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Chromogen vs. Chromagen — Which is Correct Spelling?

Chromogen vs. Chromagen — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Chromogen or Chromagen

How to spell Chromogen?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Chromogen Definitions

The term chromogen is applied in chemistry to a colourless (or weakly coloured) chemical compound that can be converted by chemical reaction into a compound which can be described as "coloured". There is no universally agreed definition of the term.
A substance which can be readily converted into a dye or other coloured compound.
(Chemistry) A substance capable of conversion into a pigment or dye.
(Biology) A strongly pigmented or pigment-generating organelle, organ, or microorganism.
(chemistry) Any substance that lacks colour, but can be converted into a pigment or dye.
(biology) A strongly pigmented organelle or organism.
Vegetable coloring matter other than green; chromule.
Any colored compound, supposed to contain one or more chromophores.
A compound that can be converted to a pigment

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