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Bald Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Bald" describes a lack of hair on the scalp, either naturally or due to shaving. e.g., The artist was known for his signature bald head.

Bald Definitions

Bald suggests an obvious or undisguised appearance.
The truth was bald and undeniable.
Bald means having no hair on the scalp.
He became bald at an early age.
Bald signifies the state of hairlessness, naturally or by choice.
The bald eagle is a well-known bird species.
Bald means showing a bare or uncovered part.
The tire was bald, showing signs of wear.
Bald implies being stripped of any extra elements or details.
The report was presented in a bald and straightforward manner.
Bald conveys the absence of vegetation or growth.
The landscape was stark and bald after the fire.
Bald refers to a plain or blunt style of expression.
His comments were bald and to the point.
Lacking hair on the head.
Lacking a natural or usual covering
A bald spot on the lawn.
Lacking treads
A bald tire.
(Zoology) Having white feathers or markings on the head, as in some birds or mammals.
Lacking ornamentation; unadorned.
Undisguised; blunt
A bald statement of policy.
Having no hair, fur or feathers.
(specifically) Having no hair on the head, or having a large area of bare scalp on top of the head although hair may still grow on the sides and back of the head.
A bald man with a moustache
Having areas (of fur or plumage) that are coloured white, especially on the head.
(by extension) Denuded of any covering.
The bald cypress is a tree that loses its leaves in winter.
Of tyres: whose surface is worn away.
Without evidence or support being provided.
(Appalachian) A mountain summit or crest that lacks forest growth despite a warm climate conducive to such, as is found in many places in the Southern Appalachian Mountains.
(intransitive) To become bald.
Destitute of the natural or common covering on the head or top, as of hair, feathers, foliage, trees, etc.; as, a bald head; a bald oak.
On the bald top of an eminence.
Destitute of ornament; unadorned; bare; literal.
In the preface to his own bald translation.
Destitute of dignity or value; paltry; mean.
Destitute of a beard or awn; as, bald wheat.
Destitute of the natural covering.
Grow bald; lose hair on one's head;
He is balding already
With no effort to conceal;
A barefaced lie
Without the natural or usual covering;
A bald spot on the lawn
Bare hills
Lacking hair on all or most of the scalp;
A bald pate
A bald-headed gentleman
Bald refers to a surface devoid of usual coverings.
The bald mountain top stood out in the landscape.
Bald denotes lacking adornment or covering.
The room's walls were bald and unadorned.
Bald indicates a clear, unobstructed view.
The bald summit provided a panoramic view.

Bald Snonyms


Having had the hair, wool, or fur cut off close to the skin.
He preferred a shaven head to one with hair.


Lacking hair on parts where it normally grows, especially on the head.
The hairless cat requires special care to keep its skin healthy.


Having no beard or mustache, and often implying a smoothly shaven face.
He looked quite different after he arrived clean-shaven.


Made smooth and glossy by rubbing or chemical action.
The polished floor reflected the light brilliantly.


Not decorated with something to increase its beauty or distinction.
The beauty of the sculpture lay in its unadorned simplicity.


Having an even and regular surface; free from perceptible projections, lumps, or indentations.
The smooth stone was perfect for skipping across the water.


Free from hair or down; smooth.
The glabrous leaves of the plant felt soft to the touch.


Having a scalp wholly or partly lacking hair.
The baldheaded man chose to wear hats to protect his head from the sun.


Not covered by any clothing or adornment; exposed.
The bare walls of the room gave it a stark look.


Having a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light.
The racer wore a helmet with a slick surface for better aerodynamics.

Bald Idioms & Phrases

Bald ambition

Ambition that is plain and unadorned, potentially ruthless.
His bald ambition was evident in his aggressive pursuit of the leadership role.

Bald statement

A very direct, unadorned statement or declaration.
His speech contained a bald statement of facts, with no room for misunderstanding.

Bald-faced lie

A blatant, obvious lie.
He told a bald-faced lie about his whereabouts last night.

Bald truth, no wig

The absolute truth without any attempt to disguise or soften it.
In his autobiography, he promised to tell the bald truth, no wig.

Bald truth

A plain, unadorned truth, often one that is harsh or unpalatable.
She delivered the bald truth about the company's financial crisis during the meeting.

Bald-headed hermit

A humorous or playful way to refer to someone who is bald.
He jokingly referred to himself as a bald-headed hermit.

As bald as a coot

Completely bald.
My grandfather is as bald as a coot, but he wears it with confidence.

Bald spot

An area on the head where hair has stopped growing.
He tried various hairstyles to cover his growing bald spot.

Bald as a billiard ball

Completely bald, without any hair.
After losing a bet, he shaved his head and was as bald as a billiard ball.

Bald as brass

Brazenly bald, without any attempt to hide it.
He walked in, bald as brass, completely comfortable with his new look.

Bald excuse

A plainly stated excuse, lacking in persuasive power or substance.
He offered a bald excuse for his lateness that didn't convince his teacher.

Bald statement of fact

A statement that is direct and unvarnished, with no attempt at embellishment.
The report consisted of a bald statement of fact, leaving no room for interpretation.

Bald denial

A direct and unembellished refusal or denial.
She gave a bald denial to the accusations leveled against her.

Bald narrative

A story or account told without unnecessary detail, straightforwardly.
The witness gave a bald narrative of the events without any emotional commentary.

Bald fact

A fact presented in a straightforward, unadorned manner.
The lawyer based his argument on the bald fact, avoiding any emotional appeals.

Bald as an egg

Completely bald, with a smooth, hairless head.
After his haircut, he looked as bald as an egg, much to his friends' amusement.

Bald decision

A decision made plainly and without unnecessary embellishment.
The committee made a bald decision that changed the course of the project.

Bald assurance

Confidence or assurance expressed in a direct and unadorned manner.
She gave a bald assurance that everything would be completed on time.


Having a head devoid of hair.
The character in the novel was described as a tall, bald-headed man.

Bald response

A response that is straightforward, plain, and unembellished.
He gave a bald response to the complex question, surprising everyone with its simplicity.

Bald Example Sentences

The doll had a bald head, which was unusual.
My grandfather is bald and wears a hat.
The old car had bald tires that needed replacing.
He noticed a bald spot appearing on his head.
The mountain had a bald peak, with no trees.
In the story, the wizard was described as bald.
The statue had a smooth, bald head.
The bald patch on the lawn needed reseeding.
The field was bald after the harvest.
He proudly embraced his bald look with confidence.
The garden was bald after the winter season.
She painted a portrait of a bald man.
The eagle, with its bald head, soared high.
He joked about his bald head in the sun.
They climbed to the bald top of the hill.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in bald?

There is 1 syllable in "bald."

Why is it called bald?

It is called bald from the Old English word "balde," meaning white or pale, which evolved to describe a lack of hair on the scalp.

How do we divide bald into syllables?

Bald is not divided into syllables as it is a single syllable word.

What is the first form of bald?

As an adjective, bald does not have verb forms. The verb "to bald" is the base form.

How is bald used in a sentence?

Bald is used as an adjective, e.g., "He is bald after shaving his head."

What is the singular form of bald?

Bald is the same in both singular and plural forms; it does not change.

What is a stressed syllable in bald?

In the word "bald," the single syllable "bald" is the stressed syllable.

What is the verb form of bald?

The verb form of bald can be "to bald," meaning to become bald.

Is bald an adverb?

No, bald is not an adverb; it is an adjective.

What is the pronunciation of bald?

Bald is pronounced as /bɔːld/.

What is the root word of bald?

The root word of bald is the Old English word "balde," meaning white or pale.

What is the second form of bald?

Bald is an adjective and does not have verb forms. For the verb "to bald," the second form would be "balded."

Is bald a noun or adjective?

Bald is an adjective.

Is bald an abstract noun?

No, bald is not a noun; it is an adjective.

What is the plural form of bald?

Bald is the same in both singular and plural forms; it does not change.

Is bald a negative or positive word?

Bald is neutral; it can be either negative or positive depending on the context and cultural perceptions.

Is bald a vowel or consonant?

The word "bald" starts with a consonant.

Is the word bald imperative?

No, "bald" is not imperative; it is an adjective.

Is the word bald Gerund?

No, "bald" is not a gerund; it is an adjective.

Which vowel is used before bald?

Typically, no vowel is used directly before "bald." Articles or determiners used depend on the noun that "bald" is modifying.

What part of speech is bald?

Bald is an adjective.

Is bald a countable noun?

Bald is not a noun; it is an adjective and therefore not countable.

Is bald a collective noun?

No, bald is not a collective noun; it's an adjective.

Which conjunction is used with bald?

Conjunctions are not specific to the word "bald" and depend on the sentence structure. Examples include "and," "but," or "or."

What is the third form of bald?

Bald is an adjective and does not have verb forms. For the verb "to bald," the third form would be "balded."

Is the bald term a metaphor?

The word "bald" can be used metaphorically to describe something that is lacking or bare.

Is the word “bald” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Bald" is an adjective and does not serve as a direct or indirect object.

Which determiner is used with bald?

Determiners like "a," "an," "the," or possessives like "my," "your," etc., can be used with "bald" depending on the context, e.g., "a bald head."

Which article is used with bald?

Articles are typically used with the noun that "bald" modifies, not with "bald" itself, e.g., "a bald eagle" or "the bald man."

What is another term for bald?

Another term for bald is "hairless."

What is the opposite of bald?

The opposite of bald could be "hairy" or "hair-covered."

Which preposition is used with bald?

Prepositions used with "bald" vary based on context, like "bald on top" or "bald from shaving."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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