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Colander vs. Cullender — Which is Correct Spelling?

Colander vs. Cullender — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Colander or Cullender

How to spell Colander?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Colander Definitions

A colander (or cullender) is a kitchen utensil used to strain foods such as pasta or to rinse vegetables. The perforated nature of the colander allows liquid to drain through while retaining the solids inside.
A perforated bowl used to strain off liquid from food after washing or cooking.
A bowl-shaped kitchen utensil with perforations for draining off liquids and rinsing food.
A bowl-shaped kitchen utensil with holes in it used for draining food that has been cooking in water, such as pasta.
A utensil with a bottom perforated with little holes for straining liquids, mashed vegetable pulp, etc.; a strainer of wickerwork, perforated metal, or the like.
Bowl-shaped strainer; used to wash or drain foods

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