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Admiss vs. Admission — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 28, 2024
"Admiss" is an incorrect spelling, while "Admission" is the correct term referring to the act of admitting or being admitted.
Admiss vs. Admission — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Admiss or Admission

How to spell Admission?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember that "Admission" ends similarly to "permission" or "submission."
Think of "mission" when spelling "Admission," as granting admission can be seen as a mission.
"Admiss" misses an "ion" at the end, making it incomplete.
Link the word "Admission" to educational institutions which often have "missions."
Visualize a ticket booth, where one gets admission to an event.

How Do You Spell Admission Correctly?

Incorrect: They discussed the admiss fee for the event.
Correct: They discussed the admission fee for the event.
Incorrect: Her admiss to the university was a big achievement.
Correct: Her admission to the university was a big achievement.
Incorrect: The museum offers free admiss on Sundays.
Correct: The museum offers free admission on Sundays.
Incorrect: The school's admiss policies were very strict.
Correct: The school's admission policies were very strict.
Incorrect: He needed an admiss ticket to enter the concert.
Correct: He needed an admission ticket to enter the concert.

Admission Definitions

Admission signifies the amount charged for entering a place.
The admission fee for the park was ten dollars.
Admission can refer to the information disclosed or revealed.
His admission surprised everyone in the room.
Admission can refer to an acknowledgment, especially of a mistake.
He made an admission of guilt in court.
Admission also means the process of accepting someone into an organization.
College admission can be very competitive.
The act of admitting or allowing to enter
The admission of new students occurs in the spring.
The right to enter or be accepted
The ticket grants admission to the show.
The price required or paid for entering; an entrance fee.
The people admitted, as to an institution
Hospital admissions rose last month.
A disclosure or confession, as of having made a mistake or done something wrong.
A voluntary acknowledgment of a fact or truth; a concession
By his own admission the project was underfunded.
(Law) A statement against one's personal interests that can be used as evidence in a law case.
The act or practice of admitting.
Permission to enter, or the entrance itself; admittance; entrance; access
I request admission for two adults
The granting of an argument or position not fully proved; the act of acknowledging something asserted; acknowledgement; concession.
(legal) Acquiescence or concurrence in a statement made by another, and distinguishable from a confession in that an admission presupposes prior inquiry by another, but a confession may be made without such inquiry.
A fact, point, or statement admitted; as, admission made out of court are received in evidence
Declaration of the bishop that he approves of the presentee as a fit person to serve the cure of the church to which he is presented.
The cost or fee associated with attendance or entry.
Power or permission to enter; admittance; entrance; access; power to approach.
What numbers groan for sad admission there!
The granting of an argument or position not fully proved; the act of acknowledging something serted; acknowledgment; concession.
The too easy admission of doctrines.
Acquiescence or concurrence in a statement made by another, and distinguishable from a confession in that an admission presupposes prior inquiry by another, but a confession may be made without such inquiry.
A fact, point, or statement admitted; as, admission made out of court are received in evidence.
The act of admitting someone to enter;
The surgery was performed on his second admission to the clinic
An acknowledgment of the truth of something
The fee charged for admission
Admission is the act of allowing someone to enter.
She bought a ticket for admission to the museum.

Admission Meaning in a Sentence

Admission to the club is restricted to members only.
Admission to the zoo includes a guided tour.
The movie theater offers half-price admission on Tuesdays.
She kept her admission ticket as a souvenir.
The admission process for the program is very competitive.
Online admission forms make applying to colleges easier.
Discounted admission is available for students and seniors.
Getting admission to a top university requires hard work.
Please show your admission pass at the gate.
The college admission office is very busy during the fall.
The gallery offers free admission on the first Friday of every month.
Children under five get free admission to the park.
The museum's admission fee goes towards conservation efforts.
Admission to the concert is by ticket only.
Admission to the private event requires a special invitation.
Early admission to the sale event is a perk for VIP members.
The admission criteria for the course are quite stringent.
Admission to the festival grounds starts at 9 AM.
The hospital's admission desk is located near the entrance.
He was excited about his admission to the science fair.

Admission Idioms & Phrases

Seek admission

To attempt to enter a place or join a group.
She will seek admission to several universities this year.

Grant admission

To allow someone entry or acceptance.
The museum granted admission to all visitors on National Heritage Day.

Gain admission

To be allowed entry into a place or organization.
He worked hard to gain admission to the prestigious law school.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Admission?

It is pronounced as /ədˈmɪʃən/.

What is the verb form of Admission?

The verb form is "admit."

Which vowel is used before Admission?

The article "an" is typically used before "admission."

Why is it called Admission?

It's called "Admission" from the Latin "admittere," meaning "to allow."

What is the singular form of Admission?

The singular form is "admission."

Which article is used with Admission?

Both "a" and "an" can be used, but "an" is commonly used before "admission."

What is the root word of Admission?

The root word is Latin "admittere."

What is the plural form of Admission?

The plural form is "admissions."

Which conjunction is used with Admission?

Any conjunction can be used, like "and" or "but," depending on the sentence.

Is Admission a countable noun?

Yes, e.g., "There were many admissions to the hospital."

Is the Admission term a metaphor?

"Admission" can be used metaphorically, as in admitting a truth or fact.

Is Admission a vowel or consonant?

"Admission" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is Admission a collective noun?

No, "admission" is not a collective noun.

Which preposition is used with Admission?

Prepositions like "to" (as in "admission to a club") or "of" (as in "admission of guilt") can be used.

Is Admission an abstract noun?

Yes, especially when referring to an acknowledgment or disclosure.

Is the word Admission imperative?

No, "admission" is not in the imperative form.

What is a stressed syllable in Admission?

The second syllable "mis" is stressed.

What is another term for Admission?

Another term could be "entry."

Is Admission a noun or adjective?

"Admission" is a noun.

Is Admission an adverb?

No, "admission" is not an adverb.

Is the word Admission a gerund?

No, "admitting" would be the gerund form.

Is the word “Admission” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Admission" can be used as a direct object, e.g., "He gained admission to the university."

What part of speech is Admission?

"Admission" is a noun.

What is the opposite of Admission?

The opposite could be "denial" or "rejection."

Which determiner is used with Admission?

Determiners like "this," "that," "my," or "each" can be used.

What is the first form of Admission?

The base form for the related verb is "admit."

What is the third form of Admission?

The past participle of the related verb is "admitted."

Is Admission a negative or positive word?

Neutral. The context determines its connotation.

How many syllables are in Admission?

There are three syllables in "admission."

How do we divide Admission into syllables?

It's divided as ad-mis-sion.

What is the second form of Admission?

The past simple of the related verb is "admitted."

How is Admission used in a sentence?

"Her admission to the elite university was a significant achievement for the family."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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