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Souce vs. Sauce — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 19, 2024
"Souce" is an incorrect spelling, whereas "sauce" is the correct spelling, denoting a liquid or semi-liquid substance served with food to add flavor or moisture.
Souce vs. Sauce — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Souce or Sauce

How to spell Sauce?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Associate "sauce" with "saucy," sharing the same spelling pattern.
Think of "sauce" as having the same 'au' sound as in "cause."
Visualize "sauce" as a mixture of ingredients, just as 'au' mixes two vowels.
Recall that "sauce" and "source" are pronounced differently, despite similar spellings.
Remember that "sauce" rhymes with "boss," both containing a single 's' in the middle.

How Do You Spell Sauce Correctly?

Incorrect: Can you pass the souce for the pasta?
Correct: Can you pass the sauce for the pasta?
Incorrect: This pizza needs more souce.
Correct: This pizza needs more sauce.
Incorrect: He added too much souce to the recipe.
Correct: He added too much sauce to the recipe.
Incorrect: Do you prefer white or red souce?
Correct: Do you prefer white or red sauce?
Incorrect: I love tomato souce on my spaghetti.
Correct: I love tomato sauce on my spaghetti.

Sauce Definitions

A flavorful liquid or semi-liquid served with food.
She made a spicy sauce for the pasta.
A mixture for enhancing the taste of dishes.
The secret to the dish was the chef's special sauce.
A culinary preparation used as a dressing or topping.
He drizzled chocolate sauce over the dessert.
An accompaniment to meals, often spiced or seasoned.
The fish was served with a tangy lemon sauce.
A condiment used to add flavor.
Barbecue sauce is essential for grilling.
In cooking, a sauce is a liquid, cream, or semi-solid food, served on or used in preparing other foods. Most sauces are not normally consumed by themselves; they add flavor, moisture, and visual appeal to a dish.
A flavorful liquid or semisolid condiment or mixture of ingredients served as a topping or other accompaniment to food.
Stewed fruit, usually served with other foods.
Something that adds zest, flavor, or piquancy.
(Informal) Impudent speech or behavior; impertinence or sauciness.
(Slang) Alcoholic liquor.
To season or flavor with sauce.
To add piquancy or zest to.
(Informal) To be impertinent or impudent to.
A liquid (often thickened) condiment or accompaniment to food.
Apple sauce; mint sauce
Tomato sauce (similar to US tomato ketchup), as in:
[meat] pie and [tomato] sauce
Alcohol, booze.
Maybe you should lay off the sauce.
(bodybuilding) Anabolic steroids.
(art) A soft crayon for use in stump drawing or in shading with the stump.
(dated) Cheek; impertinence; backtalk; sass.
Any garden vegetables eaten with meat.
To add sauce to; to season.
To cause to relish anything, as if with a sauce; to tickle or gratify, as the palate; to please; to stimulate.
To make poignant; to give zest, flavour or interest to; to set off; to vary and render attractive.
(colloquial) To treat with bitter, pert, or tart language; to be impudent or saucy to.
(slang) To send or hand over.
A composition of condiments and appetizing ingredients eaten with food as a relish; especially, a dressing for meat or fish or for puddings; as, mint sauce; sweet sauce, etc.
High sauces and rich spices fetched from the Indies.
Stewed or preserved fruit eaten with other food as a relish; as, apple sauce, cranberry sauce, etc.
Sauciness; impertinence.
A soft crayon for use in stump drawing or in shading with the stump.
To accompany with something intended to give a higher relish; to supply with appetizing condiments; to season; to flavor.
To cause to relish anything, as if with a sauce; to tickle or gratify, as the palate; to please; to stimulate; hence, to cover, mingle, or dress, as if with sauce; to make an application to.
Earth, yield me roots;Who seeks for better of thee, sauce his palateWith thy most operant poison!
To make poignant; to give zest, flavor or interest to; to set off; to vary and render attractive.
Then fell she to sauce her desires with threatenings.
Thou sayest his meat was sauced with thy upbraidings.
To treat with bitter, pert, or tart language; to be impudent or saucy to.
I'll sauce her with bitter words.
Flavorful relish or dressing or topping served as an accompaniment to food
Behave saucy or impudently towards
Dress (food) with a relish
Add zest or flavor to, make more interesting;
Sauce the roast

Sauce Meaning in a Sentence

Alfredo sauce is rich and creamy.
Hot sauce adds spice to any dish.
My mom makes the best spaghetti sauce.
I like to dip my fries in ranch sauce.
Pesto sauce is made from basil, garlic, and pine nuts.
Barbecue sauce is perfect on grilled chicken.
Pizza isn't the same without tomato sauce.
Soy sauce is essential for sushi.
Sweet and sour sauce is popular in Chinese cuisine.
Marinara sauce is great with mozzarella sticks.
Tartar sauce goes well with fish.
Caramel sauce is delicious on ice cream.
Hollandaise sauce is often served with eggs Benedict.
Bolognese sauce is a meat-based Italian sauce.
Mushroom sauce is excellent on steak.
Teriyaki sauce is both sweet and salty.
Bechamel sauce is a base for many creamy sauces and casseroles.
Cheese sauce makes broccoli more appealing.
Curry sauce can vary in heat and flavor.
Tzatziki sauce is a cool, creamy accompaniment to Greek dishes.
Chocolate sauce is a favorite dessert topping.
Buffalo sauce is essential for buffalo wings.
Salsa is a type of sauce made from tomatoes, onions, and chili peppers.
Gravy is a sauce made from the juices of cooked meat.
Chili sauce can heat up a meal.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called sauce?

Sauce is called so due to its function as a flavorful addition to food, derived from Latin 'salsa.'

Which vowel is used before sauce?

Typically, "the" is used before sauce, as in "the sauce."

What is the root word of sauce?

The root word of sauce is the Latin 'salsa,' meaning salted.

Which conjunction is used with sauce?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used with sauce, depending on the context.

What is the verb form of sauce?

The verb form related to sauce can be "to sauce," meaning to add sauce.

What is the plural form of sauce?

The plural form is sauces.

Is sauce a noun or adjective?

Sauce is a noun.

Is sauce a negative or positive word?

Sauce is a neutral word, contextually positive in culinary settings.

What is the pronunciation of sauce?

Sauce is pronounced as /sɔːs/.

Which preposition is used with sauce?

Common prepositions used with sauce are "with" and "in," as in "chicken with sauce" or "cooked in sauce."

Which article is used with sauce?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with sauce, depending on the sentence.

What is a stressed syllable in sauce?

The entire word "sauce" is stressed as it is a single syllable.

What is the singular form of sauce?

The singular form is sauce itself.

Is sauce a countable noun?

Yes, sauce is a countable noun.

What is the opposite of sauce?

The opposite of sauce could be "dry" or "undressed" in a culinary context.

Is sauce a vowel or consonant?

Sauce is neither; it's a noun.

Is the word sauce Gerund?

No, sauce is not a gerund.

Is sauce an adverb?

No, sauce is not an adverb.

Is sauce an abstract noun?

No, sauce is a concrete noun.

Is the sauce term a metaphor?

Sauce can be used metaphorically in certain contexts.

Is the word sauce imperative?

No, sauce is not an imperative; it's a noun.

Is the word “sauce” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Sauce can be a direct object in sentences like "He made a sauce."

How do we divide sauce into syllables?

Sauce is not divided into syllables as it is a single-syllable word.

What is another term for sauce?

Another term for sauce is "condiment" or "dressing."

Which determiner is used with sauce?

Determiners like "the," "a," or "this" can be used with sauce.

Is sauce a collective noun?

No, sauce is not typically considered a collective noun.

How many syllables are in sauce?

There is one syllable in sauce.

What part of speech is sauce?

Sauce is a noun.

How is sauce used in a sentence?

Example: "He added tomato sauce to enhance the flavor of the dish."

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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