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Completley vs. Completely — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 31, 2024
"Completley" is an incorrect spelling. The right spelling is "completely," meaning in a thorough manner or to a full extent.
Completley vs. Completely — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Completley or Completely

How to spell Completely?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Sound it out: com-PLETE-ly, ensuring the 'e' sound is followed by 'ly'.
Focus on the root word "complete" and then add "ly."
There's no 'y' directly after 'e'. It's "complete-ly," not "complet-ley."
Picture the word "complete" first, and then simply tag on "ly."
Recall the general rule for adverbs: adjective + "ly." Here, "complete" (adjective) + "ly" = completely.

How Do You Spell Completely Correctly?

Incorrect: He was completley absorbed in his book.
Correct: He was completely absorbed in his book.
Incorrect: The story was completley different from what I expected.
Correct: The story was completely different from what I expected.
Incorrect: The room was completley dark.
Correct: The room was completely dark.
Incorrect: The project was completley finished on time.
Correct: The project was completely finished on time.
Incorrect: She was completley unaware of the situation.
Correct: She was completely unaware of the situation.

Completely Definitions

Completely can indicate being entirely without fault or defect.
The performance was completely flawless.
Completely means to a full extent or degree.
The task was completely finished.
Completely signifies to the furthest extent or end.
The room was completely dark.
Completely means in a thorough manner.
She completely understands the concept.
Having all necessary or normal parts, components, or steps; entire
A complete medical history.
A complete set of dishes.
(Botany) Having all principal parts, namely, the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil or pistils. Used of a flower.
Having come to an end; concluded
The renovation of the kitchen is complete.
Absolute; thorough
Complete control.
A complete mystery.
Accomplished; consummate
A complete musician.
(Football) Caught in bounds by a receiver
A complete pass.
To bring to a finish or an end
She has completed her studies.
To make whole, with all necessary elements or parts
A second child would complete their family. Fill in the blanks to complete the form.
(Football) To throw (a forward pass) that is caught in bounds by a receiver.
(manner) In a complete manner
Please completely fill in the box for your answer, using a number 2 pencil.
(degree) To the fullest extent or degree; totally.
He is completely mad.
In a complete manner; fully.
To a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly');
He was wholly convinced
Entirely satisfied with the meal
It was completely different from what we expected
Was completely at fault
A totally new situation
The directions were all wrong
It was not altogether her fault
An altogether new approach
A whole new idea
So as to be complete; with everything necessary;
He had filled out the form completely
The apartment was completely furnished
Completely denotes entirely or wholly.
He's completely to blame for the mistake.

Completely Meaning in a Sentence

The garden was completely transformed after the renovation.
The city was completely deserted at night.
He agreed with her completely.
The game completely captivated the audience.
I'm completely exhausted after the workout.
They were completely surprised by the party.
The software update completely changed the interface.
She completely ignored my advice.
I completely understand your point of view.
The document was completely revised.
The movie was completely different from the book.
The report needs to be completely accurate.
The theory was completely disproven by the experiment.
The room was completely silent during the exam.
My opinion has changed completely.
She had completely forgotten about the meeting.
She was completely dedicated to her studies.
She completed the puzzle completely on her own.
The area was completely covered in snow.
The team was completely focused on winning.
The book completely sold out within days.
His attitude has changed completely since last year.
The project was completely led by volunteers.
He was completely overwhelmed by the support.
The street was completely lit up for the festival.

Completely Idioms & Phrases

Completely over the moon

Extremely happy or delighted.
She was completely over the moon with her results.

Completely off the mark

Totally incorrect or wrong.
Your guess was completely off the mark.

Completely in the dark

Without any knowledge about a situation.
We were kept completely in the dark about the changes.

Completely out of the blue

Happening unexpectedly.
The decision came completely out of the blue.

Completely out of hand

Out of control.
The situation got completely out of hand.

Completely out of character

Not typical for a person's usual behavior.
It was completely out of character for him to be rude.

Completely at a loss

Unsure of what to do or say.
I was completely at a loss for words.

Completely on board

Fully in agreement or supportive.
I'm completely on board with your plan.

Completely beside oneself

Overwhelmed by emotion.
She was completely beside herself with worry.

Completely under the weather

Feeling ill or sick.
He's been completely under the weather this week.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of completely?

/kəmˈpliː "kuhm-PLEET-lee."

What is the verb form of completely?

"Completely" is an adverb; its related verb form is "complete."

Which conjunction is used with completely?

Standard conjunctions like "and" or "or" can be used, depending on the sentence.

Is completely an abstract noun?

No, "completely" is not an abstract noun.

What is the singular form of completely?

"Completely" itself is singular and does not have a plural form.

Is completely a noun or adjective?

Neither. "Completely" is an adverb.

Is completely a negative or positive word?

It's neutral. It denotes the extent or degree of an action.

Which vowel is used before completely?

The indefinite article "a" is typically used before "completely."

What is the plural form of completely?

"Completely" is an adverb and does not have a plural form.

Which preposition is used with completely?

Various prepositions can be used with "completely," such as "completely by" or "completely in," depending on context.

Why is it called completely?

The term "completely" is derived from "complete" with the adverbial suffix "-ly" to indicate the manner or degree of being complete.

What is the root word of completely?

The root word is "complete."

What is another term for completely?

Totally or entirely.

Which determiner is used with completely?

Typically, adverbs like "completely" don't use determiners. But in context, determiners like "so" or "very" might modify it.

What is the first form of completely?

The base form is "complete."

What is the second form of completely?

Not applicable as "completely" is an adverb, and the verb "complete" has its past form as "completed."

Is the word completely imperative?

No, "completely" is not in the imperative form.

How many syllables are in completely?

Three syllables.

What is a stressed syllable in completely?

The second syllable, "plete," is stressed.

What is the third form of completely?

Not applicable for the adverb "completely." For the verb "complete," the third form is "completed."

How do we divide completely into syllables?


What part of speech is completely?

It is an adverb.

How is completely used in a sentence?

She completely understood the assignment.

Which article is used with completely?

"Completely" typically does not use an article, but if needed, "a" or "the" can be used based on context.

Is completely an adverb?

Yes, "completely" is an adverb.

Is completely a collective noun?

No, "completely" is not a collective noun.

What is the opposite of completely?


Is completely a vowel or consonant?

"Completely" is a word that contains both vowels and consonants.

Is completely a countable noun?

No, "completely" is not a noun and therefore not countable.

Is the completely term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically in certain contexts.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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