before renegade?

Typically, the indefinite article "a" is used before "renegade" when it starts a sentence or phrase.

Which article is used with renegade?

The definite article "the" or the indefinite article "a" is used with "renegade," depending on whether the reference is specific or general.

What is the singular form of renegade?

The singular form is "renegade."

Is renegade a countable noun?

Yes, renegade is a countable noun; you can have one or more renegades.

Is the word renegade Gerund?

No, renegade is not a gerund as it is primarily used as a noun and adjective, not a verb.

Which conjunction is used with renegade?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" are commonly used with "renegade," depending on the context, e.g., "He was a hero and a renegade."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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