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Dicey vs. Dicy — Which is Correct Spelling?

Dicey vs. Dicy — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Dicey or Dicy

How to spell Dicey?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Dicey Definitions

Dicey is a surname.
Unpredictable and potentially dangerous
Democracy is a dicey business
Involving or fraught with danger or risk
"an extremely dicey future on a brave new world of liquid nitrogen, tar, and smog" (New Yorker).
Fraught with danger.
Of uncertain, risky outcome.
Of doubtful or uncertain efficacy, provenance, etc.; dodgy.
(slang) Nauseating, rank.
Of uncertain outcome; especially fraught with risk;
An extremely dicey future on a brave new world of liquid nitrogen, tar, and smog

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