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Pleace vs. Please — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 22, 2024
"Pleace" is the incorrect spelling of "please," which is a polite expression used to make a request more courteous.
Pleace vs. Please — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Pleace or Please

How to spell Please?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Associate the word with politeness; the longer spelling with an "l" feels more complete and courteous.
Think of the phrase "Please lend a hand," where the double "e" in "lend" is mirrored by the double "e" in "please."
Remember that "please" contains the word "ease," which is how it feels when someone politely asks for something.
"Please" sounds like "peas," but it’s spelled with an "l" after the "p."
Visualize the phrase "please with ease" to remember the correct spelling with 'ease' rather than 'ace.'

How Do You Spell Please Correctly?

Incorrect: She didn’t even say pleace when she asked for a favor.
Correct: She didn’t even say please when she asked for a favor.
Incorrect: I would like you to pleace the book on the shelf.
Correct: I would like you to please place the book on the shelf.
Incorrect: It's not too much to ask for a simple pleace, is it?
Correct: It's not too much to ask for a simple please, is it?
Incorrect: Pleace come here. I need your help.
Correct: Please come here. I need your help.
Incorrect: Can you pleace pass the salt?
Correct: Can you please pass the salt?

Please Definitions

To make a polite request more emphatic:
Please, you must believe me.
Expression of politeness in a request:
Could you please open the window?
To express annoyance or impatience:
Please, just stop talking.
A polite addition to requests or commands:
Pass me the salt, please.
To express desire or wish:
Please let it be true.
Cause to feel happy and satisfied
It pleased him to be seen with someone in the news
He arranged a fishing trip to please his son
Take only one's own wishes into consideration in deciding how to act or proceed
This is the first time in ages that I can just please myself
Used in polite requests or questions
Please address letters to the Editor
What type of fish is this, please?
To give enjoyment, pleasure, or satisfaction to; make glad or contented.
To be the will or desire of
May it please the court to admit this firearm as evidence.
To give satisfaction or pleasure; be agreeable
Waiters who try hard to please.
To have the will or desire; wish
Do as you please. Sit down, if you please.
If it is your desire or pleasure; if you please. Used in polite requests
Please stand back. Pay attention, please.
Yes. Used in polite affirmative replies to offers
May I help you? Please.
(ambitransitive) To make happy or satisfy; to give pleasure to.
Her presentation pleased the executives.
I'm pleased to see you've been behaving yourself.
Our new range of organic foods is sure to please.
To desire; to will; to be pleased by.
Just do as you please.
He doesn't think, he just says whatever he pleases.
Used to make a polite request.
Please, pass the bread.
Would you please sign this form?
Could you tell me the time, please?
May I take your order, please?
Used as an affirmative to an offer.
—May I help you? —(Yes,) please.
An expression of annoyance or impatience.
Oh, please, do we have to hear that again?
(Cincinnati) Said as a request to repeat information.
To give pleasure to; to excite agreeable sensations or emotions in; to make glad; to gratify; to content; to satisfy.
I pray to God that it may plesen you.
What next I bring shall please thee, be assured.
To have or take pleasure in; hence, to choose; to wish; to desire; to will.
Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did he.
A man doing as he wills, and doing as he pleases, are the same things in common speech.
To be the will or pleasure of; to seem good to; - used impersonally.
To-morrow, may it please you.
To afford or impart pleasure; to excite agreeable emotions.
What pleasing scemed, for her now pleases more.
For we that live to please, must please to live.
To have pleasure; to be willing, as a matter of affording pleasure or showing favor; to vouchsafe; to consent.
Heavenly stranger, please to tasteThese bounties.
That he would please 8give me my liberty.
Give pleasure to or be pleasing to;
These colors please the senses
A pleasing sensation
Be the will of or have the will (to);
He could do many things if he pleased
Give satisfaction;
The waiters around her aim to please
Used in polite request;
Please pay attention

Please Meaning in a Sentence

Please help me with my homework.
Can you please find my glasses?
Don't forget to say please when you ask for something.
Please hold the door for others as you enter.
It's important to always say please and thank you.
Please be careful when you go out tonight.
Please turn off the lights when you leave.
Please be quiet in the library.
I hope you can come to my party, please.
Could you please help me carry this?
Please make sure to lock the door.
Please take your shoes off before entering the house.
Could you please call me when you arrive?
Please remember to feed the dog.
Can you please check if the door is locked?
He begged them to please be quiet.
She asked him to please lower his voice.
Please don't leave any mess in the kitchen.
Please make sure everyone has a handout.
Please listen to the instructions carefully.
Please join us for dinner tonight.
Please let me know if you can't attend.
Please take a moment to review these details.
He said please many times, trying to be polite.
Could you please repeat what you said?

Please Idioms & Phrases

Pretty please

A way of asking for something very nicely, often used by children.
She added a 'pretty please' to make her request sound cuter.

Please yourself

Used to tell someone to do whatever they want, often in a resigned manner.
If you don't want my advice, please yourself.

Please note

Used to draw attention to something important.
Please note that the office will be closed tomorrow.

If you please

An old-fashioned or formal way of asking for permission.
Pass the salt, if you please.

Please confirm

Used to ask for confirmation.
Please confirm your attendance.

Please and thank you

Referring to basic manners and politeness.
Remember to use 'please and thank you' when you ask for something.

As you please

Indicates that someone can do something in whatever way they want.
Arrange the chairs as you please.

Could you please?

A polite way of making a request.
Could you please send me the files?

Yes, please

A polite way of accepting something.
Would you like some tea? Yes, please.

Please be advised

A formal way of providing information or warning.
Please be advised that the road will be closed.

Please hold

Used to ask someone to wait, especially on the telephone.
Please hold while I transfer your call.

Please consider

A polite way to ask someone to think about something.
Please consider the proposal carefully.

Please reply

A polite request for a response.
Please reply at your earliest convenience.

Would you please?

Another polite way to ask for something.
Would you please close the door?

Please keep

A request to retain something.
Please keep this confidential.

Please find attached

Used in emails to indicate that something is attached.
Please find attached the document you requested.

Please be informed

Used to politely inform someone of something.
Please be informed that the meeting time has changed.

Please remember

Used to remind someone of something.
Please remember to bring your passport.

Please proceed

Used to give permission to begin something.
Please proceed to the checkout.

Please advise

A formal request for advice or information.
Please advise on the next steps.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide please into syllables?

Please is divided as: please.

How is please used in a sentence?

"Please" is used to make requests polite, show impatience, or add emphasis.

Why is it called please?

Please is derived from the Old French word "plaisir," meaning to please, which evolved into the English polite expression to make requests smoother.

What is the root word of please?

The root of "please" is the Latin word "placere," meaning to be acceptable or to please.

What is the verb form of please?

"Please" itself acts as a verb when used to indicate causing pleasure or satisfaction.

What is a stressed syllable in please?

The stressed syllable in "please" is the entire word itself.

What is the second form of please?

The second form of "please" is "pleased."

How many syllables are in please?

Please has one syllable.

What is the singular form of please?

The singular form of "please" is "please."

What is the plural form of please?

There is no plural form of "please" as it does not vary by number.

What is the opposite of please?

The opposite of "please" could be "displease" or "annoy."

Is please a countable noun?

"Please" is not a noun; thus, it is neither countable nor uncountable.

What is the pronunciation of please?

Please is pronounced as /pliːz/.

What is the first form of please?

The first form of "please" is "please."

What is the third form of please?

The third form of "please" is also "pleased."

Is please an abstract noun?

"Please" is not a noun; it is a verb and an interjection, so it cannot be an abstract noun.

Is please a collective noun?

"Please" is not a collective noun.

Is the word please imperative?

The word "please" can be used in imperative requests, making it functionally imperative.

Is the word please Gerund?

"Please" is not a gerund; it does not end in -ing and is not used as a noun.

Which vowel is used before please?

A specific vowel is not consistently used before "please"; it varies based on context.

Is please a noun or adjective?

"Please" is neither a noun nor an adjective; it is a verb and sometimes an interjection.

Which determiner is used with please?

Determiners are not typically used with "please" as it is not a noun.

Which article is used with please?

Articles are not used with "please" as it is not a noun.

What part of speech is please?

Please is primarily used as a verb, but can also function as an interjection.

What is another term for please?

Another term for "please" is "delight."

Is please a negative or positive word?

"Please" is generally considered a positive word as it expresses politeness and courtesy.

Is please a vowel or consonant?

"Please" is a word consisting of both vowels and consonants.

Is the please term a metaphor?

The term "please" is not typically used as a metaphor.

Is the word “please” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Please" does not function as a direct or indirect object as it is a verb or interjection.

Which conjunction is used with please?

Conjunctions are not typically used directly with "please" in a fixed manner.

Is please an adverb?

"Please" is not typically an adverb.

Which preposition is used with please?

Prepositions are not typically used directly with "please" in a fixed manner.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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