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Trial Definition and Meaning

By Urooj Arif & Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Trial" refers to a formal examination of evidence in a court, or a test of performance, qualities, or suitability. e.g., The new medicine is undergoing clinical trials.

Trial Definitions

Trial means a legal proceeding to determine a defendant's guilt or innocence.
The high-profile trial was covered extensively in the media.
Trial denotes a preliminary competition or test.
He made it through the first trial in the tournament.
Trial refers to testing something in a short-term experiment.
They conducted a trial to test the new software.
Trial signifies a period of testing the effectiveness of something.
The trial period for the subscription service lasts one month.
Trial involves a challenging experience or hardship.
The long hike was a real trial of endurance.
Trial implies evaluating the quality or capability of someone or something.
The chef's trial in the new kitchen went well.
Trial refers to a sample or pilot version of a product.
The trial version of the app has limited features.
Trial indicates a test of patience or resilience.
The long wait was a trial of his patience.
Trial signifies a court case to settle a dispute.
The property dispute trial lasted several months.
A proceeding in which opposing parties in a dispute present evidence and make arguments on the application of the law before a judge or jury
The case is expected to go to trial.
An instance of such a proceeding
The trial of Socrates.
The act or process of testing, trying, or putting to the proof
A trial of one's faith.
An instance of such testing, especially as part of a series of tests or experiments
A clinical trial of a drug.
An effort or attempt
Succeeded on the third trial.
A state of pain or anguish that tests patience, endurance, or belief
"the fiery trial through which we pass" (Abraham Lincoln).
A trying, troublesome, or annoying person or thing
The child was a trial to his parents.
A preliminary competition or test to determine qualifications, as in a sport.
Of, relating to, or used in a trial.
Attempted or advanced on a provisional or experimental basis
A married couple on a trial separation.
Made or done in the course of a trial or test.
An opportunity to test something out; a test.
They will perform the trials for the new equipment next week.
Appearance at judicial court in order to be examined.
A difficult or annoying experience, such an experience seen as a test of faith and piety
That boy was a trial to his parents.
A tryout to pick members of a team.
Soccer trials
(ceramics) A piece of ware used to test the heat of a kiln.
(UK) An internal examination set by Eton College.
Pertaining to a trial or test.
Attempted on a provisional or experimental basis.
Characterized by having three (usually equivalent) components.
(grammar) Pertaining to a language form referring to three of something, like people; contrast singular, dual and plural. (See Ambai language for an example.)
No language has a trial number unless it has a dual.
To carry out a series of tests on (a new product, procedure etc.) before marketing or implementing it.
The warning system was extensively trialed before being fitted to all our vehicles.
To try out (a new player) in a sports team.
The team trialled a new young goalkeeper in Saturday's match, with mixed results.
The act of trying or testing in any manner.
Any effort or exertion of strength for the purpose of ascertaining what can be done or effected.
[I] defy thee to the trial of mortal fight.
The state of being tried or tempted; exposure to suffering that tests strength, patience, faith, or the like; affliction or temptation that exercises and proves the graces or virtues of men.
Others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings.
The act of testing by experience; proof; test.
Repeated trials of the issues and events of actions.
That which tries or afflicts; that which harasses; that which tries the character or principles; that which tempts to evil; as, his child's conduct was a sore trial.
Every station is exposed to some trials.
Examination by a test; experiment, as in chemistry, metallurgy, etc.
The formal examination of the matter in issue in a cause before a competent tribunal; the mode of determining a question of fact in a court of law; the examination, in legal form, of the facts in issue in a cause pending before a competent tribunal, for the purpose of determining such issue.
(law) legal proceedings consisting of the judicial examination of issues by a competent tribunal;
Most of these complaints are settled before they go to trial
The act of testing something;
In the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately
He called each flip of the coin a new trial
(sports) a preliminary competition to determine qualifications;
The trials for the semifinals began yesterday
(law) the determination of a person's innocence or guilt by due process of law;
He had a fair trial and the jury found him guilty
Trying something to find out about it;
A sample for ten days free trial
A trial of progesterone failed to relieve the pain
An annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event;
His mother-in-law's visits were a great trial for him
Life is full of tribulations
A visitation of the plague
The act of undergoing testing;
He survived the great test of battle
Candidates must compete in a trial of skill
Trial means the process of trying out a new method.
She's on a trial run of her innovative teaching approach.

Trial Snonyms


A session at which a case is adjudicated, especially in court.
The defendant will have his hearing next month.


An examination of the performance, qualities, or suitability of someone or something.
The new software is undergoing a test to ensure it meets our needs.


A scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact.
The experiment aimed to prove the theory correct.


A difficult or painful experience, especially one that tests character or endurance.
Climbing the mountain was an ordeal she would never forget.


The evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something.
The assessment of the project's impact was positive.


The making of a judgment about the amount, number, or value of something; assessment.
The teacher's evaluation of the students was fair.


A test of the potential of someone or something, especially in the context of entertainment or sports.
She was nervous about her tryout for the lead role in the play.


An official inspection of an individual's or organization's accounts, typically by an independent body.
The company is preparing for an annual audit.


A detailed inspection or study.
The examination of the evidence took several hours.


The process of taking legal action.
The dispute led to litigation that lasted for years.

Trial Idioms & Phrases

Give it a trial run

To test something in a real-life situation to see how it works or performs.
Before fully committing to the software, they decided to give it a trial run.

Face a trial

To undergo a challenging or difficult situation that tests one's abilities or endurance.
She knew she would face a trial when she decided to climb the mountain.

A trial by fire

A situation where one is tested through a difficult and challenging experience.
Taking on the role of manager without any prior experience was a trial by fire for him.

Put to the trial

To test someone or something to determine their quality, effectiveness, or reliability.
The new policy was put to the trial during the crisis.

A trial balloon

A tentative measure taken or statement made to see how a new policy will be received.
The government floated a trial balloon to gauge public reaction to the proposed tax changes.

On trial for

Being tested or evaluated for a specific period or situation.
He felt like he was on trial for his abilities during the first week of his new job.

A trial and error process

A method of achieving a desired result by trying different methods until finding the most effective one.
Learning to bake the perfect pie was a trial and error process for her.

Stand trial

To be subjected to a judicial examination or legal process.
The accused was scheduled to stand trial for the alleged crimes.

Trial period

A period of time during which something is tested or tried out.
The new employees had a three-month trial period before becoming permanent.

Trial of strength

A situation or event that tests the power, durability, or capability of someone or something.
The weightlifting competition was a trial of strength for the athletes.

Under trial

Being in a situation where one is being tested or evaluated.
The prototype was under trial for its effectiveness in various conditions.

A trial of faith

A challenging situation that tests one's beliefs or convictions.
The difficult circumstances he faced were a trial of faith.

Trial by jury

A legal process where a group of people (a jury) decides the case.
She opted for a trial by jury to determine the outcome of her lawsuit.

Endure a trial

To undergo and withstand a difficult or challenging test.
He had to endure a trial of endurance during the marathon.

Emerging from trial

To come out of a difficult or testing situation, usually stronger or more experienced.
Emerging from trial, the company became more resilient and adaptive.

Trial of patience

A situation that tests or challenges one's ability to remain patient.
Waiting in line for hours was a real trial of patience.

A trial of wits

A situation that tests one's intelligence, resourcefulness, or mental sharpness.
The chess tournament was a trial of wits for the competing players.

Survive the trial

To endure or withstand a challenging test or situation.
Despite the hardships, she managed to survive the trial of living abroad alone.

Trial for error

Testing something to identify any mistakes or faults.
The engineering team went through a trial for error phase to perfect the design.

A trial of endurance

A situation that tests how long someone can withstand a difficult or stressful situation.
The long-distance race was not just a physical challenge but also a trial of endurance.

Trial Example Sentences

The trial of the new medication showed promising results.
They offered a free trial of the online course.
They went through a trial phase before launching the product.
The trial in the courtroom attracted many spectators.
The experimental trial aimed to improve crop yields.
The trial for the software is available for 30 days.
She was nervous about her first trial at the new job.
He faced a trial of his skills in the competition.
He had a trial membership at the gym.
The trial run of the play was a success.
She found the trial period of the equipment useful.
The trial for the new teaching method began today.
The trial against the accused was set for next month.
The trial in the science lab was conducted safely.
The trial for the bike race was challenging.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in trial?

There are 2 syllables in "trial."

How do we divide trial into syllables?

Trial is divided into syllables as tri-al.

What is the pronunciation of trial?

Trial is pronounced as /ˈtraɪəl/.

What is the root word of trial?

The root word of trial is the Anglo-French term "trial" or "triail."

What is a stressed syllable in trial?

In the word "trial," the first syllable "tri" is stressed.

How is trial used in a sentence?

Trial is used as a noun, e.g., "The trial of the accused will start next week."

What is the singular form of trial?

The singular form is "trial."

Why is it called trial?

It is called a trial because it originates from the Anglo-French term "trial" or "triail," meaning an act of testing or proving, often used in the context of judicial proceedings.

What is the second form of trial?

As a noun, trial does not have a second form. As a verb, it would be "trialled" in British English or "trialed" in American English.

What is the verb form of trial?

The verb form of trial can be "trialling" in British English or "trialing" in American English, meaning to test or experiment.

What part of speech is trial?

Trial is primarily a noun.

What is the plural form of trial?

The plural form is "trials."

Is trial a noun or adjective?

Trial is a noun.

Is the word trial imperative?

No, "trial" is not imperative; it is a noun.

Is the word “trial” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Trial" can serve as a direct object in a sentence, e.g., "He faced the trial bravely."

What is the opposite of trial?

The opposite of trial can be "acquittal" if referring to court or "certainty" if referring to testing or uncertainty.

Is trial an abstract noun?

Trial is a concrete noun when referring to judicial proceedings, but it can be considered abstract when referring to the concept of testing or experiencing challenges.

Is the word trial Gerund?

No, "trial" is not a gerund; it is a noun. The gerund form of the verb "to trial" would be "trialling" or "trialing."

Which determiner is used with trial?

Determiners like "a," "an," "the," or possessives like "my," "your," etc., can be used with "trial" depending on the context, e.g., "a trial" or "the trial."

Which vowel is used before trial?

When using an indefinite article before "trial," "a" is used because "trial" begins with a consonant sound, e.g., "a trial."

Is trial an adverb?

No, trial is not an adverb.

Which conjunction is used with trial?

Conjunctions are not specific to the word "trial" and depend on the sentence structure. Examples include "and," "but," or "or."

What is another term for trial?

Another term for trial is "hearing" or "court case."

Is trial a negative or positive word?

Trial is generally neutral but can have negative connotations, especially in legal contexts.

Is trial a vowel or consonant?

The word "trial" starts with a consonant.

Is trial a collective noun?

No, trial is not a collective noun.

Which preposition is used with trial?

Prepositions used with "trial" vary based on context, like "on trial" or "during the trial."

Which article is used with trial?

The indefinite article "a" is used with "trial" when it precedes a noun starting with a consonant sound, e.g., "a trial." "The" can be used when referring to a specific instance, e.g., "the trial of the century."

What is the first form of trial?

Trial is a noun, and as such, does not have verb forms. However, the related verb form would be "trial" as in to trial something.

What is the third form of trial?

As a noun, trial does not have a third form. As a verb, it would be "trialled" in British English or "trialed" in American English.

Is trial a countable noun?

Yes, trial is a countable noun.

Is the trial term a metaphor?

The word "trial" can be used metaphorically to describe a challenging experience.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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